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WHATEVER brawls disturb the street,
There should be peace at home;
Where fifters dwell and brothers meet,
Quarrels should never come.

Birds in their little nests agree;
And 'tis a shameful fight,
When children of one tamily

Fall out, and chide, and fight!

Hard names at first, and threat'ning words,
That are but noify breath,
May grow to clubs and naked swords,

To murder and to death.

The devil tempts one mother's fon
To rage against another;
So wicked Cain was hurried on
Till he had kill'd his brother.

The wife will make their anger cool,
At least before 'tis night;
But in the bofom of a fool

It burns till morning-light.
Pardon, O Lord, our childish rage,
Our little brawls remove;
That, as we grow to riper age,
Our hearts may all be love.

71. Against Scoffing and calling Names.


OUR tongues were made to bless the Lord,
And not fpcak ill of men;
When others give a railing word,
We must not rail again.

Cross words and angry names require
To be chaftis'd at fchool;
And he's in danger of hell-fire
That calls his brother Fool.
But lips that dare be fo profane,
To mock and jeer and scoff
At holy things or holy men,
The Lord shall cut them off.

When children in their wanton play
Serv'd eld Elifha fo;
And bid the prophet go his way,
"Go up, thou bald-head, go!"

God quickly stopp'd their wicked breath,

And fent two raging bears,

That tore them land from limb to death,
With blood, and groans, and tears.

Great God, how terrible art thou

To finners e'er to young!

Grant me thy grace, and teach me how
To tame and rule my tongue !

And yet how wicked children dare
Abuse thy dreadful glorious name!
And, when they 're angry, how they swear,
And curse their fellows, and blafpheme!

How will they stand before thy face,
Who treated thee with fuch difdain,
While thou shalt doom them to the place

Of everlafting fire and pain !

Then never fhall one cooling drop
To quench their burning tongues be given;
But I will praise thee here, and hope
Thus to employ my tongue in heaven.

My heart shall be in pain to hear
Wretches affront the Lord above;
'Tis that great God whose pow'r I fear,
That heav'nly Father whom I love.

If my companións grow profane,
I'll leave their friendship when I hear
Young finners take thy name in vain,
And learn to curse, and learn to fwear.

§73. Against Idleness and Mischief. WATTS.
HOW doth the little bufy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From ev'ry op'ning flow'r!
How skilfully the builds her cell !
How neat the fpreads the wax!
And labours hard to store it well
With the fiweet food she makes.

In works of labour, or of skill,
I would be bufy too;

For Satan finds fome mischief till
For idle hands to do.

In books, or work, or healthful play,

Let my first years be paft, That I may give for ev'ry day Some good account at last.

§ 74. Against Evil Company. WATTS,

WHY should I join with those in play
In whom I've no delight;
Who curfe and swear, but never pray;
Who call ill names, and fight?

I hate to hear a wanton fong,

Their words offend mine ears;
I should not dare defile my tongue
With language fuch as theirs.

Away from fools I 'll turn mine eyes,
Nor with the scoffers go:

§ 72. Against Swearing and Curfing, and taking I would be walking with the wife,

God's Name in vain. WATTS.

ANGELS, that high in glory dwell,
Adore thy name, Almighty God!

And devils tremble, down in hell,
Beneath the terrors of thy rod,

That wifer I may grow.

From one rude boy that's us'd to mock,

They learn the wicked jeft: One fickly sheep infects the flock, And poifons all the rest.

My My God, I hate to walk or dwell With finful children here:

Then let me not be fent to hell, Where none but finners are.

§75. Against Pride in Clothes. WATTS. WHY should our garments, made to hide

Our parents' shame, provoke our pride ?

The art of dress did ne'er begin
Till Eve, our mother, learnt to fin.
When first she put the cov'ring on,
Her robe of innocence was gone;
And yet her children vainly boaft
In the fad marks of glory loft.

How proud we are! how fond to shew
Our clothes, and call them rich and new!
When the poor fheep and filkworm wore
That very clothing long before.
The tulip and the butterfly
Appear in gayer coats than I:
Let me be drest fine as I will,
Flies, worms, and flow'rs, exceed me still.

Then will I fet my heart to find
Inward adornings of the mind;
Knowledge and virtue, truth and grace:
These are the robes of richest dress.

No more thall worms with me compare;
This is the raiment angels wear;
The Son of God, when here below,
Put on this blest apparel too.

It never fades, it ne'er grows old;
Nor fears the rain, nor moth, nor mould:
It takes no spot, but still retines;
The more 'tis worn, the more it shines.
In this on earth should I appear,
Then go to heav'n and wear it there,
God will approve it in his sight;
'Tis his own work, and his delight.

