Samuel Wesley: The Man and His MusicA vivid picture of the public and private life of a professional musician in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century London. This well-documented life of Samuel Wesley gives a vivid picture of the life of a professional musician in late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century London. Wesley was born in 1766, the son of the Methodist hymn-writer CharlesWesley and nephew of the preacher John Wesley. He was the finest composer and organist of his generation, but his unconventional behaviour makes him of more than ordinary interest. He lived through a crucial stage of English musicfrom the immediately post-Handel generation to the early Romantic period, and his large output includes piano and organ music, orchestral music, church music, glees, and songs. He also taught and lectured on music, and was involved in journalism, publishing, and promoting the music of J. S. Bach. This book draws on letters, family papers, and other contemporary documents to offer a full study of Wesley, his music, and his life and times. PHILIP OLLESON is Professor of Historical Musicology at the University of Nottingham. He has edited The Letters of Samuel Wesley: Professional and Social Correspondence, 1797-1837, is the joint author (with Michael Kassler) of Samuel Wesley (1766-1837): A Source Book, and has written extensively about other aspects of music in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 81
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Childhood and youth 17661773 | 1 |
Early upbringing and the family concerts 17741787 | 12 |
Adolescence Roman Catholicism rebellion and Charlotte 17801788 | 25 |
Life with Charlotte 17911797 | 40 |
Beginning a career 17971805 | 51 |
Discovering Bach 18051808 | 66 |
Lectures and controversy 1809 | 87 |
A developing career 18101811 | 101 |
Byrd the Confitebor and Handels hymns 18261828 | 187 |
The return to Bristol 18291830 | 203 |
Last years 18301837 | 210 |
Wesley and his musical environment | 217 |
Sacred vocal music | 229 |
Largescale choral music with orchestra | 251 |
Secular vocal music | 261 |
Instrumental music | 281 |
Vincent Novello and the Portuguese Embassy Chapel 18111812 | 112 |
The oratorio business 1813 | 128 |
The established career 18141816 | 140 |
Breakdown and recovery 18161823 | 149 |
The career reestablished 18231825 | 166 |
The Fitzwilliam music 1825 | 179 |
Keyboard music | 294 |
Bibliography | 323 |
335 | |
339 | |