An inoffensive deportment is likewise necessary, if we would walk "worthy of God," and "as it be" cometh saints." We must no more injure a man, from heedlessness, than from selfishness: We must not wound any person's character, interrupt his domestick comfort, or needlessly disquiet his mind. We should carefully avoid exciting men's passions, provoking them to anger, or tempting them to envy, ambition, or discontent. We should study to be " quiet and mind our own business," without intermeddling with other men's matters; and to be peaceable, orderly, and industrious neighbours and members of the community. We ought so to avoid evil, and the appearance of evil, that none may have any thing to say against us, except it be for our religious peculiarities. 66 General benevolence also becomes the gospel of rich grace and mercy. Every man almost, may at some times, by retrenching superfluities, do a little to shew his compassion and good-will to his afflicted neighbours. From those "to whom much is given " much is required." There are likewise various other methods, by which a friendly disposition may be manifested; and this is peculiarly ornamental to the gospel. The more entirely we renounce all dependence on our good works, the greater alacrity and zeal we should manifest in performing them: and this will be our disposition, if, indeed " we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ," and understand our obligations to him, who "loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." Indeed, even in this lukewarm age, the excellency of the gospel does appear in this respect; for the liberality of those, who profess to rely on the mercy of God in Christ Jesus, is vastly greater, in proportion to their circumstances, than that of such persons, as expect in part at least to atone for their own sins and to purchase heaven, by their good works. But "we beseech "you, brethren, to abound more and more." We should also exercise meekness, forgiveness of injuries, and unwearied perseverance in endeavouring to overcome evil with good: for these things peculiarly become those, who own themselves so deeply indebted to the pardoning mercy and abundant grace of God our Saviour. An exact attention to every relative duty: a condescending, affable, and modest demeanour, " in honour preferring one another:" a constant endeavour to "keep the unity of the Spirit in "the bond of peace;" to promote brotherly love; and to concur in every design, for advancing the purity and enlargement of the Church, and the benefit of mankind, are evidently and eminently becoming the gospel of Christ. To these we should add, habits of strict sobriety and temperance; moderation and regard to expediency in the use of things lawful, and in every worldly pursuit; and indifference about external decoration; an entire disregard to those frivolous amusements, in which numbers waste their time and substance; a disinterested conduct, remote from all suspicion of covetousness; a strict government of the passions; and a tongue bridled and refrained from vain and improper discourse, but prepared to speak such things as are edifying and useful. These are evidently parts of that 1 conversation which becometh the gospel of Christ: and reflection may enable every one to add to this specimen many others of a similar nature. We proceed therefore, IV. To make some observations on the emphatical word "Only." Some persons think, that the apostle meant in this manner to intimate the reasonableness of his exhortations; and no doubt we have abundant cause to consider them in this light: yet I apprehend that this is not the import of the expression. It rather implies that nothing could prove injurious in the event to professed Christians, provided their conversation were consistent with their principles. And we may apply this general instruction to various cases. There may be wars, and rumours of wars, famines, pestilences, revolutions, and distress of nations with perplexity; yea, the sun shall be turned into darkness, the heavens shall be rolled up as a scroll, the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth with all its works shall be burnt up: but none of these events need alarm the consistent Christian: For "what shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribula" tion, or distress, or persecution, or nakedness, or " peril, or the sword? Nay, in all these things we are " more than conquerors through him that loved us."* "God is our Refuge and Strength; a very present " help in trouble: therefore we will not fear though "the earth be removed, and the mountains be carried " into the depths of the sea."†+ * Rom. viii. 35-39. † Ps. xlvi. 1, 2. Affecting changes may likewise take place in our families; our beloved relatives may be torn from us, our friends alienated, and our property lost; poverty, contempt, and sickness may oppress us; and we may fall under unmerited censure and reproach, so that even our brethren may mistake our case and character, as Job's friends did his: but " if our conversa" tion be as it becometh the gospel of Christ," none of these things can hurt us. The Lord will enable us to rejoice in the testimony of our conscience; he will plead our cause, and vindicate our reputation, he will not leave us comfortless, but will afford us proportionable supports: "No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that riseth against us in " judgment we shall condemn;" and when we have been tried we shall come forth as gold purified from the furnace. Changes may likewise take place in the church: many who have been useful to us, may be removed, and among them the very "ministers by whom we believed:" nay, such persons as we most looked up to, may "forsake Christ having loved this present "world;" or become zealous teachers of destructive heresies. But if our conversation be consistent with our profession: our own experience of the Lord's faithfulness, and the sanctifying efficacy of his word, will preserve us from fatal effects; and teach us by such events, to be more watchful, and simple in our dependence on divine grace. Some persons may be perplexed with difficulties, in respect of certain points of doctrine: but if they truly embrace the salvation of Christ, and walk wor thy of it; they will be at length led to establishment in the truth. "If any man will do the will of God, he " shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God." An upright heart and an obedient will directly tend to free the mind from the clouds of various prejudices and passions, to produce teachableness, and to improve spiritual discernment: and there are numerous promises of divine teaching to persons of this description. But they, "who love darkness rather than light, be"cause their deeds are evil," are given up to strong delusions, and fall into final condemnation. Difficulties also occur to many, in determining whether they be in a state of salvation or not: nor are they able, after much self-examination, to decide the important question. To these likewise we may say, "On"ly let your conversation be, as it becometh the gos" pel of Christ:" and this will have a powerful, though gradual efficacy, in producing the desired satisfaction. "Then shall ye know, if ye follow on to know the "Lord." "For the path of the just shineth more " and more unto the perfect day." The exhortation before us also points out, to those who are labouring to do good in their families and connexions, or in a more extensive sphere, the grand method of obtaining the desired success: and when the interest of the gospel in any place seems greatly declined; the consistent conduct of the few, who adhere to it, will have the happiest effects in promoting a revival. Finally some persons are harassed with apprehensions of future trials and temptations, or with the dread of death: but let all such trembling believers attend to the apostle's exhortation; and they may rest |