Heavens ! what a goodly profpeft fpreads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and fpires,, And glittering towns, and gilded dreams, till all The ftretching landfcape into fmoke decays! Mentoria, Or, The Young Ladies Instructor: In Familiar Conversations on ... - Page 64by Ann Murry - 1778 - 207 pagesFull view - About this book
| English literature - 1750 - 372 pages
...with th' extracted balm Of fragrant woodbine loads his little thigh. Heavens ! what a goodly profpect fpreads around, •Of hills, and dales, and woods,...lawns, and fpires, .And glittering towns, and gilded ftreams. till all , The ftretching landfkip into fmoke decays ! Happy Britannia ! where the Queen of... | |
| James Thomson - 1757 - 244 pages
...of his toil. -J- Jl'glgate and llamfeadt HEAVENS! HEAVENS ! what a goodly profpeft fpreads arotinr1, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and fpires. And glittering towns, and gilded ftreams, till all The ftretching landfkip into fmoke decays ! 1441 Happy BRITANNIA ! where the QUEEN... | |
| James Thomson - English literature - 1763 - 458 pages
...cultivation lyes, 143 5 And joys to fee the wonders of his toil. Heavens! what a goodly prolpect ipreads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and fpires, And glittering towns, and gilded ftreams, till all The ftretching lattdfcape into fmoke decays! 1440 Happy BRITANNIA ! where the QUEEN... | |
| James Thomson - 1766 - 266 pages
...wonders of his toil. * Higbgjte and Hamllead. f In his laft fkknefs. HEAVENS! what a goodly profpecl fpreads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and...lawns, and fpires, And glittering towns, and gilded ftreams, till all The ftretching landfeip into fmoke decays ! 144-O Happy BRITANNIA ! where the Q^TEEN... | |
| James Thomson - 1769 - 218 pages
...fignifying in Saxon Shining , or Splendor. f Higbgnte and Ham/tead. HEAVENS ! what a goodly profpect fpreads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and...lawns, and fpires, And glittering towns, and gilded ftreams, till all 1440 The ftretching landskip into fmoke decays ! Happy BRITANNIA! where the QUEEN... | |
| James Thomson - 1774 - 272 pages
...the wonders of his toil. and Ksmfitad. \ In his lafl fickneis. I Z. HEAV'NS ! what a goodly profpefl fpreads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and fpires, And glitt'ring towns, and gilded ftreams, till all The fIretching landfcape into fmoke decays ! 1440 Happy... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 628 pages
...lies, s435 * Highgate and Hamftead. f In his laft fieknefs. And joys to fee the wonders of his toil. Heavens ! what a goodly profpeft fpreads around, Of...lawns, and fpires, And glittering towns, and gilded Breams, till all The firetching landfkip into finoke decays ! 1440 Happy Britannia ! where, the Qjieen... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 274 pages
...laft fieknefs. And And joys to fee the wonders of his toil. Heavens ! what a goodly profpaft fprcads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and fpires, And glittering towns, and gilded ftrcams, till all The ftretching landfkip into finoke deeays ! 1440 Happy Britannia ! where, the Queen... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 304 pages
...143; * Highgate and" Hamftead. f In his Jaft ficknefs. \ And And joys to fee the wonders of his toil. Heavens ! what a goodly profpeft fpreads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and fpircj, And glittering towns, and gilded Hrcams, till all The ftretching landfkip into frooke decays... | |
| John Bell - English poetry - 1787 - 508 pages
...of Cultivation lies, i435 And joys to fee the wonders of his toil. Heavens ! what a goodly profpefl fpreads around, Of hills, and dales, and woods, and...lawns, and fpires, And glittering towns, and gilded ftreams, till all The fire-telling landfeape IIKO Imoke decays ! i440 Happy Britannia ! where the Queen... | |
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