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Leave these accurs'd; and to the Mountains Height
Afcend; nor once look backward in your Flight.
They haste, and what their tardy Feet deny'd,
The trufty Staff (their better Leg) fupply'd.
An Arrows Flight they wanted to the Top,
And there fecure, but spent with Travel, stop;
Then turn their now no more forbidden Eyes;
Loft in a Lake the floated Level lies:
A Watry Desart covers all the Plains,
Their Cot alone as in an Isle, remains:
Wond'ring with weeping Eyes, while they deplore
• Their Neighbour's Fate, and Country now no more..
Their little Shed, scarce large enough for Two,
Seems from the Ground increas'd, in height and bulk
(to grow.

A stately Temple shoots within the Skies,
The Crotches of their Cot in Columns rife:
The Pavement polish'd Marble they behold,
The Gates with Sculpture grac'd, the Spires and
(Tiles of Gold.

Then thus the Sire of Gods, with Look ferene
Speak thy Defire; thou only just of Men;
And thou, O Woman, only worthy found
To be with such a Man in marriage bound.
A while they Whisper; then to Jove address'd,
Philemon thus prefers their joynt Request.
We crave to ferve before your Sacred Shrine,
And offer at your Altars Rites Divine:
And fince not any Action of our Life,
Has been polluted with Domeftick Strife,
We beg one Hour of Death; that neither the
With Widows Tears may live to bury me,
Nor weeping I, with wither'd Arms may bear
My breathless Baucis to the Sepulcher..
The Godheads sign their fuit. They run their Race
In the fame Tenor all th' appointed Space:


Then, when their Hour was come, while they relate
These past Adventures at the Temple-Gate,
Old Baucis is by old Philemon seen

Sprouting with fudden Leaves of spritely Green :
Old Baucis looked where old Philemon stood,
And faw his lengthen'd Arms a sprouting Wood:
New Roots their faften'd Feet begin to bind,
Their Bodies stiffen in a rifing Rind:
Then e'er the Bark above their Shoulders grew,
They give and take at once their last Adieu:
At once, farewel, O faithful Spouse, they faid;
At once th' incroaching rinds their closing Lips in-

Ev'n yet, an ancient Tyanaan shows
A fpreading Oak, that near a Linden grows;
The Neighbourhood confirm the Prodigie,
Grave Men, not vain of Tongue, or like to lie.
I faw my felf the Garlands on their Boughs,
And Tablets hung for Gifts of granted Vows;
And off'ring fresher up, with pious Pray'r,
The Good, faid I, are God's peculiar Care,
And such as honour Heaven, shall heav'nly honour







NOT Winds to Voyages at Sea,

Nor Showers to Earth more neceffary be,
(Heaven's vital Seed cast on the Womb of Earth
To give the fruitful Year a Birth)
Than Verse to Virtue which can do
The Midwifes Office, and the Nurses too;
It feeds it strongly, and it cloathes it gay,
And when it dyes, with comely pride

Embalms it, and erects a Pyramid
That never will decay
Till Heaven it felf shall melt away,
And nought behind it stay.



Begin the Song, and strike the Living Lyre;
Lo how the Years to come, a numerous and well-fitted

All Hand in Hand do decently advance,
And to my Song with fimooth and equal measures dance
Whilft the dance lafts, how long so e're it be,
My Mufick's Voice shall bear it Company.
Till all gentle Notes be drown'd
In the last Trumpets dreadful found.

That to the Spheres themselves shall filence bring,

Untune the Universal String,
Then all the wide extended Sky,
And all the harmonious Worlds on high,
And Virgil's Sacred Work shall die,
And he himself shall fee in one Fire thine
Rich Nature's ancient Troy, tho' built by Hands div



Whom Thunder's dismal Noise,

And all that Prophets and Apostles louder spake,
And all the Creatures plain confpiring Voice,
Could not whilst they lived awake

This mightier sound shall make
When Dead t' arife,

And open Tombs, and open Eyes.
To the long Sluggards of five thousand Years
This mightier Sound shall make its Hearers Ears.
Then shall the scatter'd Atoms crowding come
Back to their ancient Home,

Some from Birds, from Fishes fome,
Some from Earth, and some from Seas,
Some from Beasts, and some from Trees.
Some descend from Clouds on high,
Some from Metals upwards fly,

And where th' attending Soul naked and shivering (stands

Meet, Salute, and joyn their Hands. As disperst Soldiers at the Trumpets call Hafte to their Colours all.

Unhappy most, like tortur'd Men, Their Joints new fet, to be new rack't again. To Mountains they for shelter pray,

The Mountains shake, and run about no less confus'd (than they,


Stop, stop, my Muse, allay thy vigorous Heat,

Kindled at a Hint so great.

Hold thy Pindarique Pegasus closely in,

Which does to Rage begin,

And this steep Hill would gallop up with violent course

Tis an unruly and a Hard-Mouth'd

Fierce, and unbroken yet,
Impatient of the Spur or Bit



Now prances ftately, and anon flies o're the Place,
Disdains the fervile Law of any fettled Pace,
Confcious and Proud of his own natural Force

'Twill no unskill'd Touch endure,

But flings Writer and Reader too that fits not fure.



To Mr. G. Granville, on his Verses to the KING.

By Mr. Edmund Waller.

AN early Plant, which such a

Bloffom bears,

And shows a Genius fo beyond his Years;. A Judgment which cou'd make so fair a Choice, So high a Subject to employ his Voice: Still as it grows, how sweetly will he fing The growing greatness of our matchless King?


To Mr. Waller.

By Mr. G. Granville.

WHEN into Lybia the young Grecian came,
When from the facred Tripod where he stood,
The Prieft inspir'd, faluted him a God;
Scarce fuch a Joy that haughty Victor knew,
When own'd by Heaven, as I thus fung by you

To talk with Hammon, and confult for Fame;


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