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The Baltic Sea abounds with rocks.

Hence it

is, the voyages to Norway, and Denmark, are more dangerous than any other; and confequently wrecks are more frequent, in that, than in any other Sea. There are rocks in the Straits of Meffina, called Scylla, and Charybdis, which are fituated so critically, and the paffage between them fo narrow, that, whilst the mariners are ftriving to avoid one, they frequently split on the other.

Lady Mary.

Have you quite finifhed, my dear Mentoria?

For the prefent, my dear, having drawn you a rough sketch of the different parts of a map, which, I hope, will ferve to imprefs my instructions on your mind; as you will find the fubject I have just treated on, fully explained, in Plate I.

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On the Derivation of Words, and


Lady Mary.

Do not mean, my good Mentoria, to prefcribe the fubject of your instructions; yet I was so much pleased with the derivation of the word Cambridge, I wish you could recollect any inftance of the fame nature.


I will readily comply with your request, my dear Lady Mary; and though the inftances I may produce, will not perhaps answer fo literally, their reference will be equally juft, to fome circumstance

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cumftance or word, in a foreign language; which expreffes the fenfe, and constitutes the meaning. For example: the word quadrupede, which fignifies a four-footed animal, is derived from the Latin, and literally means four feet. The Adelphi was called by that name, because it was built by brothers, which in Greek is expreffed by the word adelphos. Virginia was difcovered by Sir Walter Raleigh, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and called so, as a compliment to her, as fhe was never married.

Lady Louifa.

I hope, my dear Mentoria, you will point out fome more examples; as I am much pleafed with thofe you have produced.


fettlement in

Philadelphia, a fettlement in


which is chiefly inhabited by Quakers, took its name from the particular tenets of that se&t; which are a system of philanthropy and brotherly love. (Though I am no Grecian) I prefume, the word Philadelphia is derived from the Greek, and means brotherly love, from φιλεω to love, and αδελφος a brother. The Cape of Good Hope was difcovered by the French, in endeavouring to find the NorthWeft paffage, which afforded them refresh


ment, and inspired them with the hope of making other ufeful difcoveries: hence they called it The Cape de bonne Efperance. Lord George.

I wish you could tell the caufe, from whence every thing takes its name.


I shall now inform you, from whence that Quarter of the world, called America, derives its origin. This vast tract of land was difcovered by Chriftopher Columbus, a native of Genoa. Affairs of fuch great importance cannot always be completed by the projector: hence it was, that Americus Vefputius, a Florentine, immortalized his name by completing the work Columbus began, who undoubtedly had the greatest merit: notwithstanding, the whole country derived its name from Americus Vefputius; and as names of places are usually feminine, it was called America.

Lady Mary.

I think that was extremely unjuft: I should think it very hard, if my fifter did a few leaves in my flower-piece, to have it called her basket of flowers.


If we seriously confider, Columbus does not feem in fuch a pitiable, nor Americus Vefpu

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