T 1. HE Things that make a Virgin please, She that feeks, will find them thefe; A Beauty not to Art in debt, Rather Agreeable, than Gr An Eye wherein at once do meet The Beams of Kindness, and of W An undiffembl'd Innocence, Apt not to give, nor take Offenc A Converfation, at once free From Paflion, and from Subtilty A Face that's modeft, yet ferene, A fober, and yet lively Mien; The Virtue which does her Adorn, By Honour guarded, not by Scorn: With fuch wife Lowlinefs indu'd, As never can be mean, or rude; Whom prudent Negligence does enrich, And times her Silence, and her Speech; Whofe equal Mind does always move, Neither a Foe, nor Slave to Love, And whofe Religion's ftrong and plain, Not fuperftitious, nor prophane. Mrs. Philips II. Virtue. I. Virtue, dear Friend, needs no Defence, 2. An honeft Mind, fafely alone, May travel thro the burning Zone, Or thro the deepest Scythian Snows, Or where the fam'd Hydafpes flows. 3. While (rul'd by a refiftless Fire) The hungry Wolves, that fee me ftray 4. Set me in the remoteft place, Leave me upon fome Lybian Plain, And when the thirsty Monsters meet, 6. The Magick of Orinda's Name, Not only can their Fierceness tame, But if that mighty Word I once rehearse, Earl of Rofcommon to Mrs Philips, call'd Orinda in Imitation of Horace. Integer Vitæ,&c.Ode 22.lib.8. III. The Story of Phoebus and Daphine applied. THirfis, a Youth of the infpired Train, Fair Sacharia lov'd, but lov'd in vain: Or form fome Image of his crual Fair; Like Phoebus thus, acquiring unfought Praife, IV. On my Lady Isabella playing on the Lute. Uch moving Sounds, from fuch a careless Touch, What Art is this, that with fo little Pains, B 2 The The trembling Strings about her Fingers crowd, Small Force there needs to make them tremble fo, Walter. V. A Defeription of King Saul's two Daughters. SAal's Royal Houfe two beaut'ous Daughters grac'd, Merab the firft, Michal the younger nam'd, Both equally for different Glories fam'd. Merab with fpacious Beauty fill'd the Sight, But too much Awe chaftis'd the bold Delight. Like a calm Sea, which to th' enlarged View, Gives Pleasure, but gives Fear and Rev'rence too. Michal's tweet Looks clear and free Joys did move, And no lefstrong, tho much more gentle Love; Like virtuous Kings whom Men rejoice t'obey, Tyrants themfelves lefs abfolute than they. Merab appear'd like fome fair Princely Tower, Michal fome Virgin Queen's delicious Bower. All Beauties Stores in Little and in Great; But the contracted Beams fhot fierceft Heat. A VII. Of a Lady who writ in Praife of Mira. HILE fhe pretends to make the Graces known, Of matchlefs Mira, fhe reveals her own; And when the wou'd another's Praife indite, Is by her Glafs inftructed how to write. Waller. VIII. Under a Lady's Picture. SUCH Waller, IX. To a Lady finging a Song of his Compofing. CHloris, your felf you fo excel, When you vouchfafe to breath my Thought, That like a Spirit with this Spell Of my own Teaching I am caught. |