FROM " CHAUCER TO TENNYSON. WITH COPIOUS INDEXES: AUTHORS, 550; SUBJECTS. 435; QUOTATIONS, 13,600. BY S. AUSTIN ALLIBONE, AUTHOR OF "A CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS." TO THE VENERABLE HORACE BINNEY, LL. D., THE HEAD OF THE BAR IN THE UNITED STATES,* STILL IN THE FULL POSSESSION OF HIS VIGOROUS AND WELL-CULTIVATED INTELLECT, IN HIS NINETY-FOURTH YEAR, I DEDICATE THIS VOLUME, IN LASTING REMEMBRANCE OF THE INTEREST WHICH HE HAS LONG TAKEN IN THE LITERARY LABORS OF HIS FRIEND, S. AUSTIN ALLIBONE. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 8, 1873. * By the verdict of Hon. CHARLES SUMNER, LL.D., of the Boston Bar, and Hon. WILLIAM M. EVARTS, LL D, of the New York Bar, verbally expressed to the writer. PREFACE. SHORTLY after the inception of my project of a DICTIONARY OF AUTHORS, I determined, if life and health were continued, to supplement that work by a copious selection of QUOTATIONS from some of the works of the authors recorded in that register. The POETICAL QUOTATIONS are now offered to the public; and are to be followed by PROSE QUOTATIONS: the three DICTIONARIES -AUTHORS, POETRY, PROSE-representing and partly constituting a literature marvellous for its extent, variety, and value. The advantages of well-arranged and easily-consulted extracts from the best writings of the best authors are too obvious to need rehearsal; and the alphabetical distribution of the names of authors, and copious Indexes of Authors, Subjects, and First Lines, carry with them their own recommendation. A few words may be devoted to several of the most prominent subjects: I. "AUTHORS."- Opinions and criticisms upon 116 writers, by 56 authors, are quoted. The writers commented upon are: Addison, Ariosto, Aristotle, Bacon, Berkeley, Boileau, Boyle, Broome, Budgell, Burgess, Burnet, Burns, Cartesius, Cato, Cervantes, Chatterton, Chaucer, Cibber, Cicero, Coleridge, Condorcet, Congreve, Corneille, Cowley, Crabbe, Craggs, Crashaw, Dante, Defoe, Denham, Dennis, Dionysius, Dryden, Duck, D'Urfey, Epictetus, Erasmus, Etherege, Eusden, Evans, Flecknoe, Fletcher, Franklin, Galileo, Gay, Granville, Harvey, Heylin, Hoadly, Hobbes, Homer, Horace, Jonson, Knags, Lamb, Lee, Locke, Longinus, Lopez, Lucan, Mævius, Martial, Martyn, Milbourn, Milton, Molière, Moore, More, Newcastle, Newton, Ogilby, Ovid, Paine, Parnell, Petrarch, Pindar, Plato, Plutarch, Pope, Quarles, Rabelais, Racine, Raleigh, Ralph, Rochefoucauld, Roscommon, Rousseau, Rowe, SaintAndré, Sappho, Scarlatti, Scott, Settle, Shadwell, Shakspeare, Sheridan, Short, Sidney, Skelton, Sloane, Socrates, Solon, Spenser, Swift, Theobald, Theocritus, Thomson, Vida, Virgil, Voiture, Waller, Walton, Withers, Wycherly, Young, and Zoilus. The commentators are: Addison, Akenside, Basse, Blackmore, Browning, Brydges, Bulwer, Byron, Campbell, Canning, Coleridge, Collins, Cowley, Cowper, Creech, Denham, Dryden, Elliott, Fenton, Gay, Granville, Hall, Harte, Henley, Hill, Holmes, Horace, Johnson, Jonson, Lamb, Lyttelton, Milton, Moore, Parnell, Philips, Pope, Prior, Raleigh, Roscommon, Sandys, Savage, Shakspeare, Sheffield, Shelley, Shenstone, Sydney Smith, Southey, Spenser, Swift, Thomson, Tickell, Waller, Wolcott, Wordsworth, and Young. (xiii) |