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tions or refreshing showers, and diffufes health to the inhabitants of fuch unfavourable cli• mates.

Lady Mary.

Pray was not the famous Cleopatra, queen of Egypt?


Yes, my dear, though I believe we must confider her character and conduct, under the head of Roman hiftory, as it is fo inseparably connected with that of Mark Antony. It may not be amifs to inform you, the vagrants ufually called gypfies are reckoned natives of Egypt. When the Sultan Selimus conquered the Egyptians, in the year 1417, they refused allegiance to his laws, and retired into the deferts, living only by theft and plunder; at length they were banished from Egypt, and agreed to disperse themselves in small parties into every country in the known world. The art of magic, in which these people were allowed to excel, gained them in that unenlightened and credulous age, the reputation of foretelling events by the course of the planets, and other myfterious means. This opinion is now wholly exploded, and could never gain belief, but in a country absorbed in the groffeft idolatry. Those who believe and acknowledge the omnipotence

omnipotence of God, can never fuppofe any inferior power poffeffes fore-knowledge of any event incident to human life; as that alone belongs to the Creator of the univerfe, in whofe hands are the iffues of life and death!

Lord George.

I agree with you, my dear Madam, in thinking none but very weak people can believe fuch abfurdities; but I will not interrupt you, as I fuppofe, you will now tell us what a Promontory is.


A Promontory is a hill or point of land, which stretches itfelf over the fea; and is often called a Cape.

Lady Louifu.

What is a Mountain, my good Mentoria? I know it is a very large thing.


It is a vast mass of earth; and when in a lefs degree it is called a Hill. Wales abounds with mountains, on which the wild goats browfe. The Alps are very high mountains, which feparate Germany from Italy; there is a passage over them, though rather dangerous. The tops of these mountains are always covered with fnow; notwithstanding in the valleys beneath, there is the finest verdure. The Pyrenean

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mountains divide France from Spain. The burning mountains of Vefuvius and Ætna, are wonderful phenomena of nature. The volcano, called Mount Etna, is in the Island of Sicily, in the Mediterranean Sea, under the government of the King of Naples. The eruption of fire which burfts from it, is called the Lava; the top of the mountain from whence it proceeds, is ftiled the Crater, or bowl. There have been whole towns laid in afhes by the streams of fire and combuftible matter, of which thefe mountains. are composed; as wherever they issue or flow, they cause certain destruction.

Lord George.

I should like very much to see Mount Etna, and fuppofe I fhall, when I make the Tour of Europe. Pray, Mentoria, what is the difference between a Rock and a Mountain? I think that is the next, and last branch you have to explain.


Rocks are formed of a substance proverbially hard; and the furface rough and uneven. They are fituated in and near the fea, and are often pernicious to mariners: as the calamity ufually called fhipwreck, is produced by the fhip ftriking on a rock, which either dashes it to pieces, or cafts it upon fome defolate Ifland.


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