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ANCESTRY -see Pedigree.


I have no urns, no dusty monuments;
No broken images of ancestors,

Wanting an ear or nose; no forged tables


Of long descents, to boast false honours from. B. Jonson, Cat.

Boast not the titles of your ancestors, brave youth!
They're their possessions, none of yours.

Ben Jonson.

When your own virtues equall'd have their names,
"Twill be but fair to lean upon their fames,
For they are strong supporters; but till then,
The greatest are but growing gentlemen.
Your kindred is not much amiss, 't is true,
Yet I am somewhat better born than you.
The deeds of long-descended ancestors
Are but by grace of imputation ours.

He that to ancient wreaths can bring no more



Form his own worth, dies bankrupt on the score. Cleveland.

Were honour to be scann'd by long descent
From ancestors illustrious, I could vaunt
A lineage of the greatest, and recount
Among my fathers, names of ancient story,
Heroes and god-like patriots, who subdued
The world by arms and virtue;

But that be their own praise:

Nor will I borrow merit from the dead,

Myself an undeserver.

What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards?


Alas! not all the blood of all the Howards.Pope, E.M.iv.215.

He stands for fame on his forefather's feet,

By heraldry, prov'd valiant or discreet!

Young, L. F. s. 1.

Let high birth triumph! what can be more great?
Nothing-but merit in a low estate.

They that on glorious ancestors enlarge,
Produce their debt, instead of their discharge.

I am one,

Who finds within me a nobility

That spurns the idle pratings of the great,



And their mean boast of what their fathers were,
While they themselves are fools effeminate,

The scorn of all who know the worth of mind
And virtue.


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Thou hast the sweetest face I ever looked on;
For, as I have a soul, she is an angel.

Sh. Hen. VIII. IV. L

Pope, E. C. 624.

Sh. Coriol. IV. 2.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
ANGER-see Passion, Rage, Temper.
Anger's my meat; I sup upon myself,
And so shall starve with feeding.
A woman moved is like a fountain troubled,
Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty;
And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty
Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it.
Heat not a furnace for your foc so hot
That it do singe yourself: We may outrun,
By violent swiftness, that which we run at,
And lose by over-running. Know you not,
The fire, that mounts the liquor till it run o'er,
In seeming to augment it, wastes it?

Anger is like

A full-hot horse; who being allow'd his way,
Self-mettle tires him.

Sh. Tam. S. 2.

Sh. H. VIII. 1. 1.

Sh. H. VIII. 1. 2.

What sudden anger 's this? how have I reap'd it?
He parted frowning from me, as if ruin
Leap'd from his eyes: so looks the chafed lion
Upon the daring huntsman that has gall'd him;
Then makes him nothing.

Sh. H. VIII. III. 2. Sh. Ant. Cleo. IV. i.

Sh. Rom. Jul. III. 1.

Never anger made good guard for itself.
Away to heaven, respective lenity,
And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now.
What to ourselves in passion we propose,
The passion ending, doth the purpose lose.
O, that my tongue were in the thunder's mouth!
Then with a passion would I shake the world.

You are yoked with a lamb,

Sh. Ham. III. 2.

Sh. K. John, III. 4.

That carries anger as the flint bears fire;
Who, much enforced, shews a hasty spark,
And straight is cold again.

Anger in hasty words or blows,

Itself discharges on our foes.

The elephant is never won with anger;

Sh. Jul. C. IV. 3.


Nor must that man, who would reclaim a lion,
Take him by the teeth.

Dryden, All for Love.



With fiery eyes, and with contracted brows,
He coin'd his face in the severest stamp,
And fury shook his fabric like an earthquake.

He heaved for vent, and burst like bellowing Etna,
In sounds scarce human.

There is a fatal Fury in your visage,

It blazes fierce, and menaces destruction.
When anger rushes, unrestrain'd to action,
Like a hot steed, it stumbles in its way;



Rowe, Fair P.

The man of thought strikes deepest, and strikes safest.

Savage, Sir T. Ov.

His eyes like meteors roll'd, then darted down
Their red and angry beams; as if his sight
Would, like the raging dog-star, scorch the earth,
And kindle rivers in its course.

Those hearts that start at once into a blaze,
And open all their rage, like summer storms
At once discharged grow cool again and calm.


