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4. In the mean time the fpring returned; and the Indians having recourfe to their arms, again took the field. The old man, who was ftill vigorous, and well able to bear the fatigues of war, fet out with them, and accompanied by his prifoner. They marched above two hundred leagues, across the foreft, and came at length to a plain where the British forces were encamped. 'The old man fhowed his prifoner the tents at a distance, at the fame time remarking his countenance with the moft diligent attention.

5. "There," fays he, "are your countrymen; there is the enemy who wait to give you battle. Remember that I have faved thy life, that I have taught thee to construct a canoe, and to arm thyfelf with a bow and arrows; to fur. prife the beaver in the foreft, to wield the tomahawk, and to fcalp the enemy. What waft thou when I firft took thee to my hut? Thy hands were thofe of an infant; they were fit neither to procure thee fuftenance nor fafety. Thy foul was in utter darknefs; thou waft ignorant of every thing; and thou owest every thing to me. Wilt thou then go over to thy nation and take up the hatchet against us?"

6. The officer replied: I would rather lofe my own life, than take away that of my deliverer." The Indian then bending down his head, and covering his face with both his hands, flood fome time filent; then looking ear. neftly at his prifoner, he said, in a voice that was at once foftened by tenderness and grief. "haft thou a father?""My father," faid the young man, "was alive when I left my country."-" Alas," faid the Indian, how wretched muft he be!" He paufed a moment, and then added, "Doft thou know that I have been a father? I am a father no more. I faw my fon fall in battle; he fought at my fide; I faw him expire! but he died like a man. He was covered with wounds when he fell dead at my feet; but I have rev nged him!"

7. He pronounced thefe words with the utmoft vehemence; his body shook with an univerfal tremor; and he was almost stified with fighs that he would not fuffer to efcape him. There was a keen restlessness in his eye; but no tear would flow to his relief. At length he became calm by degrees and turning towards the east, where the fun was then rifing, "Doft thou fee," faid he to the young officer, "the beauty of that sky, which sparkles with prevail. ing day? And haft thou pleasure in the fight?""Yes,"

replied the young officer, "I have pleasure in the beauty af fo fine a sky." I have none !" faid the Indian, and his tears then found their way.

8. A few minutes after, he fhowe! the young man a tree in full bloom. “Doft thou fee that beautiful tree ?" fays he; "and deft thou look upon it with pleasure ?”— "Yes," replied the officer I do look with pleasure upon that beautiful tree."-"I have pleasure in looking upon it no more," said the Indian haftily; and immediately ad ded, "Go, return to thy countrymen, that thy father may ftill have pleasure when he fees the fun rife in the morning, and the trees blossom in the spring."




HE man whofe heart is replete with pure and unaffected piety, who looks upon the great Creator of the universe, in that juft, and amiable light, which all his works reflect upon him, cannot fail of tafting the fublimeft pleasure, in contemplating the ftupendous and innumerable effects of his infinite goodness.

2. Whether he looks abroad on the moral or natural world, his reflections muft ftill be attended with delight; and the sense of his own unworthinefs, fo far from leffening will increase his pleasure, while it places the forbearing kindness and indulgence of his Creator in a still more interefting point of view.

3. Here his mind may dwell upon the prefent, look back to the paft, or stretch forward into futurity, with equal fatisfaction; and the more he indulges contemplation, the higher will his delight arife. Such a difpofition as this feems to be the moft fecure foundation, on which the fabric of true pleasure can be built.

4. Next to the veneration of the Supreme Being, the love of human kind feems to be the most promifing fource of pleafure. It is a never failing one to him, who, poffeffed of this principle, enjoys all the power of indulging his benevolence; who makes the fuperiority of his fortune, his knowledge, or his power, fubfervient to the wants of his fellow-creatures.

5. It is true there are few whofe power or fortune are fo adequate to the wants of mankind, as to render them capable of performing acts of univerfal beneficence; but a fpirit of univerfal benevolence may be poffeffed by all; and the bounteous Author of Nature has not proportioned the pleasure to the greatnefs of the effect, but to the greatnefs of the caufe.

6. The contemplation of the beauties of the universe, the cordial enjoyments of friendship, the tender delights of love, and the rational pleafures of religion, are open to all; and each of them feem capable of giving real happinefs. These being the only foundations, from which true pleasure fprings, it is no wonder that many should be compelled to fay they have not found it; and fill cry out, "Who will show us any good?" They feek it in every way but the right way; they want a heart for devotion, humanity, and love, and a tafte for what is truly beautiful and admirable.






