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be a monster rather than a man. It may, perhaps, be questioned, whether I ought thus to have exhibited his story under feigned names; or have a right to attempt that which he forebore. My love to him, is, indeed, my motive: but I think my conduct is just, when I consider, that though it is possible that Amelia may, by the perusal of this paper, suffer the most tender, and, therefore, the most exquisite distress, by the re-establishment of her esteem for him who most deserves it; yet the world may derive new virtue, from the dignity which the character of Eugenio reflects upon his conduct: his example is truly il lustrious; and as it can scarce fail to excite emulation, it ought not to be concealed. Benevolus.


There are some particulars in my character, which, perhaps, Benevolus has mistaken: but I love plain dealing; and as he did not intend to flatter me, I forgive him: perhaps my heart is as warm as another's, and I am no stranger to any principles that would lead a man to a handsome thing. But to the point. I approve of the story of Eugenio being published; and I am determined the world shall not lose the sequel of it. You must know, that I had observed my girl to go moping about of late more than com. mon; though in truth she has been somewhat grave ever since she dismissed Ventosus. I was determined to keep an eye upon her; and so watching her pretty closely, I catched her last Saturday was se'nnight almost drowned in tears with papers * in her hand, I laid hold of them in an instant, and putting on my spectacles began to read with a shrewd suspicion that I should find out a secret. Her passion of crying still increased; and when I looked here and there in the papers, I was convinced that she was by some means deeply interested in the story, which, indeed appear ed to me to be full of misfortune. In short, I pressed her so home upon the subject that she told me who were meant by the names, so I began to read with great eagerness; though to confess a truth, I could scarce see the three last pages. Odds my-life, thinks I, what an honest fellow this Eugenio is! and leering up at my girl, I thought I never saw her look so like her mother before. I took her about the neck and kissed her; but I did not tell her what I had in my head; however, to encourage her, I bid her be a good child; and instantly ordering my coach, I went directly to Benevolus, of whom I enquired the ship's name on board of which Eugenio was embarked, and when she sailed. The doctor, whether he guessed at my intention or not, looked as if he would have leaped out of his skin; and told me with a kind of wild eagerness, that the vessel having met with an accident in going out was put back, and then lay in the river near Gravesend. With this intelligence I returned to my daughter, and told her my mind. 'Em'my,' says, I, 'the captain was always in my opinion ' a worthy man; and when I had reason to believe ' you liked him, I did not resolve to part you because ' he was without a title or an estate, but because I could not be reconciled to his profession, I was determined you should never marry a cockade, and carry a knapsack; and if he had been a general gen offi* cer, I would have preferred an honest citizen, who ⚫ encourages trade and navigation, before him. Be• sides, I was angry that you should hold a private • correspondence, and think to carry your point with • out me: but you were greatly misrepresented; so • was the captain. He has gallantly removed all my • objections at once; he is not now in the army, nor ⚫ has he ever attempted to subvert my authority; he is

* The foregoing part of this story contained in No. 64, 65, and

66, of the "Adventurer,"


a true heart, and I feel that I love him as my son. • He is still within reach, and you shall this moment

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write to him with your own hand, and tell him, that • I say he shall be your husband. I have money enough for ye both; and if I please, I can make him 'a lord. The poor child sat with her handkerchief up to her eyes while I was speaking, and I did not immediately perceive, that, upon hearing the captain was not gone, she had fainted. We could scarce keep life in her for above two hours; but at last she a little recovered her spirits, and brought me the following billet.

• Sir,

To Eugenio.

My dear papa commands me to intreat, that ' you would immediately come on shore, and from this hour consider his house as your own. He is greatly affected with the story of your generosity • and distress, which he has just learnt by an accident • which I cannot now communicate; and he is determined to make you his heir, without prejudice to, sir, your humble servant,


When I had perused this epistle, 'Pshaw!' says I, 'put affectionate at the end of it, or else he won't 'come now.' This made her smile. I was glad to see her look cheerful; and having with some difficulty procured procu the proper addition, I dispatched the letter instantly by my own servant on horseback, and ordered a light chariot and four to follow him, and take up Eugenio's friend, the doctor, by the way. I will not say how Eugenio, as he is called, behaved upon the receipt of this letter; it is enough, that in about eight ight hours he arrived with his friend at my house: neither will I tell you how the lovers behaved when they met; it is enough that they are to be married next Thursday.

From the " Adventurer."


In the reign of Queen Anne, a young fellow in the county of Berks, being disgusted with a woman that his father had chosen for him as a wife, inlisted in a marching regiment then recruiting at Reading. As his education and manner of behaviour was superior to that of his fellow-soldiers, he was soon distinguished by his officers, and, before he had been a month in the service, was promoted to the rank of corporal, and in three months afterwards was made a serjeant. In this station he continued for two years, was then raised to be serjeant-major, and from that station to an ensigncy. The regiment was now ordered into Flanders, and in the famous battle of Ramillies, our young ensign had the honour of saving his colours from the resolute attack of four French soldiers. In reward of this gallant defence, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and from thence he succeeded to that of a captain; in this station he continued many years, with equal honour to himself and his country, till having received a challenge from a brother officer, on a supposed trifling offence, he had the virtue to refuse it; which coming to the knowledge of his then sovereign George 11, his majesty promoted him to the rank of a colonel; saying, that a man of approved valour would be inexcusable in risking his life to comply with an arbitrary and inhuman custom.

Few persons have been more admired than Mr. Vwas at the age of eighteen-his manners were gentle and engaging-his disposition open and liberal-he had never been known to turn his back on distressbut had very frequently sought for it, in those retreats where it is too often suffered to languish-he possessed an understanding uncommonly lively and penetrating-he had wrote several fugitive pieces-they had introduced his fame to circles, where he was not personally known. With these amiable qualities he had one vice which obscured them all-he was immoderately addicted to gaming-he had already involved himself in difficulties, when his father died and left him an estate of five thousand pounds sterling per annum. As he tenderly loved his father, his loss for a while recalled his senses-a short time indeedin six months he pursued his wonted course with as much avidity as ever-the passion grew each day stronger-he was hastening quick to ruin, when he became acquainted with my sister. She was one of the most charming of women-they conceived a mutual passion for each other-and my sister relying on her charms and Mr. V-'s good sense, did not doubt of reclaiming him. They were married-and the first fruits of their union was, a most solemn promise from Mr. V- of quitting for ever, this cursed vice. Strictly did he adhere to his resolution for more than three years-he found his reward in the most pure domestic joys in the approbation, the praises, of surrounding friends. What infatuation could lead him from this scene of bliss, to one of the most dreadful horror! About that time it became the fashion, among the nobility, to keep running horses-a young nobleman, who was neighbour to Mr. V- had two or three of them-Mr. V. went frequently to see them run, and became excessively fond of the sport-it kindled the spark, which, not extinguished, had lain dormant in


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