How fatally this Cassandra has foretold, we know too well by fad experience: the feeds were fown in the time of queen Elizabeth, the bloody harvest ripened in the reign of king Charles the Martyr: and because all the sheaves could not be carried off without shedding fome of the loose grains, another crop is too like to follow; nay, I fear it is unavoidable if the conventiclers be permitted still to scatter. A man may be fuffered to quote an adversary to our religion, when he speaks truth: and it is the observation of Maimbourg, in his History of Calvinism, that wherever that discipline was planted and embraced, rebellion, civil war, and misery, attended it. And how indeed should it happen otherwise? Reformation of church and state has always been the ground of our divisions in England. While we were papists, our holy father rid us, by pretending authority out of the scriptures to depose princes; when we shook off his authority, the sectaries furnished themselves with the fame weapons; and out of the fame magazine, the Bible : so that the fcriptures, which are in themselves the greatest security of governors, as commanding express obedience to them, are now turned to their destruction; and never, fince the Reformation, has there wanted a text of their interpreting to authorize a rebel. And it is to be noted by the way, that the doctrines of kingkilling and deposing, which have been taken up only by the worst party of the papists, the most frontless flatterers of the pope's authority, have been espoused, defended, and are still maintained by the whole body of nonconformists and republicans. It is but dubbing themselves the people of God, which it is the interest of their preachers to tell them they are, and their own interest to believe; and after that, they cannot din into the Bible, but one text or another will turn up for their purpose: if they are under perfecution, as they call it, then that is a mark of their election; if they flourish, then God works miracles for their deliverance, and the faints are to possess the earth. They may think themselves to be too roughly handled in this paper; but I, who know best how far I could have gone on this subject, must be bold to tell them they are spared though at the same time I am not ignorant that they interpret the mildness of a writer to them, as they do the mercy of the government; in the one they think it fear, and conclude it weakness in the other. The best way for them to confute me is, as I before advised the Papists, to disclaim their principles and renounce their practices. We shall all be glad to think them true Englishmen when they obey the king, and true Proteftants when they conform to the churchdiscipline. It remains that I acquaint the reader, that these verses were written for an ingenious young gentleman my friend, upon his translation of the critical history of the old testament, composed by the learned father Simon: the verfes therefore are addressed to the tranflator of that work, and the style of them is, what it ought to be, epistolary. If any one be so lamentable a critic as to require the fmooth R2 i smoothness, the numbers, and the turn of heroic poetry in this poem; I must tell him, that if he has not read Horace, I have studied him, and hope the style of his epistles is not ill imitated here. The expressions of a poem designed purely for instruction, ought to be plain and natural, and yet majestic for here the poet is prefumed to be a kind of lawgiver; and those three qualities which I have named, are proper to the legislative style. The florid, elevated, and figurative way is for the paffions; for love and hatred, fear and anger, are begotten in the soul, by shewing their objects out of their true proportion, either greater than the life, or less: but instruction is to be given by shewing them what they naturally are. A man is to be cheated into paffion, but to be reasoned into truth. Is reason to the soul: and as on high, Those rolling fires discover but the sky, But guide us upward to a better day. And as those nightly tapers disappear So dies, and so dissolves in fupernatural light. } Some few, whose lamp shone brighter, have been led And found that one first principle must be: } In pleasure some their glutton fouls would steep; } Thus anxious thoughts in endless circles roll, In this wild maze their vain endeavours end : Or finite reason reach Infinity? For what could fathom God were more than He. The Deist thinks he stands on firmer ground; Yet, fince the effects of providence, we find, Thus man by his own strength to heaven would foar: Elfe |