The many rend the skies with loud applause; The prince, unable to conceal his pain, Who caus'd his care, And figh'd and look'd, sigh'd and look'd, Sigh'd and look'd, and figh'd again : CHORUS. The prince, unable to conceal his pain, Who caus'd his care, And figh'd and look'd, figh'd and look'd, Sigh'd and look'd, and figh'd again: At length, with love and wine at once oppress'd, VI. Now strike the golden lyre again : Break his bands of fleep asunder, And rouse him, like a rattling peal of thunder. Hark, hark, the horrid found Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries, See the snakes that they rear, And the sparkles that flash from their eyes! Behold Behold a ghastly band, Each a torch in his hand! Those are Grecian ghosts, that in battle were slain, And unbury'd remain Give the vengeance due Behold how they toss their torches on high, Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. CHORUS. And the king feiz'd a flambeau with zeal to destroy; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. VII. Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow, While organs yet were mute; Timotheus, to his breathing flute, And founding lyre, Could swell the foul to rage, or kindle soft defire. At last divine Cecilia came, Inventress of the vocal frame; The sweet enthusiast, from her facred store, Enlarg'd : Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds, With nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown before. Let old Timotheus yield the prize, Or both divide the crown; He rais'd a mortal to the skies; She drew an angel down. Grand CHORUS. At last, divine Cecilia came, Inventress of the vocal frame; The Sweet enthusiast, from her facred store, Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds, And added length to folemn founds, With nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown before. Let old Timotheus yield the prize, Or both divide the crown; He rais'd a mortal to the skies; She drew an angel down. XIII. THE SECULAR MASQUE. Enter JANUS. Y JANUS. CHronos, Chronos, mend thy pace, Around the radiant belt has run Enter Enter CHRONOS, with a scythe in his hand, and a globe on his back; which he fets down at his entrance. CHRONOS. Weary, weary of my weight, Let me, let me drop my freight, I could not bear, Another year, The load of human-kind. Enter MOMUS laughing. MOMUS. Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! well haft thou done To lay down thy pack, And lighten thy back, The world was a fool, e'er since it begun, Can hinder the crimes, Or mend the bad times, 'Tis better to laugh than to cry. Cho. of all three. 'Tis better to laugh than to cry. JANUS. Since Momus comes to laugh below, Old Time begin the show, That he may fee, in every scene, What changes in this age have been. CHROOUS. Then, goddess of the filver bow, begin. [Ilorns, or hunting music, within.] Enter DIANA. DI. With horns and with hounds, I waken the day; I course I course the fleet stag, unkennel the fox, rocks, With shouting and hooting we pierce through the sky, And Echo turns hunter, and doubles the cry. Cho. of all. With shouting and hooting we pierce through the sky, JANUS. And Echo turns hunter, and doubles the cry. CHRONOS. Free from rage: DIANA. And free from crime. Momus. A very merry, dancing, drinking, Laughing, quaffing, and unthinking time. Cho. of all. Then our age was in't's prime, Free from rage, and free from crime, [Dance of Diana's attendants.] MARS. Inspire the vocal brass, inspire; The world is past its infant age : Arms and honour, The |