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Loofe Wits made wife, a publick Good become,
The Sons of Pride an humble mien affume;
The profligate in Morals grow fevere,
Defrauders juft, and Sycophants fincere.
With amorous Language, and bewitching Smiles,
Attractive Airs, and all the Lover's wiles,
The fair Egyptian Jacob's Son carest,

Hung on his Neck, and languifh'd on his Breaft.
Courted with Freedom now the beauteous Slave,
Now flatt'ring fu'd, and threatning now did rave;
But not the various Eloquence of Love,

Nor Power enrag'd could his fix'd Virtue move.
See, aw'd by Heav'n, the blooming Hebrew Hies,
Her artful Tongue, and more perfwafive Eyes:
And fpringing from her disappointed Arms,
Prefers a Dungeon to forbidden Charms.
Stedfaft in Virtue's and his Country's Caufe
Th' illuftrious Founder of the Jewish Laws,
Who, taught by Heav'n, at genuine Greatnefs aim'd,
With worthy Pride Imperial Blood difclaim'd,
Th' alluring Hopes of Pharo's Throne refign'd,
And the vain Pleafures of a Court declin'd,
Pleas'd with obfcure Recefs, to ceafe the Pains
Of Jacob's Race, and break their Servile Chains,
Such generous Minds are form'd, where bleft Religion

Ye Friends of Epicurus, look around,
All Nature View with Marks of Prudence crown'd.
Mind the wife Ends, which proper Means promote;
See how the diff'rent/rt for diffrent ufe are wrought,
Contemplate all this Conduct and Defign,
Then own, and praife th' Artificer Divine.

Sir Richard Blackmore's Creation, L. 2.



The Entrance into the Infernal Regions,

JUST in the Gate, and in the Jaws of Hell Revength Cares and fullen Sorrow, dwell, And pale Difeafes and repining Age, Want, Fear and Famine's unrefifted Rage; Here Toils and Death, and Death's Half-Brother Sleep Forms terrible to View, their Centry keep: With anxious Pleafures of a guilty Mind; Deep Frauds before, and open Force behind: The Furies Iron Beds, and Strife that shakes Her hiffing Treffes, and unfolds her Snakes. Full in the midft of this Infernal Road, An Elm displays its dusky Arms Abroad.. The God of Sleep here hides his heavy Head, And empty Dreams on every Leaf are fpread. Dryden's Virgil.


A like Defcription from our celebrated Spencer.

AT length they came into a larger Space;

That ftretch'd it felf into an ample Plain, Thro' which a beaten broad High-way did Trate, That ftraight did lead to Pluto's grifly Reign. By that way's Side there fat infernal Pain, And faft befide him fat tumultuous Strife, The one in Hand an Iron Whip did ftrait, The other brandifhed a bloody Knife,


And both did gnafh their Teeth, and both did threa•

(ten Life. On th' other Side in one Confort there fate Cruel Revenge and rancorous Despite, Disloyal Treafon, and Heart-burning Hate, But gnawing Jealously out of their Sight Sitting alone, his bitter Lips did bite; And trembling Fear ftill to and fro did fly, And found no Place where fafe he fhroud him (might.

Lamenting Sorrow did in Darkness lie,

And fhame his ugly Face did hide from living Eye. And over them fad Horror, with green Hue

Did always Soar, beating his Iron Wings, And after him Owls and Night-Ravens flew, The hateful Meffengers of heavy Things, Of Death and Dolour telling fad Tidings, Whilft fad Celene fitting on a Clift,

A Song of Bale and Bitter Sorrow Sings,

That Heart of Flint afunder would have rift, Which having ended after him, fhe flyeth fwift. All thefe before the Gates of Pluto lay.


Fairy Queen, L. 2


A Broad in Arms, at Home in ftudious kind, Who feeks with painful Toil, fhall Honour

(fooneft find: In Woods, in Waves, in Wars, fhe wont to dwell, And will be found with Peril and with Pain, Nere can the Man that moulds in idle Cell, Unto her happy Mansion attain :


Before her Gate High God did Sweat ordain,
And wakeful Watches ever to abide;
But eafy is the Way, and Paffage plain
To Pleafure's Palace, it may foon be spy'd,
And Day and Night herDoors to all stand open




Spencer's Fairy Queen.

A Defeription of Despair.

FROM whence returning fad and comfortless,
As on the Way together we did fare,

We met that Villain (God from him me blefs)
That curfed Wight, from whom I 'fcap'd whylear,
A Man of Hell, that calls himfelf Despair,

Who firft us greets, and after fair areeds Of Tydings ftrange, and of Adventures rare : So creeping clofe, as Snake in hidden Weeds, Inquireth of our States, and of our knightly Deeds. Which when he knew, and felt our feeble Hearts Emboffed with Bale and bitter biting Grief,

Which Love had launched with his deadly Darts, With wounding Words and Terms of foul Reprief, He pluck'd from us all Hope of due Relief, That earit us held in Love of lingring Life; Then hopeless, heartlefs, 'gan the cunning Thief Perfwade us die, to ftint all further Strife,

To me he lent this Rope, to him a rufty Knife. With which fad Inftrument of hafty Death, That woful Lover, loathing lenger Light, A wide Way made to let forth living Breath. But I more fearful, or more lucky Wight, Dilimayed

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Difimayed with that deformed difinal Sight,
Fled faft away half dead with dying fear,
Ne yet affur'd of Life by you, Sir Knight,
Whofe like Infirmity like Chaunce may bear,
But God you never let his charmed Speeches hear.
Spencer, L. I..


The Story of Midas, as told by Geffrey Chaucer.

Vyde, among other thynges finale.

Said, Midas had under his long Heeres
Growyng on his Heed Two Affes Eeres:
The whiche vice he hidde, as he best myght,
Full fubtelly from every Mannes fyght:
That fave his Wife, there wift of it no mo,
He loved her moft, and trufted her alfo:
He prayde her that no Creature
She noíde tellen of his Disfigure.

She fwore him not for al the World to wyn,
She nolde do that Villany, ne that Syn,
To maken her Husbonde have fo foule a Name:
She nolde nat tell it for her own Shame..
But natheles, her thought that the dyde,
That fhe fo long fhulde a counfaile hyde,
Her thought it fwole fo fore about her Hert,
That nedely fome worde fhe most a ftert:
And fith fhe durft tellen it to no Man,
Down to a Marris faft by fhe ran,

Tyll fhe came there, her Hert was on a Fyre:
And as a byttour bumbeth in the myre,

She layde her Mouth unto the Water adown.
Bewray me nat thou Water with thy fown


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