Love not the heavenly Spirits, and how their love Express they? by looks only? or do they mix Irradiance, virtual or immediate touch? To whom the Angel, with a smile that glow'd Celestial rosy red, Love's proper hue, Answer'd. Let it suffice thee that thou know'st Beyond the Earth's green Cape and verdant Isles Be strong, live happy, and love! But, first of all, And all the Blest: Stand fast; to stand or fall Follow'd with benediction. Since to part, Thy condescension, and shall be honour'd ever So parted they; the Angel up to Heaven From the thick shade, and Adam to his bower. His gentle dumb exprefsion turn'd at length L.527. PARADISE LOST. BOOK IX. DRAWN BY RICHARD WESTALL, R.A. ENGRAVED BY JOHN PYE. PUBLISHED BY JOHN SHARPE PICCADILLY. AUG. 24 1816. |