.LV. Melchor's SONG. WHilft Melchor to his Harp with wond'rous skill (For fuch were Poets then,and fhould be ftill") How the kind Sun ufefully comes and goes, He fung how Earth blots the Moon's gilded Wanes LVI. The Wish I. WELL then; I now do plainly fee, This bufie World and I fhall ne're agree The very Honey of all Earthly Joy 2. Ah, yet, e're I defcend to th' Grave May I a Small Houfe, and large Garden have! A Mistress moderately fair, And good as Guardian- Angels are, Only belov'd, and loving me! 3. Oh, Fountains, when in you fhall I My felf, eas'd of unpeaceful Thoughts efpy? Oh Fields! Oh Woods! When, when fhall I be made The happy Tenant of your Shade? Here's the Spring-Head of Pleafure's Flood; Where all the Riches lie, that the Has coin'd and ftamp'd for Good. 4. Pride and Ambition here, Only in far-fetch'd Metaphors appear; Here nought but Winds can hurtful Murmurs fcatter, And nought but Eccho flatter. The The Gods, when they defcended, hither 5. How happy here fhould I, And one dear he live, and embracing dye? I fhould have then this only fear, Comleyla LVII: The God of Sloth. UPON a Couch of Down in thefe Abodes, Supine with folded Arms he thoughtless NodsIndulging Dreams his Godhead lull to Eafe, With Murmurs of foft Rills, and whifp'ring Trees. The Poppy and each numming Plant difpenfe Their drowzy Virtue, and dull Indolence. No Paffions interrupt his eafy Reign, No Problems puzzle his Lethargick Brain. But dark Oblivion guards his peaceful Bed, And lazy Fogs hang ling'ring o're his Head. As at full Length the pamper'd Monarch lay Batt'ning in Eafe, and flumb'ring Life away: The flumb'ring God amaz'd at fome new din, Thrice ftrove to rife, and thrice funk down again. Liftless he stretch'd, and gaping rubb'd his Eyes, Then falter'd thus betwixt half Words and Sigh Dr. Garth's Difp I 2.. LVIH. CHRIST'S Paffion. Taken out of a Greck ODE. Written by Mr.. Mafters of New-College in Oxford. F. Enough, my Mufe of Earthly Things,. Of the great crucified King.. Mountainous heap of wonders! which does rife How fhall grafp this boundless Thing! I'll fing the mighty Riddle of Myfterious Love, How all the whole World's Life to die did not disdain. 12. I'll fing the fearchlefs Depths of the Compaffion (Divine, The Depths unfathom'd yet By Reafon's Plummet, and the Line of Wit, How How the Eternal Father did beflow His own Eternal Son as Ranfom for his Foe, I'll fing aloud, that all the World may hear The Triumph of the buried Conqueror. How Hell was by its Pris'ner captive led, And the great Slayer, Death, flain by the Dead. 3. Methinks I hear of nurthered Men the Voice Look how he bends his gentle Head with Bleffings And finful Man does fondly bind The Arms, which he extends t'embrace all humane Unhappy Man, canft thou ftand by, and fee All this as patient, as He? Since he thy Sins does bear, Make thou his Sufferings thine own, And weep, and figh, and groan, Thy Garments and thy Hair, And let thy Grief, and let thy Love Through all thy Bleeding Bowels move. (kind Doft thou not fee thy Prince in Purple clad all o're, Do |