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" Augustine, at the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century. From that time forward the neuter gained ground in the Western Church till it altogether supplanted the masculine. "
A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Stow-Zui - Page 513
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The History of the Popes,: From the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the ...

Archibald Bower - Church history - 1754 - 396 pages
...introduced, is not Well known. But certain it is, that in the time of St. Jerom, who flourifhed in the End of the fourth, and the Beginning of the fifth Century, a Romijh Prieft, with his fhaven Crown, would have been taken for a Prieft of JJis or Serapis ; a (haven...
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 41

Tobias Smollett - English literature - 1776 - 524 pages
...fables of Babrius * Avienus in Praef. fab. This writer is fuppofed by Giraldus to have lived about the end of the fourth, and the beginning of the fifth century. Bentley's Diflertation upon the Fables of ^Efop. 124 Hunt'j Oi/ervatient en tbe Buck of Trtiitrli....
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A Course of Lectures, Containing a Description and Systematic ..., Volume 1

Herbert Marsh - Bible - 1812 - 756 pages into Italy, and directs our attention to the labours, which Jerom bestowed on the Latin version, at the end of the fourth, and the beginning of the fifth century. The old Latin version was a translation from the Greek, in the Old Testament, as well as in the New,...
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The General Biographical Dictionary:: Containing an Historical and Critical ...

Alexander Chalmers - Biography - 1814 - 544 pages
...Communicant," &c. with bishop Gauden'a name prefixed to it.1 GAUDENTIUS (ST.), bishop of Brescia, about the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century, was elected to that see by the prelates and the people of the province, while performing a journey of devotion...
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The General Biographical Dictionary, Volume 15

Alexander Chalmers - Biography - 1814 - 548 pages
...Communicant," &c. with hishop Gauden'i name prefixed to it.i GAUDENTIUS (ST.), hishop of Brescia, about the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century, was elected to that see by the prelates and the people of the province, while performing a journey of .devotion...
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The Works of Nathaniel Lardner, Volume 4

Nathaniel Lardner - Dissenters, Religious - 1815 - 714 pages
...of Honorius, written in that year. It appears to be somewhat extraordinary that a native of Egypt, at the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century, should so excel in Latin verse as to approach the best writers of the Augustan age in purity and elegance....
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The General Biographical Dictionary:: Containing an Historical and Critical ...

Biography - 1817 - 552 pages
...appeasing the resentment of their Mahometan persecutors. ' ZOSIMUS, an ancient historian, who lived at the end of the fourth, and the beginning of the...quality and place, having the title of count, and ' {imcker. — Gen. Dirt — Chaufrpi*.— Maurice's Indian Antiquities. Being advocate of the treasury....
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The General Biographical Dictionary, Volume 32

Alexander Chalmers - Biography - 1817 - 558 pages
...appeasing the resentment of their Mahometan persecutors. ' ZOSIMUS, an ancient historian, who lived at the end of the fourth, and the beginning of the fifth, century, was am:m of quality and place, having the title of count, and i Eruckrr.— t7en. Diet. — Cliaufcpie....
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The History of British India, Volume 1

James Mill - Hindus - 1817 - 696 pages
...critic in the Edinburgh Review, rests on the conjecture of M. Bailly ; that Aldebaran was exactly placed at the end of the fourth, and the beginning of the fifth constellation in the Indian zodiac. For this, no sort of proof is offered, except the conspicuousness...
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Lectures on the Principles and Institutions of the Roman Catholic Religion ...

Joseph Fletcher - Apostolic succession - 1823 - 672 pages
...passages, are taken from the " Homilies," of the eloquent Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, towards the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century. " All Christians ought to have recourse to the Scrip" tures. For at this time, since heresy has infected...
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