§ 76.

Obedience to Parents. WATTS.

I ET children that would fear the Lord
Hear what their teachers say;
With rev'rence meet their parents' word,
And with delight obey.

Have you not heard what dreadful plagues
Are threaten'd by the Lord,
To him that breaks his father's law,
Or mocks his mother's word?

What heavy guilt upon him lies!
How cursed is his name!

The ravens shall pick out his eyes,
And eagles eat the fame.

But those who worship God, and give
Their parents honour due,
Here on this earth they long shall live,
And live hereafter too.

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What do I read my Bible for,
But, Lord, to learn thy will?
And shall I daily know thee more,

And lefs obey thee ftill?

How fenfeless is my heart, and wild !
How vain are all my thoughts!

Pity the weakness of a child,
And pardon all my faults.

Make me thy heav'nly voice to hear,
And let me love to pray;
Since God will lend a gracious ear
To what a child can fay.

§ 78. A Morning and Evening Song. WATTS Morning Song.

MY God, who makes the fun to know
His proper hour to rife,
And to give light to all below,

Doth fend him round the skies.
When from the chambers of the east
His morning race begins,
He never tires, nor ftops to reft,
But round the world he shines.

So, like the fun, would I fulfil
The bus'nefs of the day:
Begin my work, betimes, and still
March on my heav'nly way.
Give me, O Lord, thy early grace,
Nor let my foul complain
That the young morning of my days
Has all been spent in vain !

Evening Song.

AND now another day is gone,
I'll fing my Maker's praife:
My comforts ev'ry hour make known
His providence and grace.

But how my childhood runs to waste
My fins, how great their fum !
Lord, give me pardon for the paft,
And strength for days to come.

I lay my body down to fleep;
Let angels guard my head,
And through the hours of darkness keep
Their watch around my bed.
With cheerful heart I close my eyes,
Since thou wilt not remove;
And in the morning let me rife,
Rejoicing in thy love.

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To-day with pleasure Christians meet
To pray, and hear the word:
And I would go with cheerful feet
To learn thy will, O Lord.

I'll leave my sport, to read and pray,

And fo prepare for heaven;

O may I love this blessed day

The best of all the seven

If we had been ducks, we might dabble in'mud,
Or dogs, we might play till it ended in blood;
So foul and fo fierce are their natures:
But Thomas and William, and fuch pretty names,
Should be cleanly and harmless as doves or as
Those lovely sweet innocent creatures. [lambs,
Not a thing that we do, nor a word that we say,
Should hinder another in jefting or play;

For he's still in earnest that's hurt: [mire! 80. For the Lord's Day Evening. WATTS. How rude are the boys that throw pebbles and

to fee

LORD, how delightful 'tis
A whole assembly worship thee!
At once they fing, at once they pray;
They hear of heav'n, and learn the way.
I have been there, and still would go;
'Tis like a little heav'n below :
Not all my pleasure and my play
Shall tempt me to forget this day.
O write upon my mem'ry, Lord,
The texts and doctrines of thy word;
That I may break thy laws no more,
But love thee better than before.

With thoughts of Chrift, and things divine,
Fill up this foolish heart of mine;
That, hoping pardon thro' his blood,
I may lie down, and wake with God.

81. The Sluggard. WATTS.

'TIS the voice of a fluggard-I heard him [again." "You have wak'd me too foon, I must slumber


As the door on its hinges, fo he on his bed [head.
Turns his fides and his shoulders, and his heavy
" A little more fleep and a little more flumber,"
Thus he wastes half his days, and his hours
without number;

And when he gets up, he fits folding his hands,
Or walks about faunt'ring, or trifing he stands.
I pafs'd by his garden, and faw the wild brier,
Thethorn and the thistle grow broader and higher;
The clothes that hang on him are turning to rags;
And his money still wastes, till he starves or he begs.
I made him a visit, still hoping to find

He had took better care for improving his mind;
He told me his dreams, talk'dofeatinganddrinking,
But he scarce reads his Bible, and never loves


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There's none but

a madman will fling about

And tell you " 'Tis all but in sport."


§ 83. The Rofe. WATTS.
HOW fair is the rofe! what a beautiful flow'rt
The glory of April and May!

But the leaves are beginning to fade in an hour,
And they wither and die in a day.
Yet the rose has one powerful virtue to boaft,
Above all the flow'rs of the field:
When its leaves are all dead, and fine colours are
Still how fweet a perfume it will yield !
So frail is the youth and the beauty of men,
Thơ' they bloom and look gay like the rose;
But all our fond care to preferve them is vain,
Time kills them as fast as he goes.