C. Johnson's Medea.

And her brow clear'd, but not her troubled eye;
The wind was down but still the sea ran high.
Loud complaint, however angrily

It shakes its phrase, is little to be feared,
And less distrusted.

Oh! Anger is an evil thing,

And spoils the fairest face,-
It cometh like a rainy cloud
Upon a sunny place.

One angry moment often does

What we repent for years;

It works the wrong we ne'er make right
By sorrow or by tears.


The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish

Cut with her golden oars the silver stream,

Byron, D. J.

Byron, Doge V.

Eliza Cook.

And greedily devour the treacherous bait. Sh. M. Ado. III. 1.

Give me mine angle; we'll to the river there,

My music playing far off, I will betray

Tawny-finned fish; my bended hooks shall pierce
Their slimy jaws.


Sh. Ant. & Cleop. III. 5.

Men so noble,

However faulty, yet should find respect
For what they have been; 't is a cruelty
To load a falling man.

Sh. H. VIII. v. 2.




Why should we
Anticipate our sorrows? 't is like those
Who die for fear of death.

Peace, brother, be not over-exquisite
To cast the fashion of uncertain evils;

For, grant they be so, while they rest unknown,
What need a man forestall his date of grief,
And run to meet what he would most avoid?
To swallow gudgeons ere they're catched,
And count their chickens ere they're hatched.

Some men there are love not a gaping pig;
Some that are mad if they behold a cat.
Masterless passion sways it to the mood
Of what it likes or loathes.

Ask you what provocation I have had?
The strong antipathy of good to bad.

They say he sits

All day in contemplation of a statue


Milton, Com.

Butler Hud. III. 1.

With ne'er a nose; and dotes on the decay,

Sh. M. Ven. IV. 1.

With greater love than the self-loved Narcissus

Did on his beauty.

What toil did honest Curio take,

What strict inquiries did he make,
To get one medal wanting yet,

And perfect all the Roman set!

"T is found! and oh! his happy lot!


Shak, Marmion, Antiq.

"T is bought, locked up, and lies forgot!

Prior, Alma, c. 2.

How his eyes languish! how his thoughts adore
That painted coat, which Joseph never wore !
He shews, on holidays, a sacred pin,

That touch'd the ruff, that touch'd queen Bess's chin.

Young, Love of F. Iv. 120,

Rare are the buttons of a Roman's breeches,
In antiquarian eyes surpassing riches:
Rare is each crack'd, black, rotten, earthen dish,
That held of ancient Rome the flesh and fish.


But human bodies are sic fools,

Peter Pindar.

For a' their colleges and schools,

That, when nae real ills perplex them,

They make enow themsels to vex them.




A man, whose blood

Is very snow broth; one who never feels

The wanton stings and motions of the sense:
But doth rebate and blunt his natural edge

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With profits of the mind, study and fast. Sh. M. for M. 1. 5. APPARITION.

They gather round, and wonder at the tale

Of horrid apparition, tall and ghostly,

That walks at dead of night, or takes his stand
O'er some new-open'd grave, and (strange to tell,)
Evanishes at crowing of the cock.


Forgive me, Valentine: if hearty sorrow

Be a sufficient ransom for offence,

I tender it here; I do as truly suffer

As e'er I did offend.

I know the action was extremely wrong;

I own it, I deplore it, I condemn it;

But I detest all fiction, even in song,

Blair, Grave.

Sh. Two G. v. 4.

And so must tell the truth, howe'er you blame it.


Byron, Don Juan.

Sh. Lear, IV. 6.

Through tatter'd clothes small vices do
Robes and furr'd gowns hide all. Plate sin with gold,
And the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks;
Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw doth pierce it.
Our purses shall be proud, our garments poor,
For 't is the mind that makes the body rich:
And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds,
So honour peereth in the meanest habit.
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy:
For the apparel oft proclaims the man.


Sh. Tam. S. IV.3.

Sh. Ham. 1. 3.

I have done the state some service, and they know it,
No more of that; I pray you in your letters,
When you shall these unlucky deeds relate,
Speak of me as I am, nothing extenuate,
Nor set down aught in malice.


All that glisters is not gold,
Gilded tombs do worms infold.

Sh. Oth. v. 2.

Sh. Mer. V. 11. 7.

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