Page images

Lines on the Countess of Burlington cut- Memoirs and Notices of Celebrated Per-
ting paper, iv. 275.

written in Windsor Forest, iv. 273.

to Lady Mary Montagu, iv. 271.

to Lord Bathurst, iv. 289.

to Mr. Gay, iv. 272.

to the author of Successio, ii. 12.

--to the Man-Mountain, iv. 264.

--to the Right Hon. the Earl of Oxford,
iv. 287.

Lintot and Curll, the booksellers, iii. 174.
List of Pope's works, i. 339-342.
Lombard-street, the birth place of Pope, i.


London, a fare well to, iv. 269.
Looking-glass, the, iv. 275.

Lord Bathurst, lines to, iv. 289.
Lord Hervey attacked by Pope. i. 220.
Lord Mayor's day, description of, ini. 177.

MACER, a Character, iv. 253.

Magazines, attack upon, in the Dunciad
notes, iii. 175.

Mallet's traduction of Pope, i. 305.
Mandeville (Bernard), singular notions of,
iii. 222.

Manley (Mrs.), account of, ii. 238.
Man-Mountain, lines to the, iv. 264.
Man of Ross, account of the, iv. 58, 74.
Mansfield (Lord), memoir of, iv. 157.
Maple-Durham House, inhabitants of, i.


[blocks in formation]

Aaron Hill, i. 202.

Barnard (Sir John). iv. 150.
Bathurst (Lord), iv. 65.
Bubb Dodington, iv. 93.
Burlington (Earl of), iv. 92.
Carleton (Lord), iv. 214,
Centlivre (Mrs.), iii. 220.
Chandos (Duke of), iv. 17.
Chartres (Francis), iv. 48, 67.
Chesterfield, iv. 215.

Cibber (Theophilus), iii. 225.
Clarke (Dr. Samuel), iv. 101.
Cobham (Lord), iv. 14.
Craggs (James), ii. 271.

Crook (Japhet), iv. 68.

Cutler (Sir John), iv. 80.

Dartineuf (Charles), iv. 133.

Deloraine (the Countess), iv. 136.
Eustace Budgell, iii. 219.
Godolphin (Earl of), iv. 18.

sons, continued.

Hales (Dr. Stephen), iv. 45.

Halifax (the Earl of), iv. 125.
Hamilton (the Duchess of), iv. 32.
Heathcote (Sir Gilbert), iv. 70.
Henley, Orator, iii. 229.

Henrietta, Duchess of Marlborough, iv.35.
Hervey (Lord), iv. 125.

Jervas, the portrait-painter, ii. 273.
Le Nôtre, the garden-designer, iv. 84.
Man of Ross (the), iv. 74.

Mansfield (Lord), iv. 157.

Montagu (Mr. E. W.), and his son, iv.


Montagu (Lady Mary W.), iv. 136.
Mornington (Lord), iv. 221.
Newcastle, the Duke of, iv. 73.
Oglethorpe, General, iv. 185.
Oxford, the Earl of, ii. 269.
Page, Sir Francis, iii. 236.
Pelham (the Hon. Mr.), iv. 213.
Pembroke (Thomas, Earl of), iv. 83.

Queensberry (the Duchess of), iv. 43.
Ralph (James), iii. 227.

Rich (Lady), iv. 259.

Richmond, (the Duchess of), iv. 69.
Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, iv. 36.
Settle, Elkanah, iii. 224.
Shippen, Will, iv. 134.
Skerrett (Miss), iv. 70.
Stair (the Earl of), iv. 221.
Suffolk (the Countess of), iv. 40.
Sunderland (the Earl of), iv. 259.
Tofts, the opera singer, iv. 291.
Trumbull (Sir William), ii. 96. 103.
Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, iv. 76.
Vulture Hopkins, iv. 52, 68.

Walter (Peter), iv. 72.

Yonge (Sir William), iv. 115.
Merchant's Tale (the), ii. 52.
Messiah, a sacred eclogue, ii. 139.
Methuen, Sir Paul, i. 162.

Michael Paxton's defalcations, iv. 271.
Milbourne (Luke), singular conceit of, iii.


Milton's blindness, Hallam on, iii. 127.
Mint (the) in Southwark, a sanctuary for
debtors, iv. 105.

Miscellanies, Pope's, iv. 244.
Miss Blount, Epistle to, ii. 276.

Mist and Ridpath, the journalists, iii. 188.
Money transaction with the Duchess of
Marlborough, i. 302.

