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So ev'ry Passion, but fond Love,
Unto its own Redress does move;
But that alone the Wretch inclines
To what prevents his own Designs;
Makes him lament, and sigh, and weep,
Disorder'd, tremble, fawn and creep;
Postures which render him despis'd,
Where he endeavours to be priz'd.
For Women, born to be controul'd,
Stoop to the forward and the bold;
Affect the haughty and the proud,
The gay, the frolick, and the loud.
Who first the gen'rous Steed oppreft,
Not kneeling did falute the Beast;
But with high Courage, Life and Force
Approaching, tam'd th'unruly Horse.
Unwifely we the wiser Eaft
Pity, fuppofing them oppreft
With Tyrants Force, whose Law is will,.
By which they govern, spoil and kill:
Each Nymph but moderately fair,
Commands with no less Rigor here.

Shou'd some brave Turk, that walks among
His Twenty Laffes bright and young,
And beckons to the willing Dame
Prefer'd to quench his present Flame,
Behold as many Gallants here,
With modeft Guise, and filent Fear,
All to one Female Idol bend,
While her high Pride does scarce descend
To mark their Follies, he would swear
That these her Guard of Eunuchs were:
And that a more Majeftick Queen,
Or humbler Slaves, he had not seen.

All this with Indignation spoke,
in I struggled with the Yoke


Of mighty Love; that conqu'ring Look,
When next beheld, like Lightning strook
My blafted Soul, and made me bow
Lower than these I pity'd now.
So the tall Stag upon the brink
Of some fmooth Stream about to drink,
Surveying there his armed Head,
With Shame remembers that he fled
The scorned Dogs, resolves to try
The Combat next, but if their Cry
Invades again his trembling Ear,
He ftrait re fumes his wonted Care;
Leaves the untafted Spring behind,
And, wing'd with Fear, out-flies the Wind.



On Mr. Milton, by Mr. Dryden.

THREE Poets, in three distant Ages born,

I Greece, 2 Italy, and 3 England did adorn.

The first in loftiness of Thought furpass'd,
The next in Majesty, in both the last.
The force of Nature could no farther go,
To make a Third she joyn'd the former Two.

1. Homer, 2. Virgil, 3. Milton.


Creation of the World.

LET there be

Of Light.

Light, faid God, and forthwith Light

Ethereal, first of Things, quinteffence pure
Sprung from the deep, and from her Native Eaft
To Journey through the airy Gloom began,
Spher'd in a radiant Cloud, for yet the Sun
Was not; she in a cloudy Tabernacle
Sojourn'd the while. God saw the Light was good;
And Light from Darkness by the Hemisphere
Divided: Light the Day, and darkness Night
He nam'd. Thus was the first Day Ev'n and Morn:
Nor paft uncelebrated, nor unsung
By the Celestial Choirs, when Orient Light
Exhaling first from Darkness they beheld;
Birth day of Heaven and Earth; with joy and Shout
The hollow universal Orb they fill'd,

And touch'd their Golden Harps, and Hyming prais'd
God and his Works, Creator him they sung,
Both when first Evening was, and when first Morn.


Of the Firmament.

A Gain, God faid, let there be Firmament
Amid the Waters, and let it divide
The Waters from the Waters: and God made
'The Firmament, expanse of Liquid, pure,
Transparent, Elemental Air, diffus'd

In Circuit to the uttermost Convex
Of this great Round: Partition firm and fure;
The Waters underneath from those above
Dividing: For as Earth, so He the World'
Built on circumfluous Waters calm, in wide
Crystalline Ocean, and the loud mifrule
Of Chaos far remov'd, lest fierce Extremes
Contiguous might Diftensper the whole Frame,
And Heav'n he nani'd the Firmament: fo Ev'n
And Morning Chorus sung the second Day.


Of the dry Land.

THE Earth was form'd, but in the Womb as yet
Of Waters, Embryon immature involv'd

Appear'd not: Over all the Face of Earth
Main Ocean flow'd, not idle, but with warm
Prolifick Humour soft'ning all her Globe
Fermented the great Mother to conceive
Satiate with Genial Moisture, when God faid
Be gather'd now ye Waters under Heav'n
Into one Place, and let dry Land appear,
, Immediately the Mountains huge appear
Emergent, and their broad Bare Backs up heave
Into the Clouds, their Tops afcend the Sky:


Of the Sea and Rivers.

SO high as heav'd the tumid Hills, so low

Down funk a hollow Bottom broad and deep,

Capicious Bed of Waters; thither they
Hafted with glad Precipitance, uproll'd
As Drops on Dust conglobing from the dry;
Part rife in Crystal Wall, or Ridge direct,
For haste; such flight the great Command impress'd
On the fwift Floods: As Armies at the call
Of Trumpet (for of Armies thou haft heard)
Troop to their Standard, so the watry throng,
Wave rowling after Wave, where way they found,
If steep, with torrent Rapture, if through plain,
Soft-ebbing; nor withstood them Rock or Hill,
But they, or under Ground, or Circuit wide
With Serpent Error wand'ring, found their way,
And on the washy Oose deep Channels wore;
Easy, e're God had bid the Ground be dry,
All but within those Banks, where Rivers now
Stream, and perpetual draw their humid Train.
The dry Land, Earth, and the great Receptacle
Of congregated Waters, he call'd Seas.


Of the Herbs and Trees.

AND faw that it

was good, and faid, let th' Earth.

Put forth the verdant Grass, Herb yielding Seed,

And Fruit-Tree yielding Fruit after her Kind;
Whose Seed is in herself upon the Earth.
He scarce had said, when the bare Earth, till then
Defert and bare, unsightly, unadorn'd,
Brought forth the tender Grafs, whose Verdure clad
Her universal Face with pleasant Green,
Then Herbs of every Leaf, that fudden flour'd
Op'ning their various Colours, and made gay
Her Bosom fimelling sweet: and these scarce blown
Forth flourish'd thick the clustring Vine, forth creept


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