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Holy Land-WILLIAM DE ROS, knight of the garter, 1411—
Favourite of Henry IV-Controversy with Sir Robert Tyrwhit
-Will of his widow the lady Margaret de Ros-JOHN de Ros
-Slain near Beaufort Castle-His monument in Bottesford
Church (p 366-7)-THOMAS DE Ros-His son attainted 1461
-Lord Hastings, opposition to, in taking possession of Belvoir
Castle EDMUND LORD Ros-Dies without issue-Eleanor his
sister and co-heir marries Sir Robert de Manners

THIRD PERIOD, A. D. 1508-1840.


Camden's definition of the name DE MANNERIIS-SIR ROBERT
DE MANNERS, 1324-Norham Castle, Thomas de Grey, and
Marmion-SIR JOHN DE MANNERS-His son accused of murder
-SIR ROBERT DE MANNERS, conservator of the truce with the
Scots, temp. Hen. VI-His son deputy admiral to the Duke of
Gloucester-GEORGE MANNERS, LORD Ros marries the niece
of Edw. IV-Perkin Warbeck-THOMAS, LORD ROs created
knight of the garter and Earl of Rutland, 1526-Henry VIII—
Measures for his divorce-Pope Clement VII-His character—
Dissolution of monasteries-Grants of property to the Earl of
Rutland Rebuilding of Belvoir Castle commenced-HENRY,
second Earl of Rutland completes Belvoir Castle-Captain
general of forces under Philip and Mary-Knight of the gar-
ter, 1559-Relative position of Elizabeth and Mary of Scotland
-EDWARD, third Earl, approved servant of Elizabeth-His will
-The lady Isabel his widow-JOHN, fourth Earl, his will-
Epitaph to his daughter, Bridget-ROGER, fifth Earl, and Es-
sex, imprisoned by Elizabeth-In favour with James, who visits
Belvoir Castle, on his way from Scotland-FRANCIS, sixth Earl
-Charles, Prince of Wales, Duke of Buckingham, and Infanta
of Spain-Two of this Earl's sons supposed to die of wicked
practice and scorcery-Examination, trial, and execution, of the
witches-GEORGE, seventh Earl, visited by Charles I.—JOHN
MANNERS, of Haddon, eighth Earl-Great rebellion-Belvoir
Castle besieged, taken, and dismantled, by the parliamentary
party-Rebuilt 1668-JOHN, ninth Earl and first Duke,-His
character-JOHN, second Duke-Lady Rachael Russell-JOHN,
third Duke, favourite of George II-The last of the family who
made Haddon an occasional residence-Great Marquis of Gran-
by-CHARLES, fourth Duke, dies lord lieutenant of Ireland-
JOHN HENRY, fifth and present Duke-Visit of Prince Regent


EXTERIOR. Styles of Architecture. INTERIOR. Guard Room
and Gallery-Architecture, armour, and painted glass


REGENT'S GALLERY. Works of art, tapestry, paintings, and

sculpture-Names and lives of Artists-Coypel, Nollekens,

Wyatt, Ceracchi, Reynolds, Luca Penni, West, Kauffman,

Hoppner, Kneller, Breughel, Le Nain, Gainsborough, Marlow,

Lely, Mortimer-Wellington chair

PICTURE GALLERY. Chairs from the Borghese Palace-Pictures,
names, and lives of Artists-Reynolds, Teniers, Bronzino,
Gerard Douw, Claude, Gaspar Poussin, Crespi, Van der Hey-
den, Parmegiano, Carlo Dolce, Dekker, Schalken, Berghem,
Netscher, Caracci, Guido Reni, Murillo, Van de Velde,
Jansen, Manfredi, Rubens, Wynants, Ruysdael, Van Dyck,
Poelenburg, Mireveldt, Holbein, Hals, Nefs, Bassano, Paolo
Veronese, Correggio, Ostade, Durer, Van Uden, Ribera, Rem-
brandt, Albano, Caravaggio, Mola, Weeninx, Van der Werff,
Bourdon, Monamy, Jan Stein, Wouvermann, Baroccio, Cuyp,
Giordano, Andrea del Sarto, Heusch, Van Tol, Van der Neer,
Pynaker, Borgognone, Schidone, Walker, Elzheimer

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