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view, over the woods, and on every fide, a most unbounded profpect. One of the rooms of this houfe is decorated with fhades of his lordship's family and friends in profile: this has a whimsical appearance, and the likeneffes are fo exact, that every one acquainted with the living ob. jects, immediately know and point them out. The other room is adorned with prints, chiefly perfpective views of the most celebrated places, ftuck on the naked walls; and the fides of the ftair-cafe are rudely covered with old ballads and Christmas carols. The fimplicity of fuch ornaments are entirely correfpondent with the place, and to the fhepherd swain who is fuppofed to inhabit it.

This delightful down lies extremely bold and open, falls on each fide precipitately, and keeps an eafy level in the middle; various clumps of firs decorate its brow, and fingle trees in other places afford a fhade, in the parching heats of

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the fummer months, to the panting flocks. Kinver church and ridge of hills, with its romantic rock underneath, are finely marked. Here the black defart in the adjoining valley is fecluded by the woods, and nothing is feen but a rich cultivated country, interfperfed with great variety. Malvern hills and the Wrekin, the town of Bridgnorth, great part of Shropshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire, and fome of the Welch mountains, dignify the noble profpect.

Upon entering the woods again, down the fteep fides of the hill, the path winds


This is an exceedingly handfome light building, much refembling that at Hagley, and is agreeably fituated upon a hold eminence; the falling ground and the fine hanging woods, which adorn the


fwelling fides, divested of its underwood, give it an engaging confequence: the tower of Kinver church, a very indifferent object, is unfortunately let in by a glade, cut through the oppofite rifing grove; by this a greater beauty is deftroyed to look at a much lefs, merely for the fake of a diftant object, which was not at all required from this place. I am afraid the face of this noble wood, though the glade is newly planted to fil it up again, will not very foon regain its priftine beauty. It is a very juft obfer vation, that young trees feldom flourish among old ones; for my part, I know no inftance of it, at leaft it is very rare, and where they do, for a number of years, the deformity is very visible; but fortunately for this place, I found (upon a nearer inspection) the foreft trees younger than I expected, and confequently a few years will unite them again. The perfpective from this building is exceedingly pleafing,

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pleafing, and calls in a range of coun try equally entertaining and chearful.

From hence the wood is not fo connected, but a little farther it is again closely embraced as before, and the path refumes its former folitarinefs and gloom, winding down the fteep hill, and then opens to


A building fupported by ruftic pillars, looking down a concave narrow valley, deep and delightfully wooded on its. rifing banks; over the plantations, which fhut in this vale, is feen, in the center of a diftant and diverfified horizon, Sedge ley fteeple, at about nine miles diftant.

Through this portico the walk takes a range up the ftill furrounding foreft, fequeftered and gloomy, to a fmall opening of lawn, where an urn without any infcription:

infcription prefents itself, and marks the calm retirement of the place. From hence the declivity becomes fo fteep, that the path is obliged to be cut almost in parallel lines to gain the bottom; when after exploring ftill the confines of these capacious woods, the eye, at length, which perhaps wanted variety, failens upon


Whether it is the name, or whether it is the fimplicity which commonly furrounds the dwelling of indigence, or rather from the fables we have read of the fuppofed happiness that live within its doors, is a matter of no confequence; a cottage, properly fituated within the precincts of an extenfive park or plea+ fure grounds, is an object which always trikes the fancy, and fills the mind with a pleafing contemplation. No one of this fort I think has a jufter claim, from M 3 fituation,

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