Montagu (Mr. E. W.) and his son, memoir of,
iv. 154.

Montagu (Lady M. W.), memoir of, iv. 136.
reason assigned by her for Pope's
malignity, i. 139.

Monument on Fish-street-hill, inscription
on the, iv. 62.

Monument to Mary Beach, the poet's nurse,
ii. 15.

-to Pope in Twickenham Church, i.

to Pope's parents in Twickenham
Church, iv. 120.

Moore's (James) lampoon against Pope, i. | Pastoral poetry, Pope's discourse on, ii.


Moral Essays, Warburton's explanation Pastorals (Pope's), great pains taken with,
about Pope's, iv. 1.

Mordington (Lord), memoir of, iv. 221.
Motteux (P. A.), notice of, by Dryden, iii.

Motto to Pope's Satires, iv. 104.

to the Rape of the Lock, ii. 223.
Mummy of Cheops, a king of Egypt, iii.

Musgrove (Sir Christopher), anecdote of,
iv. 50.

Music, English, rage for, during twenty
years, iii. 147.

Mystery about Pope's correspondence, i.

Mystery as to the heroine of Pope's elegy,
ii. 183.

NAMESAKE, singular visit of a, to the
poet, i. 7.

Narcissa's last words, iv. 12.

Nell Gwynne, anecdote of, iii. 188.
New Atalantis, the authoress of the, ii. 238.
Newcastle, memoir of the Duke of, iv. 73.
New Dunciad, appearance of the, i. 276.
New-year odes of Colley Cibber, iii. 176.
Notes to Gay's "Welcome from Greece,"
i. 162.

Notes to the Dunciad, iii. 167.

OBELISK to the memory of Pope's mother,
i. 217.

Obscure poets and publishers, iii. 201.
Ode on Solitude, written at the age of
twelve, i. 19; ii. 9.

Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, ii. 170.
Ogilby and the Duchess of Newcastle,
iii. 185.

Oglethorpe (General), memoir of, iv. 185.
Old English poets, Pope's opinions on the,
i. 267.

Oldfield (Mrs.), account of, iv. 19.

Oldmixon, censure of, by Pope, iii. 214.
Opinion of Pope on new buildings, i. 121.
Orator Henley, memoir of, iii. 239.
Original copy of Pope's Homer in the
British Museum, i. 90.

Origin of the Dunciad, i. 197.

Imitations of Horace, iv. 127.
Rape of the Lock, i. 83; ii. 223.

Osborne, the bookseller, iii. 207.

Oxford University, the philosophy of Aris-
totle expelled from, iii. 239.

Ozell (John) and Theobald, iii. 192.

PAGE (Sir Francis), the "Hanging Judge,"
iii. 236.

Pane of glass inscribed by Pope, at Nune-
ham Courtney, i. 137.

Parallels of the characters of Dryden and
Pope, iii. 158-163.
Parentage of Pope, i. 229.

Parents, monument to Pope's, iv. 120.
Parnell's works, edited by Pope, i. 168.
Partridge, the prophet, account of, ii. 249

i. 23.

Patronage extended to English poets, i. 56.
Pelham (the Hon. Mr.), account of, iv. 213.
Pembroke, account of Thomas, Earl of,
iv. 83.

Pension declined by Pope, i. 56.

Personages alluded to in the Rape of the
Lock, ii. 219.

Personal deformity, impromptus on the
attacks upon Pope's, iii. 205, 206
Persons celebrated in the Dunciad, index
of, iii. 164-166.

Peterborough's (Lord) announcement of
his marriage, i. 251.

Peter Walter, memoir of, iv. 72.
Phaon, Sappho's address to, ii. 44.
Philips (Ambrose), and his pastorals,
iii. 231.

Philips's threat against Pope, i. 78.
Pitt diamond, history of the, iv. 63.
Plagiarisms of Pope, ii. 132; iii. 150, 194,
296; iv. 22.

Plan of Pope's garden and grotto, i. 332-

Poem, a fragment of a, iv. 240.
Poem of Sandy's Ghost, iv. 254.

Windsor Forest. i. 67; ii. 122.
Politeness on the death-bed, anecdotes of,
iv. 13.

Pomona and Vertumnus, ii. 40.
Pope and Bolingbroke's similarity of sen-
timent, iii. 243.

attacked by Curll, the bookseller,

i. 150.

declines going abroad, i. 120.
(Mrs.), death of, i. 216.

on the immortality of the soul, i. 296.
threatened with a government prose-
cution, i. 254.

