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My intelligence furprised her; and taking my father's arm, they in their turn were convinced that mifs Hanway actually wore the identical loft necklace. My father's former agitations returned: we quitted the room instantly, and retired to the fame parlour into which we had been fhown on our arrival.

My confufion equalled my father's anger. I knew mifs Hanway to be perfectly informed of every circumstance relative to my lofs. Her father, as justice of the peace, had officially examined the fervants, and it was impoffible for me to conceive how it had found its way to her. My aunt fuggefted that she must have purchased it of the thief for fome trifle: and my heart funk, when I admitted to my mind a fuppofition which left her without excufe in my eyes.

"My father, with filent fternness, had in the mean time fent a meffage to lord V, and to Mr. and mifs Hanway. They now appeared... Suffer me to haften over this fcene... Sophia was asked by what


means the ftring of pearl had come into her poffeffion. She replied with a tremulous voice, 'that it was a legacy left her by the relation with whom fhe had lived from her infancy.' A deep and convulfive groan called our attention to Mr. Hanway, who funk back in his chair, and appeared almost breathlefs. My father took his hand, and my aunt applied her falts: he recovered, and burst into tears.

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"The wretched Sophia remained transfixed to her feat, and I ftood by her, without the power of turning my eyes upon her. In a few minutes my father broke the filence that prevailed. He again feized the hand of Mr. Hanway: I have,' faid he, acted unworthily... We are both fathers, we are friends and neighbours: but I have for a moment forgotten these ties. Pardon me, fir; a tender intereft unites me to this ufelefs bauble: it has fubdued my reafon and humanity. But fuffer me to justify my honour; permit me to open the locket;


and let all be forgotten from this miferable hour.'

My aunt approached mifs Hanway, whofe face was now concealed in my bofom, and turning the locket to my father's hand he preffed a fecret fpring. It opened, and discovered the maiden name of my mother, and my father's, engraved at length, and a small knot of my mother's hair. We foon after quitted the house, as did likewife Mr. Hanway.

"On the following day lord V- delivered the necklace to my father; and the affair was configned to oblivion by all except the most injured. Mr. Hanway and his daughter fet out for London two days after. An absence of fome weeks had intervened, when the unhappy father returned by himself. He became cold and distant, and all friendly intercourfe ceased. We learned that he had placed his daughter with a lady in town.

"In the mean time I had configned my necklace


necklace to its cafe, with fomewhat like horror and averfion, and bitterly lamented my want of prudence in pointing out my discovery to my aunt. Two years elapfed. My regrets continued; but I heard not a word of my friend, until we learned that fhe was returned to the Hall, and was fuppofed to be in a dying state.

"My anguish of mind on hearing this intelligence admits of no defcription: I determined at all events to fee her, and my friends did not oppofe my refolution. I fought the long neglected path to the house, with feelings I fhall never forget; and was conducted by a fervant into Sophia's dreffing-room it was empty, and a shower of tears relieved me. A young and genteel perfon furprised me in this agitation of mind. I had never seen her before, and hefitated in what manner to address her in fo painful a moment. Her appearance, although extremely neat, was fimple: but the elegance of her manners at once repelled the idea of her being a fervant, though evidently



dently an inmate in the family. She accofted me with refpect, and said, Mifs Hanis ftill in bed, my dear miis Dalrymple; fhe has paffed a very bad night.'-' Oh!' exclaimed I, again yielding to my tears, · The will not fee me! Never Thall I behold her again!'-'You are much mistaken,' replied the in the most foothing accents.

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She has spoken of you feveral times during the night, and I believe that her anxiety to fee and embrace you has contributed to the increase of the fever. I will now announce you: but, my dear young lady, prepare yourself for this interview.'

"She quitted me, and in a few minutes. returned, and conducted me to the door of Sophia's bed-room. ، For Heaven's fake,' faid fhe, opening it, ، be on your guard : She then haftily withdrew.

"I entered. My friend was fitting in her bed fupported by pillows; her emaciated arms extended to receive me; a cold and fickly dew ftood on her brow, and a faint and sweet smile played on her lips. I fob


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