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Acknowledgment of Errors, Seed on, 55 Aix-la-Chapelle, anecdote of a Bell at, 90 Alceste, Shipwreck of the, 218 Alexandria, the Pestilence at, 95 All Fools' Day, Notice of, 111 Almanack, lines presented with one, American Chief and Scotch Highlander, Amsterdam, some account of, 34- Marriages, and Burials in, 38- Charitable Institutions, 39-Dress of Inhabitants, 39-Government, Amusement, Diversion, Recreation, and Relaxation, definition of, by Jones Anchovy Fishery, 226 Angelo, Michael, Anecdote of, 173 Arab, ludicrous mistake of one respect- Arabian Proverbs, 27, 56 Arabs, on the abundance of metaphors Atmosphere, its changes illustrated, 11 Augustus, the Roman Emperor, anec- Badajoz, Assault and Capture of, 188 Barrow, selections from, 232, 238 Basire, Isaac, aphorism of, 107 Bath, the Serpents', a Legend of Nas- Bees, Superstitions relating to, 203 Bells, their origin and use, 147 Berkeley, Bishop, remarks by, 91, 159 Birds, maternal care and intelligence Birds' Nests, Pensile, notice of, 116 Birmingham, some account of, 10 Blair, extracts from, 55, 200 Bowles, Rev. W. L., Verses by, 27 British India, its importance to the Merchants and Manufacturers of British Officer, his wife, and baggage- Britons, ancient, and Saxons, their Burial, Mode of, in different ages and Burke, extracts from, 23, 32, 243 Carisbrooke Castle, description of, 191 Carlyle, Mr., lines by, 207 Cow-tree of South America, 131 Creator, works of, Remarks on their Curiosity, right employment of, 232 Dead, treatment of, in Thibet, 46 Death, Lines on, by Sir Walter Scott, De la Bruyère, remark by, 20 Difficulty of making a Will, 181 135 remarks on its absurdity, Dispensaries, Self-supporting, their bo- Domestic Peace, remark on, 132 Douro, Passage of, by the British, 150 Dwight, extracts from, 88, 150 Eccentricity of Genius, 191 seventy years ago, 250 90 Egyptian Antiquities, I. 154;-II. 185. Electrical Eels, curions mode of fishing for, with horses, 144 Elmo, St., Castle of, at Naples, 106 Etawah, East India Station, described, Evening Thought, 47 Experimental Science, Familiar Illus Fame, Remark on, by Fuller, 58 Female Virtues, Remarks on, by Mrs. Ferguson the Astronomer, account of, 5 Fidelity and Sagacity of a Dog, 199 Floods, great, in the North of Scot- Florence, Ducal Palace of, 2 Flowers, remarks on the love of, 102; Forest Scenery of South America, 173 Freshwater Bay and Cavern, 160 Herbert, aphorism of, 107;-Lines Hermit, reply of, to a Profligate, 67 Herne's Oak, in Windsor Park, 181 Herring-fishery, at Tarbert, 254 Horne, Bishop, Remarks by, 32, 107,237 Human Voice, on the variety of tones Humble Life, a Tale of, 94 Indestructibility of Matter, 246 24 remarkable instance of, 114 on a Bell, 131 Jesse, extracts from, 5, 180, 203 Jeb, Book of, Remarks on, by Town- Johnson, Dr., Anecdotes of, 46, 136 64, 67, 94, 107, 135, 148, 153, 159, Johnston, Sir Alexander, his Evidence relative to Colonel Mackenzie's Jones of Nayland, selections from, 56, Jonson, Ben, extract from, 248 Juvenile Vagrancy, Success of Experi- Kente, lines on Westminster Abbey, Keith, remark on Religion, by, 230 on Female Tenderness, 135, 159 Kioum, Birmese, or Royal Convent, 58 Knots, various kinds of, remarks on, Knowledge, remark on, by Dwight, 88 Koordistan and its inhabitants, 68 Lady Jane Grey, anecdote of, 191 La Méduse (French frigate), account Larch, Cultivation of, in Scotland, 251 Lightning, illustration of, 198 Lines to a Friend on his Birth-day, 207 London, the Port of, some account of, 161;-its Docks, 166;-its Steam Lotus-tree, description of, 157 Mackenzie, Colonel, his Oriental col- Madagascar, the Island of, 203 Madrid, Charitable Institutions in, 173 Malayan Forests, grandeur of their Manners, their influence on Society, 23 Maternal Affection, remarks on, 150 May Day, verses on, by Bishop He- Meerschaum Pipes, Manufacture of, 47 Metal, the Art of casting Figures in used as a Drug, 237 Natural Phenomena, Familiar Illus VIII. Changes in the Atmosphere, 11 IX. On the Use of the Barometer,63 Naval Power of England, progress of, from Alfred to Henry VII, 73, 74; -from Henry VIII. to George 11., Navy, Royal, of Great Britain, some Neff, Felix, Biographical Notice of, 69 Negroes, their thirst for learning, 54 Newspaper, the first English, 231 New Zealanders, account of their re- ception of a British Resident, 134 Notes from a Traveller's Scrap Book, Oaths, reflections on, by Tyler, 174 Painting, curious Anecdote of a, 197 Palazzo Pitti, description of, 2 Personal Property, who may make Poet's Corner, 215 Scott, Sir Walter, aphorism of, 182 Seater, the Saxon Idol, described, 239 Setting Sun, lines on, 51 Shea, or Butter Tree, of Africa, 156 Shipwreck, Preservation from, by the Shrew Mouse, the, 247 Silent Monitors, 246 Sin, Bishop Wilson on its first Begin Skelton, selections from, 143, 171, 182, VI., Desire of Gain; Employ. Southey, Selections from, 32, 55, 62, 94, South-sea Islanders, their mode of se- Spider, remarks on, 56 St. Bernard's, a Night at, 183 Sun, the Idol of, 8 Sunday Thought, 47 Talbot, Miss, extract from, 243 Taylor, Jeremy, selections from, 27, 102, Temple, Sir W., remark by, 64 Titus, memorable exclamation of, 247 of Mr. Symington's plans, and of an unauthorized inspection of the Mr. JOHN KAY, of Rochdale, has also written, under the impres |