Flood contain, The Mole projected break the roaring Main; Back to his bounds their subject Sea command, And roll obedient Rivers thro' the Land: These Honours, Peace to happy Britain brings, These are Imperial Works, and worthy Kings. The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope - Page 91by Alexander Pope - 1854Full view - About this book
 | Alexander Pope - English literature - 1751 - 274 pages
...'Till Kings call forth th' Ideas of your mind, 1 95 (Proud to accomplifli what fuch hands defign'd,) Bid Harbours open, public Ways extend, Bid Temples, worthier of the God, afcend ; NOTEs. VE R. 195, 197, fcfr. 'Till Kings — Bid Harbours open, t3c ] The poet after having... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 pages
...'Till Kings call forth th' Ideas of your mind, 1 95 (Proud to accomplifh what fuch hands defign'd,) Bid Harbours open, public Ways extend, Bid Temples, worthier of the God, afcend ; NOTEs, VER. 195, 197, &V. TiV/ King I — Bid Harbours tpen, &c. ] The poet after having touched... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - English essays - 1767 - 294 pages
...others vilely executed, through fraudulent cabals between undertakers, officers, &c. when Dagenhambreach Bid Harbours open, public Ways extend, Bid Temples, worthier of the God, afcend ; Bid the broad Arch the dang'rous Flood contain, The Mole projefted break the roaring Main... | |
 | John Bell - English poetry - 1796 - 524 pages
...before: Till kings call forth th' ideas of your mind, 195 (Proud to accomplish what such hands design'd) Bid harbours open, public ways extend, Bid temples...worthier of the God ascend; Bid the broad arch the dang'rous flood contain, The mole projected break the roaring main ; 200 Back to his bounds this subject... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1777 - 264 pages
...: 'Till Kings call forth th'. Ideas of your mind, (Proud to aecomplift) what fuch hands dcfign'd,) Bid Harbours open, public Ways extend, Bid Temples, worthier of the God, afeend ; Bid the broad areh the dang'rous Flood contain, The mole projected break the roring Main;... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1778 - 410 pages
...'Till kings call forth th' ideas of your mind, 195 (Proud to -accomplifh what fuch hands defign'd) Bid harbours open, public ways extend, * Bid temples, worthier of the God, afcend ; Bid * The poet after hiving touched upon the proper objefts of magnificence and expettee,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 1154 pages
...before : Till Kings call forth th' Ideas cf your mind, 195 (Proud to accomplim what fuch hands def:gn'd) Bid Harbours open, public Ways extend, Bid Temples, worthier of the God, afcend ; Bid the broad Arch the dangerous flood contain, The Mole projefted break the roaring Main... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1787 - 396 pages
...Till Kings call forth the Ideas of your mind, 10,5 (Proud to accomplish what fuch hands defign'il) Bid Harbours open, public Ways extend, Bid Temples, worthier of the God, afcend ; with a fummary of his Precepts in thefe two fublime lines : for, thd conlulting Uj'e is beginning... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 398 pages
...fuch hands defign'd) Bid K.irbours open, public Ways extend, Bid Temples worthier of the God afcend ; Bid the Broad Arch the dangerous flood contain, The Mole projected break the roaring Main; 200 Back to his bounds their fubjeft fea command, And roll obedient Rivers through the Land; Thefe... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1791 - 510 pages
...open, public ways extend, Bid temples, worthier uf the god, afcend ; Bui the broad arch the dang'rous flood contain, The mole projected break the roaring main ; Back to his bounds their fubjcft fea command, And roll obedient rivers thro' the land; Thel'e honours, peace to happy Britain... | |
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