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fable, and only take the facts which are recited,

in a literal sense.

Lady Mary.

Pray, my dear Madam, what is parricide, I fuppofe it is a very great crime.


It is the moft heinous offence that can be committed, as it confifts of the murder of a father. Matricide is the term to exprefs the murder of a mother; fratricide of a brother; regicide of a king; homicide of a man; fuicide of one's felf: hence it is the Jews are called decides, because they murdered Chrift, who was the fon of God.

Lady Louifa.

What is the Tutelar Deity, my good Mentoria ?


The term tutelar fignifies a guardian or protector. Minors who are under the direction of a guardian or tutor, are faid to be in a state of tutelage; there are tutelar faints as well as deities. St. George is filed the Saint of England, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. Patrick of Ireland, St. David of Wales, St. Lewis of France, St. Mark of Venice, befides many others. These were all perfons who dif


tinguished themselves by fome heroic actions. The countries which derived the advantage, defirous of rendering their memory immortal, canonized them as faints; and appointed an annual festival to commemorate their heroes, and celebrate them as the guardians and protectors of their country.


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On the Church-Service, with an Explanation of the Parable of Nathan and David.


LADIES, as Sunday is a day fet apart for

the worship of God, I fhall prohibit all trifling purfuits, and endeavour to employ your time suitable to fo laudable a purpose.

Lady Mary.

I fhould be forry to act contrary to the exprefs commands of God, which enjoin us to keep holy the Sabbath Day, and to abstain from all kinds of work. But I wonder why we are forbidden

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forbidden to purfue our bufinefs on this day; as I cannot fee any reason, it should be offensive to God, for us to do our duty by working, &c. Mentoria.

To give you a clear idea of the inftitution of the Sabbath, it is neceffary to inform you, the divifion of time, ufually called a week, is a type or symbol of the creation of the world, which is clearly explained in the fourth commandment:"For in fix days the Lord made "heaven and earth, the fea, and all that in "them is; and rested the seventh day: where"fore the Lord bleffed the feventh day, and "hallowed it." In like manner, we perform all that we have to do, in fix days, and reft the feventh, in commemoration of the manifold bleffings we receive at the hand of God. A ceffation from labour is necessary to effect this great purpose; as the avocations and pursuits, in which the greatest part of the human species are employed, would not allow them fufficient time for ferious confideration, nor permit them regularly to attend divine service.

Lady Louifa.

I always thought, my good Mentoria, Sunday was a day of rejoicing; as every body feems happy and cheerful. For my own part,

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