Pope's and Tickell's Homer compared, i. 96.
attack on Everard Ward, iii, 66.

compliment to Erasmus, ii. 213.
compliments to the Prince of Wales,

i. 259.

defective knowledge of Latin prosody,
ii. 19.

description of his publisher, Lintot,
i. 115.

dramatic attempts in conjunction with
others, i. 146.

edition of Shakespear, i. 169.
efforts in behalf of Warburton, i. 262.
Epistles to celebrated personages.
[See Epistles.]

favourite couplet, iii. 103.

gallant apology for his attack upon
the air sex, iv. 28.

gratitude to Warburton, iii. 246.
Homer, liberal subscriptions towards,
1. 86.

imitation of Flatman, ii. 178.

- indignation regarding his descent, i. 5.
inscription in honour of the Prince of
Wales, i. 114.

[blocks in formation]

last moments, i. 299.

literary correspondence, publication
of, i. 227.

—— nil admirari maxim, ii. 202.
--noblest passage, as asserted by War-
ton, iv. 270.

opinion of De Foe's writings, iii. 179.
opinions of the old English poets,
i. 267.

- resentment against Addison, i. 100.
seal-ring account of,iv. Advertisement.
study at Stanton Harcourt, iv. 301.
treachery 10 Bolingbroke, i. 304.
unhappy allusion to Newton, iii. 263.
Universal Prayer, iii. 301.
unpublished letters, i. 341-313.
verses on Lady Mary Montagu, i. 138.
visit to Bath, i. 113.

works, list of, i. 339–342.
Popularity of music at the beginning of the
eighteenth century, iii. 147.
Portrait painting, efforts of Pope at, i. 85.
Portraits of the Kit-cat Club, iv. 293.
-- of the Misses Blount at Maple-Dur-
ham, i. 43.

Posthumous fame, Swift's thirst for, i. 270.
Poverty and Poetry, the cave of, iii. 172.
Preface to the Dunciad, iii. 5.

Prince Eugene, anecdote of, iii. 295.
Prince of Wales' disinterestedness, i. 258.
Prince of Wales, Pope's inscription in
honour of the, i. 114.

Profits arising from theatrical benefits,

iii. 57.

Prologue by Pope to Addison's Cato,
ii. 185.

designed for Mr. Durfey's last play,
iv. 249.

to a play for Dennis's benefit, iv. 278.
to the Satires, iv. 105–122.

to the Three Hours after Marriage,
iv. 248.

--to Thomson's Sophonisba, iv. 250.
Pronunciation of Cicero's name, disputes
regarding the, iii. 130.

Prophetic almanacks of John Partridge,
ii. 249.

Prophecy of "Rag Smith," i. 22.

RAPE of the Lock, ii. 223.

dedication of the, i. 221.
origin of the, ii. 223.

-, personages, represented in the, ii. 219.
publication of the, i. 80.

Ralph (James), memoir of, iii. 227.
Reconciliation between Hill and Pope, i.


Refusal of University honours by Pope, i.


Religious sentiments of Pope, i. 63.
Removal of the poet to Twickenham, i. 120.
Repartee of Aquinas, ii. 204.
Residence of Pope's father at Binfield, i. 11.
Review of Pope's life, and his commen-
tators, i. 311-323.

Reynolds's (Sir Joshua) youthful homage to
Pope, i. 18.

Richard Flecknoe, mentioned by Sir
Walter Scott, iii. 197.

Richardus Aristarchus of the hero of the
Dunci d, iii. 44-52.

Richmond, memoir of the Duchess of, iv.


Ridpath and Mist, the journalists, iii. 188.
Ripley the architect, account of, iv. 83.
Robert Digby (Hon.) epitaph on the, and
his sister, ii. 290.

Roscoe's error concerning the Epistle to
Addison, ii. 265.

Rowe, epitaph intended for Mr., ii. 289.
Rowe's appointments, iv. 269.

Jane Store, epilogue to, iv. 247.
Roxana, or the Drawing-room, iv. 260.
Rural life, effect of, on British poets, i. 14.
Rural sports (Gay's) dedicated to Pope,

i. 65.

[blocks in formation]

Prynne and De Foe, works and persecu---, prologue to the, iv. 105-122.

tions of, iii. 179.

Sacred eclogue, Pope's, ii. 139.

Publication of Pope's letters by Swift, i. 268.Sale at Stowe, account of the great, iv. 97.

of the Miscellanies, i. 189.

of the Pastorals, i. 57.