Then I'll not be proud of iny youth or my beauty,
Since both of them wither and fade;

But gain a good name by well doing my duty:
This will scent like a rose when I'm dead.

§84. The Thief. WATTS.
deprive my neighbour

WHY should I

Of his goods againft his will?
Hands were made for honeft labour,
Not to plunder or to steal.
'Tis a foolish felf-deceiving,

By such tricks to hope for gain:
All that 's ever got by thieving
Turns to forrow, shame, and pain.
Have not Eve and Adam taught us
Their fad profit to compute
To what difmal state they brought us,
When they ftole forbidden fruit!
Oft we fee a young beginner
Practise little pilf 'ring ways,
Till grown up a harden'd finner:

Then the gallows ends his days.
Theft will not be always hidden,
Though we fancy none can spy:
When we take a thing forbidden,
God beholds it with his eye.
Guard my heart, O God of heaven,
Left I covet what's not mine;
Left I fteal what is not given,
Guard my heart and hands from fin.


§ $5. The Ant, or Erimet. WATTS. THESE emmets, how little they are in our eyes! We tread them to duft, and a troop of them dies,


Without our regard or concern: Yet as wife as we are, if we went to their school, There's many a fluggard, and many a fool, Some leffons of wisdom might learn.

They don't wear their time out in fleeping or play, But gather up corn in a fun-fhiny day,

And for winter they lay up their stores: They manage their work in fuch regular forms, One would think they forefaw all the frofts and

the storms,

And fo brought their food within doors. But I have less sense than a poor creeping ant, If I take not due care for the things I shall want, Nor provide against dangers in time. When death or old age shall stare in my face, What a wretch shall I be in the end of my days, If I trifle away all their prime!

Now, now, while my strength and my youth are [thall come, in bloom,

Let me think what will ferve me when fickness
And pray that my fins be forgiven :
Let me read in good books, and believe and obey,
That, when death turns me out of this cottage of
I may dwell in a palace in heaven.

§$6. Good Refolutions. WATTS. THOUGH I am now in younger days, Nor can tell what thall befal me, I'll prepare for ev'ry place Where my growing age shall call me. Should I e'er be rich or great, Others shall partake my goodness; I'll fupply the poor with meat, Never shewing scorn or rudeness. Where I fee the blind or lame,

Deaf or dumb, I'll kindly treat them; I deserve to feel the fame,

If I meck, or hurt, or cheat them.
If I meet with railing tongues,
Why should I return them railing?
Since I best revenge my wrongs
By my patience never failing.
When I hear them telling lies,
Talking foolish, curfing, swearing;
First I'll try to make them wife,
Or I'll foon go out of hearing.
What though I be low and mean,
I'll engage the rich to love me,
While I 'm modeft, neat, and clean,
And submit when they reprove me.
If I should be poor and fick,

I shall meet, I hope, with pity;
Since I love to help the weak,
Though they 're neither fair nor witty.

I'll not willingly offend,
Nor be easily offended;
What's amiss I'll strive to mend,

And endure what can't be mended.

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§ 87. A Summer Evening. WATTS.

HOW fine has the day been, how bright was
the fun,
How lovely and joyful the course that he run,
Though he rofe in a mift when his race he begun,

And there follow'd fome droppings of rain! But now the fair traveller 's come to the weft, His rays all are gold, and his beauties are beft; He paints the iky gay as he finks to his reft,

And foretels a bright rifing again. Just such is the Christian: his course he begins Like the fun in a mitt, when he mourns for his fins, And melts intotcars; then he breaks out and shines, And travels his heavenly way: But, when he comes nearer to finish his race, Like a fine fetting fun, he looks richer in grace, And gives a fure hope at the end of his days Of rifing in brighter array !

§ 88. A Cradle Hymn. WATTS.
HUSH! my dear, lie still and flumber,
Holy angels guard thy bed!
Heav'nly bleffings, without number,
Gently falling on thy head.
Sleep, my babe! thy food and raiment,
House and home, thy friends provide;
All without thy care or payment,
All thy wants are well fupplied.
How much better thou 'rt attended
Than the Son of God could be;
When from heaven he defcended,
And became a child like theet

Soft and easy is thy cradle,
Courfe and hard thy Saviour lay;
When his birth-place was a stable,
And his fofteft bed was hay.
Bleffed babe! what glorious features
Spotlefs fair, divinely bright!
Must he dwell with brutal creatures ?
How could angels bear the fight?

