" his obedience unto them, be justified and holden righteous before "God; for God hath made Christ, who knew no fin, to be fin for us, " faith the Apostle, that we might be made the righteousness of God in " him." Hence may a weak believer strengthen his faith, by reasoning from this ground after this inanner. "He that, upon the loving request of God and Christ, made to him by the mouth of ministers, (having commiffion to that effect), hath " embraced the offer of perpetual reconciliation through Christ, and "doth purpose, by God's grace, as a reconciled person, to strive a"gainst fin, and to serve God to his power constantly, may be as " sure to have righteousness and eternal life given to him, for the " obedience of Christ imputed to him, as it is sure that Christ was " condemned and put to death for the sins of the redeemed imputed "to him. "But I (may the weak believer say) upon the loving request of " God and Christ, made to me by the mouth of his ministers, have " embraced the offer of perpetual reconciliation through Chrift, and " do purpose, by God's grace, as a reconciled person, to strive a " gainst fin, and to serve God to my power constantly. "Therefore I may be as fure to have righteousness and eternal " life given to me, for the obedience of Christ imputed to me, as it " is sure that Christ was condemned and put to death for the fins of "the redeemed imputed to him." The third warrant and special motive to believe in Christ, is the strait and awful command of God, charging all the hearers of the gofpel to approach to Christ in the order set down by him, and to believe in him; holden forth, 1 John iii. 23. 1 This is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Chrift, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. Wherein the Apostle giveth us to understand these five doctrines: 1. That if any man shall not be taken with the sweet invitation of God, nor with the humble and loving request of God, made to him to be reconciled, he shall find he hath to do with the fovereign authority of the highest Majesty: for "this is his commandment, that " we believe in him," faith he. 2. That if any man look upon this commandment, as he hath looked heretofore upon the neglected commandments of the law; he must confider that this is a command of the gospel, posterior to the law, given for making use of the remedy of all fins; which, if it be disobeyed, there is no other command to follow but this, "Go, ye "cursed, into the everlasting fire of hell:" for "this is his com " mandiment," the obedience of which is most pleasant in his fight, verf. 22. and without which it is impossible to please him, Heb. xi. 6. 3. That every one who heareth the gospel, must make confcience of the duty of lively faith in Christ: the weak believer must not think it persumption to do what is commanded; the perfon inclined το to defperation must take up hintself, and think upon obedience unto this sweet and faving command: The strong believer must dip yet more in the fenfe of his need he hath of Jesus Christ, and more and more grow in the obedience of this command; yea, the most impenitent, profane, and wicked perfon must not thurst out himfelf, or be thurst out by others, from orderly aiming at this duty, how def perate foever his condition feem to be; for he that commands all men to believe in Chrift, doth thereby command all men to believe that they are damned and lost without Chrift: He thereby commands all men to acknowledge their sins, and their need of Christ, and in effect commands all men to repent, that they may believe in him. And whosoever do refuse to repent of their bygone fins, are guilty of difobedience to this command given to all hearers, but especially to these that are within the visible church: For "this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jefus Chrift," faith he. 4. That he who obeyeth this commandment, hath built his falvation on a folid ground; for, 1. He hath found the promised Meffiah, completely furnished with all perfections unto the perfect execution of the offices of Prophet, Priest, and King; for he is that Chrift, in whom the man doth believe. 2. He hath embraced a Saviour, who is able to fave to the uttermoft, yea, and who doth effectually fave, every one that cometh to God through him: For he is Jefus, the true Saviour of his people from their fins. 3. He that obeyeth this command, hath built his falvation on the rock, that is, on the Son of God, to whom it is no robbery to be called equal to the Father, and whe is worthy to be the object of faving faith, and of fpiritual worship: For "this is his command," faith he, "that we believe in the name " of his Son Jefus Chrift." " 5. That he who hath believed on Jesus Chrift (though he be freed from the curse of the law) is not freed from the command and obedience of the law, but tied thereunto by a new obligation, and a new command from Chrift; which new command front Chrift importeth help to obey the command: Unto which command from Christ, the Father addeth his authority and command also; for "this is his commandment," faith John, "that we believe on the name of his "Son Jefus Chrift, and love one another, as he hath commanded " us." The first part of which command, injoining belief in him, neceffarily implieth love to God, and so obedience to the first table; for believing in God, and loving God, are infeparable, and the second part of the command injoineth love to our neighbour, (efpecially to the household of faith,) and so obedience to the second table of the law. Hence may a weak believer strengthen himself, by reasoning from this ground after this manner: "Whofoevér in the sense of his own finfulness and fear of God's " wrath, at the command of God, is fled to Jesus Christ, the only re"medy of fin and mifery, and hath engaged his heart to the obedi"ence of the law of love, his faith is not presumptuous or dead, bus "true and saving faith. 