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With ravish'd Earsy &ic.


The Praife of Bacchus then, the fweet Musician fung
Of Bacchus ever Fair, and ever Young:
The Jolly God in Triumph comes;
Sound the Trumpets, beat the Drums;
Flush'd with a purple Grace

He fhews his Honeft Face,

Now gives the Hautboys Breath, he comes,he comes Bacchus ever fair and young,

Drinking Joys did first ordain ::

Bacchus's Bleffings are a Treafure;
Drinking is the Soldier's Pleafure,
Rich the Treasure;

Sweet the Pleafure;

Sweet is Pleasure after Pain.


Bacchus's Bleffings are a Treasure, &c.


Sooth'd, with the Sound the King grew Vain;

Fought all his Battles o'er again;

And thrice he routed all his Foes; and thrice he flew

(the flain,

The Mafter faw the Madne fs rife;
His glowing Cheeks, his ardent Eyes;
And while he Heav'n and Earth defy'd
Chang'd his Hand, and check'd his Pride. -
He chofe a mournful, Mufe.

Soft pity to infufe :*

He fung Darius great and Good,
By too fevere a Fate,

Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen,

Fallen from his high Eftate

And weltring in his Blood:


And seems a moving Land, and at his Draws in, and at his Trunk (pouts out a


Of the Birds.

MEan while the Tepid Caves,and Fe

Their Brood as numerous Hatch.

Beriting with kindly Rupture forthc Their callow young, but feather'd fo They fum'd their Pens, and foaring th With clang defpis'd the Ground, und In Prospect; there the Eagle and the On Cliffs and Cedar Tops their Eyri Part loofly wing the Region, part m In common, rang'd in Figure wedge Intelligent of Seafons, and fet forth Their airy Caravan high over Seas Flying, and over Lands with mutua! Easing their Flight; so steers the pru Her annual Voyage, born on Winds: Floats, as they pafs,fann'd with unnun From Branch to Branch the fmaller B Solac'd the Woods, and spread their Till Ev'n, nor then the folemn Nig. Ceas'd Warbling, but all Night tun'd Others on filver Lakes and Rivers be Their downy Breaft; the Swan with Between her white Wingsmantling Her state with Gary Feet: yet oft t The Dank, and rifing on ftiff Pennor The mid Aereal Sky: Others on gro

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Deferted at his utmoft Need,
By thofe his former Bounty fed:
On the bare Earth, expos'd, he lies,
With not a Friend, to clofe his Eyes.
With down-caft Looks the joyless Victor fate.
Revolving in his alter'd Soul

The various Turns of Chance below,
And, now and then, a Sigh he ftole;
And Tears began to flow.

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The mighty Master fmil'd to fee
That Love was in the next Degree:
'Twas but a Kindred-Sound to move;
For Pity melts the Mind to Love,.

Softly fweet, in Lydian Measures,
Soon he footh'd his Soul to Pleafures..
War, he fung, is toil and trouble;
Honour but an empty Bubble.

Never ending, ftill beginning, Fighting ftill, and ftill deftroying,

If the World be worth thy Winning, Think, O think, it worth Enjoying.. Lovely Thais fits befides thee,

Take the Good the Gods provide thee. The many rend the Skies, with loud Applaufe; So Love was Crown'd, but Mufick won the Caufe.. The Prince unable to conceal his Pain, Gaz'd on the Fair

Who caus'd his Care;

And figh'd and look'd, figh'd and look'd,
Sigh'd and Look'd, and figh'd again:

At Length, with Love and Wine at once opprefs'd
The vanquish'd Victor funk upon her Breast.


The Prince unable to conceal his Pain, &c.



Now ftrike the Golden Lyre again:
A lowder yet, and yet a lowder Strain.
Break his Bands of Sleep afunder,

And rouze him, like a rattling Peal of Thunder:
Hark; hark, the horrid Sound
Has rais'd up his Head,

As awak'd from the Dead,
And amaz'd, he ftares around.

Revenge, Revenge, Timotheus cries,

See the Furies arife!

See the Snakes that they rear,
How they Hifs in their Hair,

And the Sparkles that flash from their Eyes!
Behold a ghaftly Band,

Each a Torch in his Hand!

Thofe are Grecian Ghosts,that in Battle were flain, And unbury'd remain

Inglorious on the Plain.

Give the Vengeance due

To the Valiant Crew.

Behold how they tofs their Torches on High, How they point to the Perfian Abodes, And glitt'ring Temples of their Hoftile Gods!! The Princes applaud, with a furious Joy; And the King feiz'd a Flambeau, with zeal to deftroy Thais led the Way,

To light him to his Prey, And, like another. Hellen, fir'd another Troy..


And the King feiz'd a Flambeau,with zeal to destroy,&c.

Thus, long ago


'Ere heaving Bellows learn'd to blow,
While Organs yet were mute;
Timotheus, to his Breathing Fiute,

And founding Lyre,.


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