242 The English Reader. And oft at dawn, deep noon, or falling, eve, Ye, chief, for whom the whole creation smiles, For me, when I forget the darling theme, Should fate command me to the farthest verge Part the d Ther thee Ther sia in Con hap. 6. the void waste as in the city full; PART L PAGE Ст. 1. No rank or possessions can make the guilty mind 2. Change of external condition often adverse to 9. The dignity of virtue amidst corrupt examples. 6 10. The mortifications of vice greater than those of virtue, 11. On contentment, 12. Rank and riches afford no ground for envy, 13. Patience under provocations our interest as well 14. Moderation in our wishes recommended, 15. Omniscience and omnipresence of 2 source of consoles 2. The cataract of Niagara, in Canada, N.Ameri 6. The grotto of Antiparos, 4. I Le grerto of Antiparos, continued, 5. Barthquake at Catanca, . Prosperity is redoubled to a good man 9. On the beauties of the pslams, 10. Character of Alfred, king of England, - iger 1. Trial and execution of the earl of Stafford, 2. An eminent instance of true fortitude of mind, |