N contemplating on the various fcenes of life, the viciffitudes of the feafons, the perfect regularity, or der, and harmony of nature, we cannot but be filled with wonder and admiration, at the confummate wisdom and beneficence of the all wife and gracious Creator. His confummate wisdom and goodness have made the various feafons of the year perfectly confonant to the refined feelings of man, and peculiarly adapted them to the univerfal prefervation of nature.

2. Dreary winter is paft; its fevere cold is mitigated; the returning zephyrs diffolve the fleecy fnow, and unlock the frozen ftreams, which overflow the extensive meadows, and enrich the teeming earth. At length, the rapid ftreams begin to glide gently within their banks; the fpacious meadows foon receive their ufual verdure, and the whole face of nature affumes a cheerful afpect. By the refreshing fhowers, and vivifying power of the genial fun, we behold the rapid and amazing progrefs of vegetation.

3. What is more pleafing to the eye, or grateful to the


imagination, than the agreeable and delightfome return of fpring? The beauties of nature at once expel the gloomy cares of a dreary winter. The benign influence of the fun gives a brisk circulation to the animal fluids, and happily tend to promote the propagation of animated nature. In the fpring we behold the buds putting forth their bloffoms; in fummer we meet the charming profpect of enamelled fields, which promise a rich profufion of autumnal fruits..

4. Thefe delightful fcenes afford to man a pleasing anticipation of enjoying the bounties of Providence, cheer him in adverfity, and fupport him under the various misfortunes incident to human life. In the fpring, when we behold plants and flowers peeping out of the ground, reviving and flourishing at the approach of the vernal fun; when we behold the feed, which the laborious husbandman casts into the earth, starting into life, and rifing into beauty, from the remainder of that which perished in the preceding autumn, we are filled with the moft pleafing fenfations of the univerfal reanimation of nature.

5. The warm and invigorating fun produces myriads of infects, which have been lifeless through the hoary frofts of winter. The herds go forth to graze on the verdant plains. The numerous flocks quit their folds, with their young, to feed on the diftant mountains. The matin lark, with all the charming choir, whom nature wakes to cheerfulness and love, tune their melodious voices to hail the welcome return of fpring. The bufy bee flies over the fields, and ex• tracts the liquid fweets from every flower.

6. How pleafing! how wonderful! how delightful are the fcenes prefented to our view! The fpring of the year is ftrikingly emblematical of that grand and univerfal refurrection, which fhall cominence at the final confummation of all things. May its beauties therefore raise our affections to thofe fuperior regions of blifs, into which the truly virtuous fhall then enter, and for ever enjoy an unfading and eternal spring.





Y fon, faid the expiring monarch, the angel of death is now approaching, and in a few moments breathlefs coipfe will be all that remains of the once pow

érful Kalahad. Remember, therefore, my fon, that thou must now govern this mighty empire alone. Remember, O youthful monarch of Indoftan, that thy example will influence multitudes of peop e; it will conftitute either their happiness or mifery.

2. If thou art careful to direct thy paths by the precepts of reason, and to liften to the dictates of conscience; if thou art indefatigable in punishing oppreffors, and thofe who wallow in wickedness, and careful to encourage virtue and merit, wherever they are found; then shall happiness dwell in thy palaces, and plenty fmile around thy habitations.

3. Treachery fhall be banished from the empire of Indoftan, and rebellion seek refuge in the dark caverns of the mountains. The tongue of the hoary sage shall bless thee, and the shepherd, as he tends his flocks in the pastures of the Ganges, rehearfe the glories of thy reign.

4 Thus fhall thy life glide on ferenely; and when the angel of death receives his commiffion to put a period to thine existence, thou shalt receive the fummons with tranquility, and pass without fear the gloomy valley, that feparates time from eternity; for remember, my fon, this life is nothing more than a short portion of duration, a prelude to another, which will never have an end.

5. It is a state of trial. a period of probation; and as we fpend it either in the fervice of virtue or vice, our state in the regions of eternity will be happy or miferable. Farewell, my fon, I am arrived at the brink of the precipice that divides the regions of fpirits from those inhabited by mortals. Treasure up the instructions of thy dying father in thy breaft; practife them, and be happy.





ELIGION is the daughter of heaven, parent of our virtues, and fource of all true felicity; fhe alone giveth peace and contentment, divefts the heart of anxious cares, bursts on the mind a flood of juy, and sheds unmingled and perpetual funshine in the pious breast. By her the fpirits of darkness are banished from the earth,

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