Cou'd fwell the Soul to Rage, or kindle foft Defire. At laft Divine Cecilia came, Inventrefs of the Vocal Frame;
The sweet Enthufiaft, from her Sacred Store, Enlarg❜d the former narrow Bounds,
And added Length to folemn Sounds,
With Nature's Mother-Wit, and Arts unknown
Let old Timotheus yield the Prize, Or both divide the Crown;
He raised a Mortal to the Skies; She drew an Angel down.
Grand Chorus.
At laft Divine Cecilia came, Inventrefs of the Vocal Frame
The Sweet Enthufiaft, from her facred Store,
Enlarg'd the former narrow Bounds,
And added Length to folemn Sounds,
With Nature's Mother-Wit, and Arts unknown before. Let old Timotheus yield the Prize,
Or both divide the Crown; He raifed a Mortal to the Skies; She drew an Angel down.
The Cunning Man, or Conjurer.
E deals in Deftinie's dark Counfels, And Sage Opinions of the Moon Sells; To whom all People, far and near, On deep Importances repair; When Brafs and Pewter hap to ftray, And Linnen links out of the way
When Geefe and Pullen are feduc'd, And Sons of Sucking-Pigs are chous'd; When Cattle feel Indifpofition, And need th' Opinion of Physician; When Murrain reigns in Hogs or Sheep, And Chickens languifh of the Pip. When Teaft and outward Means do fail, And have no power to work on Ale. When Butter does refufe to come, And Love proves Crofs and Humourfom, To him with Questions, and with Urine, They for Discovery flock, or Caring.
Difguis'd in all the Mask of Night, We left our Champion on his Flight At Blindman's-Buff to grope his Way, In equal fear of Night and Day: He never was in greater Need, Nor lefs Capacity of Speed: Difabled both in Man and Beaft, To fly, and run away, his best, To keep the Enemy, and Fear, From equal Falling on his Rear. And tho with Kicks and Bangs he ply'd The further and the nearer fide: (As Seamen ride with all their force, And tug as if they row'd the Horfe
And when the Hackney Sails most swift, Believe they lag, or run a-drift.) So tho' he posted e'er fo fast,
His Fear was greater than his Hafte: For Fear, tho' fleeter than the Wind, Believes 'tis always left behind.
Prefented to the KING, at his Arrival in Holland, after the Discovery of the Confpi racy, in 1696. By Mr. Prior.
Serus in calum redeas; diuque
Latus interfis populo Quirini :
Neve te noftris vitiis iniquum
Hor. ad Auguftum.
E careful Angels, whom eternal Fate
Ordains, on Earth and human Acts to wait; Who turn with fecret Pow'r this reftless Ball; And bid alternate Empires rife and fall: Your facred Aid religious Monarchs own When first they Merit, then afcend the Throne: But Tyrants dread you, left your juft Decree Transfer the Pow'r, and fet the People free: See refcu'd Britain at your Altars bow; And hear her Hymns, your happy Care avow That ftill her Axes and her Rods fupport The Judges frown, and grace the awful Court:
That Law with all her pompous Terror ftands To wreft the Dagger from the Traitors Hands, And rigid Juftice reads the fatal Word; Poifes the Ballance firft, then draws the Sword. Britain her Safety to your Guidance owns, That the can fep'rate Parricides from Sons: That, impious Rage difarm'd, fhe lives and reigns; Her Freedom kept by him, who broke her Chains. And Thou, great Minifter, above the rest Of Guardian Spirits, be Thou for ever bleft: Thou, who of old wert fent to Ifrael's Court, With fecret Aid great David's ftrong Support; To mock the frantick Rage of cruel Saul; And strike the ufelefs Jav'lin to the Wall. Thy later Care o'er William's Temples held, On Boyn's propitious Banks, the heav'nly Shield, When Pow'r Divine did Sov'raign Right declare, And Cannons mark'd, whom they were bid to spare. Still, bleffed Angel, be thy Care the fame; Be William's Life untouch'd, as is his Fame: Let him own Thine, as Britain owns his Hand; Save thou the King, as He has fav'd the Land.
We Angels Forms in pious Monarchs view; We reverence William, for he acts like you: Like you Commiflion'd to chaftize and blefs, He muft avenge the World, and give it Peace.
Indulgent Fate our potent Pray'r receives; And ftill Britannia smiles, and William lives: The Hero dear to Earth, by Heav'n belov'd, By Troubles must be vex'd, by Dangers prov'd; His Foes muft aid to make his Fame compleat; And fix his Throne fecure on their Defeat.
So, tho' with fudden Rage the Tempest comes; Tho' the Winds roar, and tho' the Water foams; Imperial Britain on the Sea looks down; And fmiling fees her Rebel Subjects frown:
Striking her Cliff, the Storm confirms her Pow'r; The Waves but whiten her Triumphant Shore: In vain they wou'd advance, in vain retreat; Broken they dafh and perish at her Feet.
For William ftill new Wonders fhall be fhown; The Pow'rs that refcu'd fhall preferve the Throne: Safe on his Darling Britain's joyful Sea, Behold, the Monarch plows his Liquid way: His Fleets in Thunder thro' the World declare, Whofe Empire they obey, whofe Arms they bear. Blefs'd by afpiring Winds he finds the Strand Blacken'd with Crouds; he fees the Nations stand Bleffing his Safety, proud of his Command. In various Tongues he hears the Captains dwell On their great Leader's Praife; by Turns they tell And liften (each with emulous Glory fir'd) How William conquer'd, and how France retir'd; How Belgia freed the Hero's Arm confefs'd, But trembl'd for the Courage which she bleft. O Louis, from this great Example know, To be at once a Hero, and a Foe:
By founding Trumpets, mark, and furly Drums, When William to the open Vengeance comes Heading his Troops, and foremoft in the Fight, Behold the Soldier plead the Monarch's Right. Hence then, clofe Ambush, and perfidious War, Down to your Priftin Seats of Night repair. And thou, Bellona, weep thy cruel Pride Reftrain'd, behind the Victor's Chariot ty'd In brazen Knots, and Everlafting Chains. (So Europe's Peace, fo William's Fate Ordains :) While on the Iv'ry Chair, in happy State He fits; fecure in Innocence, and great In regal Clemency; and views beneath Averted Darts of Rage; and pointless Arms of Death
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