a good Index, which is a great convenience for tracing required lines; but the selection is very limited, without the least observance of chronological order, and the arrangement, though professedly according to subjects, is too often determined merely by a leading word; for instance, Pope's fine lines on Providence, ending with "whatever is, is right," are placed under the word "All,” because they so commence. Mr. Friswell's recent volume entitled 'Familiar Words' has exactly the same advantages and disadvantages, even to the extent of placing the same lines in the very same place. But principles of arrangement have ever been open to discussion, and some may prefer what I disapprove to what I have adopted; neither is it my province to criticise my predecessors, and I do so, in the present instance, only by way of shewing my divergence from their plans. My own volume must speak for itself: it has grown by slow degrees from its original embryo to the portly shape it now assumes, and has been especially enlarged since I came to the determination, some four or five years since, to prepare it for press. The arrange ment of subjects, as will be seen, is alphabetical, in the manner of a common place book, and the quotations, so far as printing convenience would permit, are placed chronologically. Some few duplications will be found under synonymes; a defect, if it is one, which I have found unavoidable. I had not in my early selections affixed chapter and verse references to the extracts, but merely the author's name; in some instances trusting to my memory, in others unable to give them, owing to the then prevalent want of editions in which the poet's lines were numbered. And in connection with this explanation, I take leave to say that no edition of a poet should be printed without a proper numbering of the lines or stanzas, so as to afford ready means of reference; and the few which I have myself edited or published are so provided; but I regret to see that many editions, even of recent date, are in this respect conspicuously deficient. Although I have endeavoured to remedy my early neglect of minute references, by subsequent reading, I have not in all instances been successful, even in respect to poets with which I presumed myself to be perfectly familiar, such as Butler, whose Hudibras, I have had occasion to read through, for editorial purposes, some three or four times. I hope, however, to remedy whatever omissions or imperfections may from time to time be discovered by an Appendicula of Curæ posteriores; for which object I court criticism and communications. I have only to add that this volume, whatever its merits or demerits, will have cost me, independently of my personal labour, several hundred pounds; and that it is not printed for sale but exclusively for presents to my friends and acquaintances, or persons of public esteem, with whom I have had, or may hereafter have, social relations. NORTH END HOUSE, TWICKENHAM, July, 1867. HENRY G. BOHN. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED, WITH DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH AS NEAR AS THEY CAN BE ASCER * TAINED. An asterisk prefixed to either date denotes uncertainty. An explanation is introduced of such abridgments as seem to require it. Where the titles are distinctly quoted they are not repeated here. ADDISON, Joseph, born 1672, died 1719. Camp. Campaign, a Poem. ARMSTRONG, Dr. John, 1709-1779. A. P. H. Art of Preserving Health. Ethw. Ethwald, Tragedy. D. M. De Montfort, a Tragedy.— BALFE, Michael William, 1808-1870. BARBAULD, Anna Letitia, 1743-1824. BARHAM, Richard, (pseud. Thomas Ingoldsby), 1788-1845. Ingold. Ingoldsby Legends. BARLOW, Joel, (American), 1755-1812. Col. The Columbiad, a Poem. BARNARD, Lady Anne, 1750-1825. 