You grow correct, that once, with Rapture writ, Decay of Parts, alas! we all must feel -- 5 steal? Why now, this moment, don't I see you "To laugh at Fools who put their trust in Peter." 10 But Horace, Sir, was delicate, was nice; Bubo observes, he lash'd no fort of Vice : In rev'rend Bishops note some small Neglects, VARIATIONS. P. Sir, what I write, should be correctly writ. Besides, you grow too moral for a Wit. NOTES. 15 VER. 12. Bubo observes,] Some guilty perfon very fond of making fuch an obfervation. P. VER. 14. Higgins] Formerly Jaylar of the Fleet prifon, enriched himself by many exactions, for which he was tried and expelled. P. VER. 18. Who cropt our Ears,] Said to be executed by the Captain of a Spanish ship on one Jenkins a Captain of 1 21 His fly, polite, infinuating style 25 A Go fee Sir ROBERT -- P. See Sir ROBERT !--- hum -- And never laugh --- for all my life to come? Of Social Pleasure, ill-exchang'd før Pow'r; 30 Seen him, uncumber'd with the Venal tribe, Smile without Art, and win without a Bribe. NOTES. an English one. He cut off his ears, and bid him carry them to the King his master. P. VER. 22. Screen.] Omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amico Tangit, et admissus circum præcordia ludit. Perf. P. Ibid. Screen.] A metaphor peculiarly appropriated to a certain person in power. P. VER. 24. Patriots there are, &c.] This appellation was generally given to those in opposition to the Court. Though fome of them (which our author hints at) had views too mean and interested to deserve that name. P. VER. 26. The Great man] A phrafe, by common use, appropriated to the first minifter. P. VER. 31. Seen bim, uncumber'd] These two verses were Would he oblige me? let me only find, Come, come, at all I laugh he laughs, no doubt; 35 F. Why yes: with Scripture still you may be free; A Horse-laugh, if you please, at Honesty; A Joke on JEKYL, or fome odd Old Whig 40 45 If any ask you, " Who's the Man, so near "His Prince, that writes in Verse, and has his ear?" Why, answer, LYTTLETON, and I'll engage The worthy Youth shall ne'er be in a rage: NOTES. originally in the poem, though omitted in all the first editions. P. VER. 37. Why yes: with Scripture fill you may be free ;] Thus the Man commonly called Mother Osborn, who was in the Minister's pay, and wrote Journals; for one Paper in behalf of Sir Robert, had frequently two against J. C. VER. 39. A Joke on Jekyl,] Sir Joseph Jekyl, Mafter of the Rolls, a true Whig in his principles, and a man of the utmost probity. He sometimes voted against the Court, which drew upon him the laugh here described of ONE who bestowed it equally upon Religion and Honesty. He died a few months after the publication of this poem. P. VER. 43. These nothing hurts;] i. e. offends. VER. 47. Why, answer, Lyttleton,] George Lyttelton, 50 But were his Verses vile, his Whisper base, 56 To Vice and Folly to confine the jest, Sets half the world, God knows, against the rest; Did not the Sneer of more impartial men 60 At Sense and Virtue, balance all agen. P. Dear Sir, forgive the Prejudice of Youth: NOTES. Secretary to the Prince of Wales, diftinguished both for his writings and speeches in the spirit of Liberty. P. VER. 51. Sejanus, Wolfey,] The one the wicked minister of Tiberius; the other, of Henry VIII. The writers against the Court usually bestowed these and other odious names on the Minister, without distinction, and in the most injurious manner. See Dial. II. 137. Р. Ibid. Fleury,] Cardinal: and Minister to Louis XV. It was a Patriot fashion, at that time, to cry up his wisdom and honesty. P. Come, harmless Characters that no one hit; 65 : And all the well-whipt Cream of Courtly Sense, 70 That First was H-vy's, F-'s next, and then The S-te's, and then H-vy's once agen. O come, that easy Ciceronian style, As, tho' the Pride of Middleton and Bland, 75 80 NOTES. VER. 66. Henley - Osborn,] See them in their places in the Dunciad. P. VER. 69. The gracious Dew] Alludes to some court fermons, and florid panegyrical speeches; particularly one very full of puerilities and flatteries; which afterwards got into an address in ss in the same pretty style; and was laftly served up in an Epitaph, between Latin and English, published by its author. P. VER. 76. All Boys may read, and Girls may understand!] i. e. full of school-book phrases and Anglicisms. VER. 78. Nation's Sense ;) The cant of Politics at that time. VER. 80. Carolina] Queen confort to King George II.. |