| Pierre Mathurin de L'Écluse des Loges - France - 1757 - 462 pages
...the caufe ; and I never afterwards heard more of thefe men, who without doubt were amongft the firft that were facrificed to the public fury. I continued...what the matter was, had confented to go to mafs, to fave his life, and preferve his houfe from being pillaged. He came to perfuade me to do the fame, and... | |
 | Maximilien de Béthune duc de Sully - France - 1763 - 394 pages
...caufe j and I never afterwards heard more of thefe men, who without- doubt were amongftjtbje firft that were facrificed to the public fury. I continued alone in my chamber drefmigbt hereafter revenge their death. . See the hiftorians and otherwriters, and that fine defcription... | |
 | 1772 - 366 pages
...public fury*. I continued alone in my chamber* drefling myfelf, when in a few moments, I faw my landlprd enter* pale, and in the utmoft confternation: he was of the reformed re» ligion, and haying' learned what ' the matter was, had offered to go ' to mafs, to fave his life,... | |
 | Biography - 1784 - 778 pages
...ne•*' ver afterwards heard more of thetc men, who, without -••* doubt, were -among the firfb that were facrificed to the •*' public fury. I continued alone in my cliamber drcfling ** myfelf, when in a few moments I faw my landlord enter, *•* pals, and in the... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - Biography - 1816 - 532 pages
...dressing myself, when in a few moments I saw my landlord enter, pale, and in the utmost consternation. He was of the reformed religion ; and, having learned what the matter was, had consented to go to mass, to preserve his life, and his house from beingpillaged. He came to persuade... | |
 | Biography - 1816 - 526 pages
...dressing myself, when in a few moments I saw my landlord enter, pale, and in the utmost consternation. He was of the reformed religion ; and, having learned what the matter was, had consented to go to mass, to preserve his life, and his house from being pillaged. 'He came to persuade... | |
 | Biography - 1816 - 526 pages
...dressing myself, when in a few moments I saw rny landlord enter, pale, and in the utmost consternation. He was of the reformed religion; and, having learned what the matter was, had consented to go to mass, to preserve his life, and his house from being pillaged. He came to persuade... | |
 | Henry Southern, Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas - Bibliography - 1822 - 390 pages
...dressing myself, when, in a few moments, 1 saw my landlord enter, pale, and in the utmost consternation : he was of the reformed religion, and having learned what the matter was, had agreed to go to mass, to save his life, and preserve his house from being pillaged. He came to persuade... | |
 | Books - 1822 - 386 pages
...dressing myself, when, in a few moments, 1 saw my landlord enter, pale, and in the utmost consternation : he was of the reformed religion, and having learned what the matter was, had agreed to go to mass, to save his life, and preserve his house from being pillaged. He came to persuade... | |
 | Almanacs, English - 1822 - 440 pages
...dressing myself, when, in a few moments, I saw iny landlord enter, pale, and in the utmost consternation : he was of the reformed religion, and, having learned what the matter was, had consented to go to mass, to save his life, and preserve his house from being pillaged. He came to persuade... | |
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