But in thy roof, Argyle, are bred Such thoughts as prompt the brave to lie Stretch'd out in honour's nobler bed, Beneath a nobler roof--the sky. Such flames as high in patriots burn, VERSES TO MR. C. St. James's Place, London, October 22. FEW EW words are best; I wish you well; Bethel, I'm told, will soon be here: Some morning-walks along the Mall, And evening friends, will end the year. If, in this interval, between The falling leaf and coming frost, You please to see, on Twit'nam green, Your friend, your poet, and your host; For three whole days you here may rest, From office, business, news, and strife; And (what most folks would think a jest) Want nothing else, except your wife. EPITAPHS. His saltem accumulem donis, et fungar inani VIRG. ON CHARLES EARL OF DORSET, D% In the Church of Withyam, in Sussex. ORSET, the grace of courts, the muses' pride, Blest courtier! who could king and country please, Where other Buckhursts, other Dorsets shine, ON SIR WILLIAM TRUMBALL, One of the principal Secretaries of State to King William the Third, who, having resigned his Place, died in his Retirement at Easthamsted, in Berkshire, 1716. A PLEASING form; firm, yet cautious mind; Sincere, though prudent; constant, yet resign'd; Honour unchang'd, a principle profest, Fix'd to one side, but mod'rate to the rest: ON THE HON. SIMON HARCOURT, Only Son of the Lord Chancellor Harcourt, at the Church of Stanton-Harcourt, in Oxfordshire, 1720. TO this sad shrine, whoc'er thou art, draw near; Here lies the friend most lov'd, the son most dear; How vain is reason, eloquence how weak! ON JAMES CRAGGS, ESQ. In Westminster Abbey. JACOBUS CRAGGS, REGI MAGNE BRITANNIE A SECRETIS ET CONSILIIS SANCTIORIBUS, PRINCIPIS PARITER AC POPULI AMOR ET DELICIA, VIXIT, TITULIS ET INVIDIA MAJOR, OB. FEB. XVI. MDCCXX. STATESMAN, yet friend to truth! of soul sincere, In action faithful, and in honour clear! Who broke no promise, serv'd no private end, Who gain'd no title, and who lost no friend; Ennobled by himself, by all approv'd, Prais'd, wept, and honour'd, by the muse he lov'd. INTENDED FOR MR. ROWE, In Westminster Abbey. THY reliques, Rowe, to this fair urn we trust, ON MRS. CORBET, Who died of a Cancer in her Breast. HERE rests a woman, good without pretence, So firm, yet soft; so strong, yet so refin'd; ON THE MONUMENT OF THE HONOURABLE ROBERT DIGBY, 1 AND OF HIS SISTER MARY, Erected by their Father, the Lord Digby, in the Church of Sherborne, in Dorsetshire, 1727. GO! fair example of untainted youth, Of modest wisdom, and pacific truth;. Compos'd in sufferings, and in joy sedate, Good without noise, without pretension great: Just of thy word, in ev'ry thought sincere, Who knew no wish but what the world might hear: Of softest manners, unaffected mind, Lover of peace, and friend of human kind: Go, live! for heaven's eternal year is thine, And thou, blest maid! attendant on his doom, Pensive hast follow'd to the silent tomb, U |