Sir Jno. Denham. That are so wondrous sweet and fair. Waller, Go, lovely Rose. Sir Jno. Denham. Howard, Indian Queen. We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow ; In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes, Youth on the prow, and Pleasure at the helm ; Gray, Bard, II. 2. The charms of youth at once are seen and past; 66 So blooms the rose, and so the blushing maid; Be gay too soon the flowers of Spring will fade. Sir W. Jones. Oh! the joy Cowper, Tirocinium, 296. Of young ideas painted on the mind, Hannah More, David and Goliah. I can remember, with unsteady feet, Tottering from room to room, and finding pleasure In flowers, and toys, and sweetmeats, things which long I were the little trifler once again Southey, Thalaba. Wordsworth. YOUTH-continued. YOUTH-ZEAL. Ah who, when fading of itself away, Would cloud the sunshine of his little day! Let them exult! their laugh and song Live that thy young and glowing breast 715 Rogers, Human Life. There is nothing can equal the tender hours When the heart like a bee, in a wild of flowers, When the present is all and it questions not If those flowers shall pass away, But pleas'd with its cwn delightful lot, ZEAL, ZEALOTS-see Bigotry, Faith, Saints. Zeal and duty are not slow; Eliza Cook. Eliza Cook. MS. But on occasion's forelock watchful wait. Milton, P. R. 1.172. His zeal None seconded, as out of season judg'd, Or singular and rash. No seared conscience is so fell Milton, P. L. v. 849. As that, which has been burn'd with zeal ; For Christian charity's as well A great impediment to zeal, As zeal's a pestilent disease To Christian charity and peace. Butler, Misc. Thoughts. Easy still it proves, in factious times, Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel, 1. 180. ISSUE FOR USE IN Now Ready. THIRD AND FURTHER ENLARGED EDITION. In One Volume, 8vo., cloth gilt, price 18s. GORDON'S PINETUM BEING A Synopsis of all the Coniferous Plants at present WITH DESCRIPTIONS, HISTORY & SYNONYMS, AND A COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEMATIC INDEX. BY GEORGE GORDON, F. L. S. Formerly Superintendent of the Horticultural Gardens, Chiswick. New Edition. CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED, INCORPORATING THE FORMER SUPPLE- TO WHICH IS NOW ADDED An Alphabetical Reference List of all the Coloured Plates of Genus Pinus BY HENRY G. BOHN, F.L.S., F.R.H.S., F.R.G.S., ETC. LONDON: SOLD BY THE PUBLISHERS OF THE PRESENT VOLUME AND BY SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & CO., Stationers' Hall Court. |