3. K "But attorney "But I, 'may the weak believer say,) in the sense of my own fin"fulness, and fear of God's wrath, am fled to jesus Chrift, the only remedy of fin and misery, and have engaged my heart to the obe "dience of the law of love. Therefore my faith is not a presumptuous and dead faith, but "true and saving faith." The fourth warrant and special motive to believe in Christ, is much affurance of ife given, in cafe men shall obey the command of believing; and a fearful certification of deftruction, in cafe they obey not; holden forth, John iii. 35. The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. Verf. 36. He that believeth on the Son, hath everlajing life: And he that believeth not the Son, shall not fee life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. € Wherein are holden forth to us these five following doctrines : 1. That the Father is well fatisfied with the undertakings of the Son, entered Redeemer and Surety to pay the ransom of believers, and to perfect them in holiness and falvation: "The Father loveth "the Son," faith he; viz. as he standeth Mediator in our name, undertaking to perfect our redemption in all points: The Father loveth him, that is, doth heartily accept his offer to do the work, and is well pleased with him; his foul delighteth in him, and resteth upon him, and maketh him, in this his office, the "receptacle of love, " and grace, and good will," to be conveyed by him to believers in him. 2. That, for fulfilling of the covenant of redemption, the Father hath given to the Son (as he standeth in the capacity of the Mediator, or as he is God incarnate, the Word made fiesh) all authority in heaven and earth, all furniture of the riches of grace, and of fpirit and life, with all power and ability, which the union of the divine nature with the human, or which the fulness of the Godhead dwelling substantially in his human nature, or which the indivisible allfufficiency and omnipotency of the infeparable, every-where present Trinity doth import, or the work of redemption can require : "The "Father (faith he) hath given all things into the Son's hand," to wit, for accomplishing his work. 3. Great affurance of life is holden forth to all, who shall heartily receive Chrift, and the offer of the covenant of grace and reconciliation through him: "He that believeth on the Son," (faith he,) "hath everlasting life;" for it is made fast unto him, I. In God's purpose and irrevocable decree, as the believer is a man elected to life. 2. By effectual calling of him unto life by God, who, as he is faithful, so will he do it. 3. By promife and everlafting covenant, fworn by God, to give the believer strong confolation in life and death, upon immutable grounds. 4. By a pawn and infeftment under the great feal of the facrament of the Lord's fupper, fo oft as the believer shall come to receive the symbols and pledges of life. 5. In Christ the fountain and head of life, who is entered in poffeffion, as attorney for believers; in whom our life is so laid up, that it cannot be taken away. 6. By begun poffefssion of fpiritual life and regeneration, and a kingdom consisting in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, erected within the believer, as earnest of the full poffeffion of everlasting life. 4. A fearful certification is given, if a man receive not the doetrine concerning righteousness and eternal life to be had by jefus Chrift: "He that believes not the Son, thall not fee life," that is, not fo much as understand what it meaneth. 5. He further certifieth, that if a man receive not the doctrine of the Son of God, he shall be burdened twice with the wrath of God; once as a born rebel by nature, he shall bear the curse of the law, or the covenant of works; and next he shall endure a greater condemnation, in respect that light being come into the world, and offered to him, he hath rejected it, and loveth darkness rather than light: And this double wrath shall be fastened and fixed immoveably upon him, so long as he remaineth in the condition of misbelief: "The "wrath of God abideth on him," faith he. Hence may the weak believer strengthen his faith, by reasoning from this ground after this manner; "Whosoever believeth the doctrine delivered by the Son of God, " and findeth himself partly drawn powerfully to believe in him, " by the fight of life in him, and partly driven by the fear of God's " wrath, to adhere unto him, may be sure of right and interest to " life eternal through him. "But finful and unworthy I (may the weak believer say) do believe the doctrine delivered by the Son of God, and do feel my" felf partly drawn powerfully to believe in him, by the sight of life " in him, and partly driven, by the fear of God's wrath, to adhere "unto him. "Therefore I may be fure of my right and interest unto eternal life through him." The EVIDENCES of true FAITH. S For A For the first, viz. To convince the believer, in his judgment, of his obligation to keep the moral law, among many passages, take Matth. v. 16. Let your light fo shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Verf. 17 I hink not that I am come to defroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to deArcy, but to fulfil. Verf. 18. For verily I fay unto you, Till heaven end earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wife pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Verf. 19. Whosoever therefore skall break one of these leaft commandments, and shall teach men jo, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: But whofover shall do, and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Verf. 20. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharifees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Wherein our Lord, 1. Giveth commandment to believers, justified by faith, to give evidence of the grace of God in them, before men, by doing good works: "Let your light so shine before men," faith he, "that they may fee your good works." 2. He induceth them so to do, by shewing, that albeit they be not juftified by works, yet spectators of their good works may be converted or edified; and so glory may redound to God by their good works, when the witnesses thereof " shall glorify your Father which " is in heaven." 3. He gives them no other rule for their new obedience than the moral law, fet down and explicated by Moses and the prophets; "Think not (faith he) that I am come to destroy the law or the pro"phets." 4. He gives them to understand, that the doctrine of grace, and freedom from the curse of the law, by faith in him, is readily miftaken by mens corrupt judgments, as if it did loose or flacken the o bligation of believers to obey the commands, and to be subject to the authority of the law; and that this error is indeed a deftroying of the law and of the prophets, which he will in no case ever endure in any of his disciples, it is so contrary to the end of his coming, which is first to fanctify, and then to fave believers: "Think not (faith he) that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets." 5. He teacheth, that the end of the gospel and covenant of grace is to procure mens obedience unto the moral law: "I am come (faith "he) to fulfil the law and the prophets." 6. That the obligation of the moral law, in all points, unto all holy duties, is perpetual, and shall stand to the world's end, that is, " till heaven and earth pass away." 7. That as God hath had a care of the fcriptures from the beginning, so shall he have a care of them ftill to the world's end, that there shall not one jot or one title of the substance thereof be taken away; fo faith the text, verf. 18. 8. That as the breaking of the moral law, and defending the tranf greffions thereof to be no fin, doth exclude men, both from heaven, and |