CONTENTS. FIRST PERIOD, A. D. 1066—1247. Belvoir Castle-Site-Margidunum of Antoninus-ROBERT DE TODENI, Standard-bearer to the Conqueror, founder of Belvoir Castle and Priory-Endowment of the latter-WILLIAM DE ALBINI BRITO, his son, becomes a brother and monk of, and benefactor to, the Priory-What the incorporation of a layman. into an ecclesiastical body implied-WILLIAM DE ALBINI II., benefactor to the Belvoir Priory-WILLIAM DE ALBINI III— King John-Magna Charta, 1215-Battle of Lincoln-New- SECOND PERIOD, A. D. 1247-1508. SIR WALTER ESPEC-His character-Founds the monasteries of Kirkham, Rievaulx and Wardon-Dies without male issue-PE- TER DE ROS-ROBERT DE ROS-EVERARD DE ROS-ROBERT DE Ros, called FURSAN-Founder of Helmsley and Werke Castles Becomes a Templar-His monument in the Temple Church-WILLIAM DE ROS-ROBERT DE ROS AND ISABEL ALBINI-He is one of the insurgent barons, temp. Henry III -Battle of Lewes-Inscription to his memory in Bottesford Church (p365)-WILLIAM DE Ros claims the crown of Scotland -WILLIAM DE Ros II., lord high admiral-His widow at the Jubilee in Rome, 1350-JOHN DE ROS, LE BON COMPAGNON- His affray with Hugh Despenser in the Cathedral at Lincoln- Built Stoke Albany Church-WILLIAM DE ROS III-Battle of Cressy-Of Neville's Cross-THOMAS DE ROS-Buried in old St. Paul's Cathedral-JOHN DE ROS-Coronation of Richard II-Revival by the nobility of the custom of pilgrimages to the - Holy Land-WILLIAM DE ROS, knight of the garter, 1411— THIRD PERIOD, A. D. 1508-1840. 14-32 Camden's definition of the name DE MANNERIIS-SIR ROBERT to Belvoir Castle, 1813, 14-Destruction of the Castle by fire, 1816-List of the pictures burnt-Interesting memorial of that event-Death of the Duchess, 1825-Her character-Death of the Duchess Dowager, 1831-Of Lord Robert Manners-Visit of the Queen Dowager to Belvoir Castle, 1839-Speeches and EXTERIOR. Styles of Architecture. INTERIOR. Guard Room 189-197 REGENT'S GALLERY. Works of art, tapestry, paintings, and sculpture-Names and lives of Artists-Coypel, Nollekens, Wyatt, Ceracchi, Reynolds, Luca Penni, West, Kauffman, Hoppner, Kneller, Breughel, Le Nain, Gainsborough, Marlow, Lely, Mortimer-Wellington chair PICTURE GALLERY. Chairs from the Borghese Palace-Pictures, 213-270 CHAPEL. Architectural character-Altar Piece, by Murillo, 271 AWAITING ROOM. Portraits, &c., by Lely, Vosterman, Tillemans, Marlow-Model of the former Castle LIBRARY. Architectural character-MSS., books, and original BOUDOIR OF THE LATE DUCHESS. Beautiful views from the |