Proverbs"Where there is no vision, the people perish." In this perceptive commentary familiar sayings from the book of Proverbs, such as this one, are seen in a new light. Kenneth T. Aitken deepens our understanding of the collection of popular sayings and folk wisdom of ancient Israel. Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay's New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today. |
Introduction | 1 |
16 contd | 14 |
819 contd | 20 |
15 | 26 |
14 | 34 |
912 | 41 |
2135 | 48 |
1027 | 56 |
The Righteous and the Wicked Comment | 141 |
Honouring Parents | 147 |
The Good WifeI | 153 |
Troublesome Fathers | 159 |
Friends and Neighbours | 167 |
Hatred and Strife | 174 |
Underwriting Debts | 196 |
THE MARKET | 202 |
1523 | 64 |
127 | 72 |
The First of Gods Works 82236 | 80 |
118 | 89 |
The Hothead | 105 |
The Proud | 112 |
The Drunkard | 121 |
The Seductress | 128 |
The Liar the Flatterer and the Whisperer | 134 |
The Lot | 210 |
What King Lemuels Mother Taught Him | 217 |
Sadness and Gladness of Heart | 239 |
Mans Plans and Gods Purpose | 248 |
Further Reading | 256 |
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Common terms and phrases
abomination adulteress advice anger better blessing Book of Proverbs brings chokmah contrast counsel death despise Deut discipline Ecclesiasticus Egyptian enemy English Bible ephah evil Exod eyes father favour fear folly fool foolish fruit gives God's hand hear heart Hebrew honour human Instruction of Amenemopet Israel's sages Israelite Jesus justice keep kind king king's knowledge Lady Wisdom lesson lips live Lord man's Matt means mind mouth Nabal neighbour Old Testament parents passage path perverse poor pride prophets Proverbs reproof rich righteous sage's saying scoffer second line seductress seek sense Septuagint Sheol simple sluggard Solomon speaks strife teaching theme things thought tongue topic torah translated trust truth understanding upright verse walk warning wealth wicked wife wine wisdom literature Wisdom of Solomon wisdom teacher wise woman words wrong