ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. xix SHAKESPEARE, William, 1554-1616. PLAYS: All's W. All's Well SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley, 1751—1816. H. P. Hyde Park, a Comedy.-Wit, Fa. One. Witty Fair One, a Comedy. SHIRLEY, William, *1700-*1760. Par. Parricide, a Tragedy. SMART, Christopher, 1722-1770. SMITH, Edward, 1668-1710. SMITH, Henry, *1670-*1730. Pr. of P. Princess of Parma. SMITH, Horace, 1780-1819. R. A. Rejected Addresses. SMITH, James, 1775-1839. SMITH, Mrs. E. Oakes, (American), *1820-living. SMITH, William, *1580-*1630. Hect. Hector in Germany, a Play. SMOLLETT, Tobias, 1721-1771. Reg. Regicide, a Tragedy. SOMERVILLE, William, 1692-1742. SOTHEBY, William, 1757-1833. Ob. Oberon. SOUTHERNE, Thomas, 1660-1746. Fat. M. Fatal Marriage, a Tra gedy.-Fate Cap. Fate of Capua, a Tragedy.-Loy. Bro. Brother, a Tragedy.-Oron. Oronooko, a Tragedy. SOUTHEY, Robert, 1774-1843. Curse K. Curse of Kehama. SOUTHWELL, Robert, 1560-1595. SPENSER, Edmund, 1553-1599. F. Q. Fairie Queen. SPENCER, Hon. William Robert, 1772-1834. SPRAGUE, Charles, (American), 1791-living. STILLINGFLEET, Bishop Edward, 1635-1699. STILLINGFLEET, Benjamin, 1700-1771. Loyal STERLING or STIRLING, Earl of, 1580-1640. Jul. C. Julius Cæsar, a Tragedy. STREET, Alfred B. (American), 1811-living. SUCKLING, Sir John, 1609-1641. Gobl. Goblins, a Comedy. ΧΧ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. SWETMAN, Joseph, *1590-*1630. Comedy Woman H. The Woman Hater, a SWIFT, Jonathan, 1667-1745. Cad. Van. Cadmus and Vanessa. SYLVESTER, Joshua, 1563-1618. TALFORD, Sir Thomas Noon, 1795-1854. TATE, Nahum, 1652-1715. Loy. Gen. Loyal General, a Tragedy. TENNYSON, Alfred, 1809-living. In Mem. In Memoriam. THOMSON, James, 1700-1748. Ag. Agamemnon, a Tragedy.-Cast. Ind. Castle of Indolence.-Cor. Coriolanus, a Tragedy.-Ed. and El. Edward and Eleonora, a Tragedy.-Aut. Spr. Sum. Wint. Seasons.-Tan. and Sig. Tancred and Sigismund, a Tragedy. TICKELL, Thomas, 1686-1740. TIGHE, Mrs. Mary, 1773-1810. TOBIN, John, 1779-1804. TOURNEUR, Pierre Le, 1736-1788. TRAPP, Dr. Joseph, 1679-1747. Abram. Abramule, a Tragedy. TUKE, Sir Simon, 1610-1673. Advent. The Adventures of Five Hours, a Comedy. TUPPER, Martin, Farquhar, 1810-living. TURBERVILE, George, *1530-*1600. TUSSER, Thomas, 1515-*1580. Pts. Hus. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. URQUHART, Sir Thomas, 1613-1661. WALLER, Edmund, 1605-1687. WALPOLE, Horace, 1717-1797. Myst. M. The Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy. WALPOLE, Sir Robert, 1676-1757. WARE, Henry, Jun. (American), 1794-1843. WARNER, William, 1558-1608. WATSON, J. T. (American), *1779-1860. WATTS, Alaric Attila, 1797-1864. WATTS, Dr. Isaac, 1674-1748. WEBSTER, John, *1580-*1662. WEEVER, John, *1576-*1632. WHITE, Henry Kirke, 1785-1806. WHITEHEAD, William, 1715-1785. WILLIS, Nathaniel Parker, (American), 1807-1866. WITHER, George, 1588-1667. WOLCOT, Dr. John (pseud. Peter Pindar), 1738-1819. WOODWORTH, Samuel (American), 1785--1843. WORDSWORTH, William, 1770-1850. My H. Leaps. My Heart Leaps. -P. T. Personal Talk.-Res. and Indep. Resolution and Independence. WOTTON, Sir Henry, 1568-1639. YOUNG, Edward, 1684-1765. Bus. Busiris, King of Egypt.-L of F. Love of Fame.-N. T. Night Thoughts.-Rev. Revenge, a Tragedy. - Bro. The Brothers, a Tragedy. A DICTIONARY OF POETICAL QUOTATIONS. ABDICATION. I give this heavy weight from off my head, It so falls out, Sh. Oth. III. 1. Sh. M. Ado, IV. 4. T. May, Henry II. Absence not long enough to root out quite Though lost to sight, to memory dear. Michael Drayton. The authorship of this familiar saying is unknown, but it partakes very much of the preceding couplet. Fly swift, ye hours, you measure time in vain, Till you bring back Leonidas again : Be swifter now; and, to redeem that wrong. When he and I are met, be twice as long. Dry. Mar. a la M. Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; And every little absence is an age. Dry. Amphitrion. Dry. Aurengzebe. All flowers will droop in absence of the sun * Overrate. Pope, Eloisa. B 2 ABSENCE-continued. ABSENCE-ABSTINENCE. No happier task these faded eyes pursue; Pope, Elcisa. Pope, Eloisa. Pope. Goldsmith, Traveller, 7. Cowper, Task, VI. Not to understand a treasure's worth Byron, Bride of Ab. Byron, Don Juan, III. 22. O tell him I have sat these three long hours, Jo. Baillie, Raynor, 1. 1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Oh! couldst thou but know With what a deep devotedness of woe Thinking of thee, still thee, till thought grew pain, ABSTINENCE. Moore, Lalla Rookh. Yet abstinence in things we must profess, Herrick, Aph. 331. He is deformed, crooked, old, and sere, Sh. Com. Er. IV. 2. Thou yard, three-quarters, half-yard, quarter, nail, I have shot mine arrow o'er the house, As the unthought-on accident is guilty Ourselves to be the slaves of chance, and flies ACCOUNT. No reckoning made, but sent to my account Sh. T.S.IV.3. Sh. Ham. V. 2. Sh. Wint. T. IV. 3. Sh. Ham. 1. 5. And how his audit stands, who knows, save Heaven? Ib.III.3. ACHIEVEMENTS. Great things thro' greatest hazards are achiev'd, And then they shine. ACTION- Beaumont, Loy. Sub. Away, then; work with boldness and with speed; On greatest actions greatest dangers feed. Marlowe, Lust. D. Daniel, Phil. Sh. Jul. C. III. 3 Sh. Oth. 11. 3. For who knows most, the most he knows to doubt; Is to give worth reward-vice punishment. Donne Heath, Clar. B. & F. Capt * A beautiful vale eighteen miles from Florence. |