to whom authentic accounts of foreign lands are, generally peculiarly attractive, I have endeavoured while treating of "the clime of the East," to lead their minds to the contemplation of Him, whose goodness and greatness are reflected in the grace and beauty, with which, in that fair clime, external nature is so profusely adorned.
The moral and religious condition of India, must, of course, constitute a topic too important to be omitted, even in the slightest or most desultory account of that country. India is now ripe for the sickle; but, alas! the mighty harvest of ignorance and superstition has yet to be gathered in.
I would add, in conclusion, that if I be thought to have lingered too long upon "the voyage out;" or to have dwelt with needless minuteness on matters which have often been described by travellers bound for the East; my apology must be, that having been myself deeply impressed by the ever-changing scenes which the ocean, during a long voyage, never fails to present to the observant spectator, I have been anxious to communicate some idea of those scenes to my readers, and more especially to the younger portion of them; being persuaded, that the impressions produced upon the mind by the wonders of "the Great Deep," are no less salutary than they are vivid and abiding.