Plate XVIIШ. Vol. IV. facing p. 232 T.Hayman del. Grignion Sculp O Sacred Weapon, left for Truth's Defence, To all but Heaven-directed Hands denied, The Muse may give thee, but the Gods must guide & Sch to Satire And when it comes, the Court see nothing in't. VARIATIONS. After y 2. in the MS. You don't, I hope, pretend to quit the trade, NOTES. VER. 1. Not twice a twelve-month etc.] These two lines are from Horace; and the only lines that are so in the whole Poem; being meant to give a handle to that which follows in the character of an impertinent Censurer, 'Tis all from Horace; etc. P. VER. 2. the Court see nothing in't.) He chose this expression for the sake of its elegant and satiric ambiguity. His writings abound in them. |