Publisher of the Dunciad, iii. 5.
Puns upon Pope, iii. 177.

QUARREL between Cibber and Pope, i. 149.

Pope and Addison accounted for, i. 103.
Queen Caroline, death of, iv. 206, 223.
Queensberry, memoir of the Duchess of,
iv. 42.

Queensberry's (the Duchess of) regard for
Gay, i. 214.

Querno (Camillo), account of, iii. 198.

[blocks in formation]

Selkirk, sketch of the Earl of, iv. 207.
Sentiments of Bolingbroke and Pope much
alike, iii. 243.

Sermon, controversy regarding Bishop
Hadley's, iii. 219.

Servilia, St. Real on the history of, iv. 10.
Settle (Elkanah) disputes regarding the
merits of, iii. 224.

Settle's age, error respecting, iii. 113.
Severe laws against Catholics, i. 12.
Shaftesbury, elegant writing of the Earl of,
iii. 242.

Shakespear, Theobald's edition of, iii. 185.
Shepherds, the Three Gentle, iv. 257.
Shippen (Will), memoir of, iv. 134.
Sincere friendship of Pope for Swift, i.

Simon Harcourt, epitaph on, ii. 288.
Sir Andrew Fontaine's quarrel with Dr.
Mead, iii. 137.

Sir Philip Sidney, account of, his death
and works, iii. 289.

Sir Richard Blackmore's writings, iii. 211.
Sir William Trumbull, Pope's first patron,

i. 23.

Skelton the poet and his works, iv. 164.
Skerrett (Maria), memoir of, iv. 70.
Sketch for a History of the Rise and
gress of English Poetry, i. 266.
Smedley's attack upon Dean Swift, iii.


[blocks in formation]

TAYLOR misquoted by Pope, iii. 223.
Taylor the Water Poet, iii. 223.
Tea, pronunciation of the word in Pope's
time, ii. 233.

Tempests of Bracewell, account of the, ii.

Temple of Fame, the, ii. 145-169.
publication of the, i. 80.

Tenderness to bad writers, iii. 196.
Teresa Blount's letter on the death of her
brother, i. 346.

Pro-Testimonies of authors concerning the
writers of the Dunciad, iii. 19-38.
Tickell's and Pope's Homer contrasted, i.

Smith, singular suicide of Richard, iv. 209.
Sober Advice from Horace, iv. 300.
Solitude, ode on, ii. 9.

Song by a person of quality, iv. 276.
Song of a poetical bishop, iv. 165.
Southcote's (Abbé) zeal remembered and
rewarded, i. 23.

Southern the dramatist, anecdote of Dry-
den by, ii. 283.

South-Sea bubble, Pope and Lady Montagu's
shares in the, i. 140.

Soul, the Dying Christian to his, ii. 178.
Spratt's definition of letter-writing, i. 243.
Spring, a pastoral, ii. 102.

Statius's Thebais, first book of, ii. 15.
St. Cecilia's Day, ode on, ii. 170.
Steele's letter from Addison to Pope's
publisher, i. 76.

Sterne's picture of Lord Bathurst, iv. 65.
Sternhold and Hopkins, ancient words
used by, iii. 228.

Stowe, Buckinghamshire, description of,

iv. 95.

Stranger (Sir Peter), account of, iv. 52.
Successio, lines to the author of, ii. 12.
Success of many of Pope's friends and ad-
mirers, i. 308.

Suicide of Mr. Charles Blount, iv. 208.
of Richard Smith, iv. 209.
-- of the Earl of Scarborough, iv. 213.
Summary of the life of Pope, i. 311-323.
Summer, a pastoral, ii. 109.

Sunderland, notice of the Earl of, iv. 259.
Swift publishes Pope's letters, i. 268.
Swift, the Dunciad dedicated to Dr.Jonathan,
iii. 53.


Tickell and Pope, versification of, compared,
i. 96.

Tickell's Iliad, doubtful authorship of, i.

Timon's Villa, at Edgeware, iv. 101.
Title, subject, and hero of the Dunciad,
iii. 167.

Theatrical benefits, profits arising from, iii.


Theobald's attack upon Pope's Shakespear,
i. 170.

Theobald's edition of Shakespear, iii. 185.
Thomas (Mrs. Elizabeth) first called
Corinna by Dryden, iii. 200.