Was there nothing but a manger
Curfed finners could afford,
To receive the heav'nly stranger?
Did they thus affront their Lord?
Soft, my child! I did not chide thee,
Though my fong might found too hard :
'Tis thy
fits beside thee,
nurfe that
And her arms shall be thy guard.


• Here you may use the words Brother, Sister, Neighbour, Friend, &c.


Yet to read the shameful story,

How the Jews abus'd their King,

How they ferv'd the Lord of glory,
Makes me angry while I fing.

See the kinder shepherds round him,

Telling wonders from the sky!

Ye angels, that with loud acclaim
Admiring view'd the new-born frame,
And hail'd the Eternal King,
Again proclaim your Maker's praife;
Again your thankful voices raise,
And touch the tuneful string.

Where they fought him, there they found him, Praise him, ye blest æthereal plains,

With nis Virgın mother by.

See the lovely babe a-dreffing,
Lovely Infant, how he smil'd!
When he wept, the Mother's blessing
Sooth'd and hush'd the holy child.
Lo, he flumbers in his manger,
Where the horned oxen fed:
Peace, my darling, here's no danger,
Here's no ox a-near thy bed.
'Twas to fave thee, child, from dying,
Save my dear from burning flame,
Bitter groans, and endless crying,
That thy blest Redeemer came.
May'it thou live to know and fear him,
Trust and love him all thy days;
Then go dwell for ever near him,
See his face, and fing his praife !
I could give thee thousand kiffes,
Hoping what I must defire;
Not a mother's fondest wishes
Can to greater joys afpire!

§89. The Nunc Dimittis. MERRICK. TIS enough the hour is come:

Now within the filent tomb

on high!

Let this mortal frame decay,
Mingled with its kindred clay;
Since thy mercies, oft of old
By thy chofen feers foretold,
Faithful now and stedfaft prove,
God of truth, and God of love!
Since at length my aged eye
Sees the day-spring y-fpring from
Son of righteoufness, to thee,
Lol the nations bow the knee;
And the realms of distant kings
Own the healing of thy wings.
Those whom death had overspread
With his dark and dreary shade,
Lift their eyes, and from afar
Hail the light of Jacob's Star;
Waiting till the promis'd ray
Tain their darkness into day.
See the beams, intenfely shed,
Shine o'er Sion's favour'd head!
Never may they hence remove,
God of truth, and God of love!

9. The Benedicite paraphrafed. MERRICK. YE works of God, on him alone,

In earth his footstool, heav'n his throne,
Be all your praise bestow'd;
Whose hand the beauteous fabric made,
Whose eye the finish'd work furvey'd,
And faw that all was good.

Where, in full majesty, he deigns
To fix his awful throne:
Ye waters that above him roll,
From orb to orb, from pole to pole,
O make his praises known!
Ye thrones, dominions, virtues, pow'rs,
Join ye your joyful fongs with ours;
With us your voices raise;
From age to age extend the lay,
To heaven's Eternal Monarch pay
Hymns of eternal praife.
Celeftial orb! whose powerful ray
Opes the glad eyelids of the day,

Whose influence all things own;
Praise him, whose courts effulgent shine
With light as far excelling thine,

As thine the paler moon.
Ye glitt'ring planets of the sky,
Whose lamps the abfent fun fupply,
With him the fong purfue;
And let himfelf fubmiflive own,
He borrows from a brighter Sun
The light he lends to you.
Ye show'rs and dews, whose moisture shed
Calls into life the op'ning feed,
To him your praises yield,
Whose influence wakes the genial birth,
Drops fatness on the pregnant earth,
And crowns the laughing field.
Ye winds, that oft tempestuous fweep
The ruffled furface of the deep,

With us confefs your God;
See thro' the heav'ns the King of kings,
Upborne on your expanded wings,
Come flying all abroad.

Ye floods of fire, where'er ye flow,
With just fubmiffion humbly bow
To his fuperior pow'r,
Who ftops the tempeft on its way,
Or bids the flarning deluge stray,

And gives it strength to roar.
Ye summer's heat, and winter's cold,
By turus in long fucceffion roll'd,

The drooping world to cheer,
Praise him who gave the fun and moon
To lead the various seasons on,

And guide the circling year.
Ye frosts, that bind the wat'ry plain,
Ye filent show'rs of fleecy rain,
Pursue the heav'nly theme;
Praise him who sheds the driving fnow,
Forbids the harden'd waves to flow,

And stops the rapid stream.

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