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" And count the silent moments as they pass : The winged moments, whose unstaying speed No art can stop, or in their course arrest ; Whose flight shall shortly count me with the dead, And lay me down in peace with them that rest. "
Select British Classics - Page 180
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Poems on Several Occasions: By Michael Bruce

Michael Bruce - 1770 - 144 pages
...moments, whofe unftaying fpeei No art can flop, or in their courfe arreft ; Whofc flight fhall fhortly count me with the dead, And lay me down in peace with them that reft. > P 3 Oft XIX. Oft morning-dreams prefage approaching fate ; And morning-dreams, as poets tell,...
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The New-York magazine; or, Literary repository, Volume 2

1791 - 822 pages
...moments, whofe unflaying fpced No art can flop, or in their courfe arrelt ; Whofe flight (hall ibortly count me with the dead, And lay me down in peace with them that reft. Oft morning dreams prefage approaching fate; And morning dreams, as poets tell, are true. Led...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 11

Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 1288 pages
...moments, whofs unflaying fpeed No art can (lop, or in their coiirfe arreft ; Whofe flight (hall fhortly count me with the dead, And lay me down in peace with them that rclt. Oft morning dreams prefage approaching fate ; And morning dreams, as poet's tell, are true. Led...
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The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Volume 35

British essayists - 1802 - 216 pages
...flown. Starting and shiv'ring in th' unconstant wind, Meagre and pule, the ghost of what I was, Beneath some blasted tree I lie reclin'd, And count the silent...And lay me down in peace with them that rest. Oft morning dreams presage approaching fate; And morning dreams, as poets tell, are true. Led by pale ghosts,...
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The chaplet, poems, partly original and partly selected

Chaplet - 1805 - 238 pages
...liereclin'd, And eoimt the silent moments as they pa?.* : The wiriged moments, whose unstaying speea No art can stop, or in their course arrest, Whose...flight shall shortly count me with the dead. And lay nie down in peace with them that rest. Oii morning dreamis, presage approaching fate, And morning dreams,...
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The British Essayists;: Mirror

Alexander Chalmers - English essays - 1807 - 336 pages
...flown. Starting and shiv'ring in th' unconstant wind, Meagre and pale, the ghost of what I was, Beneath some blasted tree I lie reclin'd, And count the silent...lay me down in peace with them that rest. • Oft morning dreams presage approaching fate ; And morning dreams, as poets tell, are true. Led by pale...
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The British Essayists;: Mirror

Alexander Chalmers - English essays - 1807 - 338 pages
...the ghost of what I was, Beneath some blasted tree I lie reclin'd, And count the silent moments ;n they pass. The winged moments, whose unstaying speed...And lay me down in peace with them that rest. Oft morning dreams presage approaching fate ; And morning dreams, as poett tell, are true. Led by pale...
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Specimens of the Later English Poets: With Preliminary Notices, Volume 2

Robert Southey - English poetry - 1807 - 472 pages
...inconstant wind, Meagre and pale, the ghost of what I was, Beneath some blasted tree I lie reclined, And count the silent moments as they pass : The winged...flight shall shortly count me with the dead, And lay me do\vn in peace with them that rest. Oft morning dreams presage approaching fate ; And morning dreams,...
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The young gentleman and lady's poetical preceptor, selected [by T. Woolston].

Young gentleman - 1807 - 314 pages
...moments, whofe unfiaying fpeed No art can ftop, or in their coarfearreft ; Wliofe ftight (hall (hortly count me with the dead, And lay me down in peace with then that reli. Oft morning-dreams prefage approaching fate ; And morning-dreams, as poets tell, are...
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Specimens of the British poets, Volume 2

British poets - English poetry - 1809 - 526 pages
...Starting and shivering in the' inconstant 'wind, Meagre and pale, the ghost of what I -was, Beneath some blasted tree I lie reclin'd, And count the Oft morning-dreams presage approaching fate; And morning-dreams, as poets tell, are true : Led by pale ghosts, I enter Death's dark gate, And bid...
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