4. R. G. Auld Robin Gray. BARON, Robert, *1630-1680. BARRETT, Elizabeth (Mrs. Browning), 1805-1861. BARTON, Bernard, 1784-1849. BASTARD, Thomas, *1560-1618. BAYLY, Thomas Haynes, 1797-1839. BEATTIE, Dr. James, 1735-1803. Min. Minstrel. BECKINGHAM. Charles, 1699-1730. BEAUMONT, Francis (and FLETCHER), 1585-1616. Capt. Captain, a Comedy.-Four P. Four Flays in One.-H. M. Fort. Honest Man's Fortune, a Tragi-Comedy.-Loy. Sub. Loyal Subject, a Tragi-Comedy. -Sp. Cu. Spanish Curate, a Comedy. BEAUMONT, Sir John, 1582-1628. BENJAMIN, Park, (American), 1809-1864. BICKERSTAFF, Isaac, *1735-1805. BISHOP, 1731-1795. BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, *1650-1729. xii ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. BLAIR, Robert, 1699-1746. Gra. Grave, a Poem. BLOOMFIELD, Rob. 1766-1823. F. B. Farmer's Boy.-R. T. Rural Tales, BOWLES, William Lisle, 1762-1850. BOWRING, Sir John, 1792-1872. BRATHWAITE, Richard, 1588-1673. S. A. The Smoking Age. BROOKE, Henry, 1706-1783. Earl of W. Earl of Westmoreland. BROOKE, Lord (Fulke Greville), 1554-1628. Ala. Alaham, a Tragedy. BROWN, Tom, *1650-1704. BROWNE, Dr. John, 1715-1766. Athel. Athelstan, a Tragedy. BROWNE, William, 1590-1645. Past. Britannia's Pastorais. BROWNING, Mrs. See BARRETT, Elizabeth. BRYANT, William Cullen, (American), 1794-1878. BULWER, Sir Edward Lytton (Lord Lytton), 1805–1872. BURNS, Robert, 1759-1796. Cot. Sat. N. Cotter's Saturday Night. Miscellaneous Henp. Husb. Henpeck'd Husband. BUTLER, Samuel, 1612-1680. Hu. Hudibras.-M. T. BYROM, John, 1691--1763. BYRON, George Gordon, Lord, 1788-1824. B. Ab. Bride of Abydos.Ch. H. Childe Harold.-Cors. Corsair.-Doge V. Doge of Venice.D. J. Don Juan.-Eng. B. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.Sard. Sardanapalus.-Cor. Siege of Corinth.-Vis. J. Vision of Judg ment. CAMPBELL, Thomas, 1777-18 14. P. H. Pleasures of Hope. CAREW, Lady Elizabeth, temp. James I. Mar. Marmion, the Fair CAREW, Thomas, 1589-1639. Chron. Chrononhotonthologus. Siege. The Siege, or Love's Con CARTWRIGHT, William, 1611-1643. vert, a Tragi-comedy. CARY, Henry Francis, 1772-1844. CAWTHORN, James, 1719-1761. CHAPMAN, George, 1557-1634. C. and P. Cæsar and Pompey, a Tragedy. CHATTERTON, Thomas, 1752-1770. CHAUCER, Geoffrey, 1328-1400. C. T. Canterbury Tales. CHURCHILL, Charles, 1731-1764. Ap. Apology.-Cand. Candidate Farew. Farewell.-Ni. Night.-Ros. Rosciad. CIBBER, Colley, 1671-1757. Dou. Gal. Double Gallant, a Comedy. CLARK, Willis Gaylord, (American), 1810--1841. CLEVELAND, John, 1613-1659. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834. Anct. Mar. Ancient Mariner, COLLINS, William, *1720-1756. COLMAN, George, 1733-1794. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. COLMAN, George, (the younger), 1762-1836. xiii B. G. Broad Grins. CONGREVE, William, 1672-1729. Mo. Br. Mourning Bride, a Tragedy. Cook, Eliza, 1818-living. CORBET, Bishop, Richard, 1582-1635. COTTON, Charles, 1630-1687. COTTON, Nathaniel, 1707-1788. COWLEY, Abraham, 1618-1667. COWPER, William, 1731-1800. Vis. Visions, in Verse. David. Davideis, an Historical Poem. CRASHAW, Richard, 1613-1650. Steps. Steps to the Temple. CROLY, George, 1785-1864. Peric. and Asp. Pericles and Aspasia. CUMBERLAND, Richard, 1732-1811. CUNNINGHAM, Allan, 1784-1842. Menander. DANA, Richard Henry (American), 1787-1879. DABORNE, Robert, 1590-1660. DANIEL, Samuel, 1562-1619. E. of South. Earl of Southampton.— Phil. Philotas, a Tragedy. DARCY, James, 1700-1762. DARWIN, Erasmus, 1731-1802. Love and Ambition. Distr. Distresses, a Tragi- DAVENANT, Sir William, 1605-1668. DEKKER, Thomas, *1580-*1639. Honest Who. Honest Whore, a Comedy.-Old For. Old Fortunatus, a Comedy. DE VERE, Sir Aubrey, 1814-living. |