Thomson's Sophonisba, prologue to, iv. 250.
Thomson's works amended by Pope, i. 244.
Three Gentle Shepherds, the, iv. 257.
Three Hours after Marriage, prologue to
the, iv. 248.

Tofts (Mrs.) the opera-singer, iv. 291.
Tom Durfey's catches, i. 36.

Tonson's business note to Pope, i. 57; his
villa, iii. 57.

Tragedy of Brutus, two choruses to the,
ii. 175.

Translation of a Prayer of Brutus, iv. 288.
Translation of Homer by Pope, how
achieved, i. 89.

Translations and imitations of Pope, ii. 13.
Translator, the, iv. 257.

Treatise on Bathos, outline of the, i. 190.
True Narrative regarding Pope's corre-
spondence, i. 228.

Trumbull's (Sir Wm.) advice to Pope, i. 24.
Turenne, death of Marshal, iii. 289.
Turner (Richard), account of, iv. 52.


Tutchin, sentence passed upon, by Jeffreys, | Warburton's Commentaries on the Essay

iii. 81.

[blocks in formation]

Universal Prayer, the, iii. 301; first publi-
cation of the, i. 211.
Unpublished letters of Pope, i. 341-313.

VANBRUGH, the architect of Blenheim, i.
52; epigram upon, iv. 87.
Venetian republic, Wordsworth on the fall
of the, iii. 135.

"Venus at Bath," by Mr. Cromwell, i. 31.
Verbal criticism, iii. 197.

Verbal learning, comments upon, iii. 237.
Verrio the painter, large sums paid to, ii.


Verses addressed to Pope by Lady M. W.
Montagu, iv. 137.

by Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham,
ii. 182.

left in the Earl of Rochester's bed,
iv. 277.
Versification of Donne's Satires, iv. 188.

of Pope, beautiful example of the,ii.35.
of Tickell and Pope compared, i. 96.
Vertumnus and Pomona, ii. 40.
Virgil's Pollio, Pope's imitation of, ii. 139.
Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, memoir
of, iv. 76.
Viscount Lanesborough, the dancing peer,
iv. 11.

Visit from a namesake, i. 7.
Voice, peculiar sweetness of Pope's, i. 15.
Voltaire's condolence to Pope, i. 186.

mention of Marshal Turenne's death,
iii. 289.

Vulture Hopkins, memoir of, iv. 68.

WALLER the poet, ingenious excuse of, to
Charles II., iv. 220.

Walpole's administration, effects of, iv.


[blocks in formation]

on Man, iii. 246.

[blocks in formation]

Ward's reply to Pope's attack, iii. 66.
Warton on Pope's Pastorals, ii. 95.
Waters (Mr.), notice of, iv. 49, 54.
Wav ring affections of the poet, i. 54.
Welsted's quarrel with Pope, iii. 210.
Wharton, anecdotes of the Duke of, iv. 18.
Wharton's epigram on flattering epitaphs,
ii. 176.

What is prudery? iv. 267.

Whi e's Club-house, singular bet at, iv. 51.
Whitfield (George), David Hume's opinion
of, iii. 211.

Wife of Bath, the, ii. 73.

Wife of Bath, publication of the, i. 80.
Will of Mr. Henry Cromwell, i. 38.
Will, the poet makes his, i. 288.
Willow, Pope's, i. 123.

Winchilsea, impromptu to Lady, iv. 246.
Windsor, Pope's acquaintances in the
neighbourhood of, i. 39.

Windsor Forest, lines written in, iv. 273.
Windsor Forest, the poem of, i. t7; ii. 123.
Windsor Forest, the poet's beech-tree in,
i. 13.

Wine, Dartineuf on the beneficial effects of,
iv. 134.

Winter, a pastoral, ii. 117.
Withers, epitaph on General Sir Harry,
ii. 292.

Withers, the poet, not appreciated by Pope,
iii. 194.

Wood's Irish copper coinage, iii. 171.
Wordsworth's sonnet on the fall of the
Venetian Republic, iii. 135.
Works, list of Pope's, i. 339-342.
Wren (Sir Christopher) displaced for Ben-
son, iii. 231.

Wycherley's acquaintance with Pope, i. 24.
Wycherley and Walsh delighted with Pope's
pastorals, ii. 95.

Wycherley a prisoner in the Fleet, iii. 96;
iv. 30.

YONGE (SIR WM.), account of, iv. 115.
Young writes to Pope on the subject of
Revelation, iii. 259.

Youths and virgins, chorus of, ii. 176.


Reed and Pardon, Printers, Paternoster Row, London


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