Heart-ftruct with chilling gripe of forrow food, That all his fenfes bound: Eve, who unfeen Yet all had heard, with audible lament Discover'd foon the place of her retire.
O unexpected ftroke, worse than of death! Muft I thus leave thee, Paradife? thus leave
Thee, native foil, thefe happy walks and fhades, 270 Fit haunt of Gods? where I had hope to fpend, Quiet, though fad, the respite of that day.
That must be mortal to us both? O flow'is That never will in other climate grow,
My early vifitation, and my last
At ev❜n, which I bred up with tender hand From the first op'ning bud, and gave ye names, Who now fall rear ye to the fun, or rank
Your tribes and water from th' ambrofial fount? Thee laftly, nuptial bow'r, by me adorn’d With what to fight or smell was sweet! from thee
How fhall I part, and whither wander down Into a lower world, to this obfcure
And wild? how fhall we breathe in other air
Lefs pure, accuftom'd to immortal fruits? Whom thus the Angel interrupted mild Lament not, Eve, but patiently refign What justly thou haft loft; nor fet thy heart, Thus over-fond, on that which is not thine; Thy going is not lonely; with thee goes Thy husband; him to follow thou art bound; Where he abides think there thy native foil.
Adam by this from the cold fudden damp Recoving, and his fcatter'd fpirits return'd, To Michael thus his humble words address'd.
Celeftial, whether among the Thrones, or nam'd Of them the high'eft, for fuch of fhape may feem Prince above princes, gently thou haft told Thy meffage, which might elfe in telling wound, And in performing end us; what befides Of forrow, and dejection, and defpair, Our frailty can fullain, thy tidings bring, Departure from this happy place, our fweet Recefs, and only confolation left
Familiar to our eyes; all places elfe
Inhofpitable appear and defolate,
Nor knowing us nor known: and if by pray'r Inceffant I could hope to change the will
Of him who all things can, I would not ceafe To weary him with my affiduous cries : But prayer against his abfolute decree
No more avails than breath against the wind,
Blown ftifling back on him that breathes it forth: Therefore to his great bidding 1 fubmit.
This most afflicts me, that departing hence,
As from his face I fhall be hid, depriv'd
His bleffed count'nance; here I could frequent
With worthip place by place where he vouchlaf'd Prefence divine, and to my fons relate,
On this mount he appear'd, under this tree
Stood visible, among these pines his voice
I heard, here with him at this fountain talk'd;
So many grateful altars I would rear
Of graffy turf, and pile up ev'ry stone Of luftre from the brook, in memory,
Or monument to ages, and thereon
Offer sweet smelling guns, and fruits, and flow'rs: In yonder nether world, where fhall 1 feek His bright appearances, or footsteps trace? For though I fled him angry, yet recall'd To life prolong'd and promis'd race, I now Gladly behold though but his utmost skirts Of glory, and far off his fteps adore.
To whom thus Michael, with regard benign.
Adam, thou know'st Heav'n his, and all the earth 335 Nor this rock only'; his omniprefence fills Land, sea, and air, and ev'ry kind that lives, Fomented by his virtual pow'r and warm'd: All th' earth he gave thee to poffefs and rule, No defpicable gift; furmife not then
His prefence to thefe narrow bounds confin'd Of Paradise or Eden; this had been
Perhaps thy capital feat, from whence had fpread
All generations, and had hither come
From all the ends of th' earth, to celebrate
And rev'rence thee their great progenitor.
But this pre-eminence thou' haft loft, brought down To dwell on even ground now with thy fons : Yet doubt not but in valley and in plain GOD is as here, and will be found alike Prefent, and of his prefence many a fign Still following thee, ftill compafling thee round With goodnefs and paternal love, his face Expreis, and of his steps the tract divine.
Which that thou may'ft believe, and be confirm'd 355 Ere thou from hence depart, know I am fent To fhew thee what thall come in future days To thee and to thy offspring good with bad; Expect to hear fupernal grace contending With finfulness of men; thereby to learn True patience, and to temper joy with fear And pious forrow, equally inur'd By moderation either state to bear, Profperous or adverfe: fo fhalt thou lead Safeft thy life, and beft prepar'd endure Thy mortal paffage when it comes. Afcend This hill; let Eve (for I have drench'd her eyes) Here fleep below, while thou to forefight wak'ft; As once thou flept', while fhe to life was form'd. To whom thus Adam gratefully reply'd.
Afcend, I follow thee, fafe guide, the path
Thou lead'ft me', and to the hand of Heav'n fubmit, However chaft'ring, to the evil turn
My obvious breaft, arming to overcome
By fuff'ring, and earn reft from labour won, 375 If fo I may attain. So both afcend'
In the vifions of God. It was a hill
Of Paradife the higheft, from whose top The hemifphere of earth in cleareft ken
Stretch'd out to th' ampleft reach of profpect lay. 380 Not higher that hill, nor wider looking round, Whereon for diff'rent caufe the tempter fet
Our fecond Adam in the wilderness,
To fhew him all earth's kingdoms, and their glory. His eye might there command wherever ftood 385 City of old or modern fame, the feat.
Of mightiest empire, from the deftin'd walls Of Cambula, feat of Cathaian Can, And Samarchand by Oxus, Temir's throne, To Paquin of Sinean king, and thence To Arga and Lahor of great Mogul, Down to the golden Cherfonefe, or where The Perfian in Ecbatan fat, or fince In Hifpahan, or where the Ruffian Czar In Mofco, or the Sultan in Bizance, Turcheftan-born; nor could his eye not ken Th' empire of Negus to his utmost port Ercoco, and the lefs maritime kings, Mombaza, and Quiloa, and Melind, And Sofala thought Ophir, to the realm. Of Congo, and Angola fartheft fouth: Or thence from Niger flood to Atlas mount, The kingdoms of Almanfor, Fez and Sus, Morocco, and Algiers, and Tremifen;
On Europe thence, and where Rome was to fway 405 The world in fp'rit perhaps he also faw
Rich Mexico, the feat of Montezuma,
And Cufco in Peru, the richer feat Of Atabalipa, and yet unfpoil'd Guiana, whofe great city Geryon's fons Call El Dorado. But to nobler fights Michael from Adam's eyes the film remov'd, Which the falfe fruit that promis'd clearer fight Had bred; then purg'd with eupharafy and rue The visual nerve, for he had much to see ; And from the well of life three drops inftill'd, So deep the pow'r of these ingredients pierc'd, Ev'n to the inrnoft feat of mental fight, That Adam now inforc'd to clofe his eyes, Sunk down, and all his fp'rits became intranc'd; 420 But him the gentle Angel by the hand
Soon rais'd, and his attention thus recall'd.
Adam, now ope thine eyes, and firft behold Th' effects which thy original crime hath wrought In fome to fpring from thee, who never touch'd 425 Th' accepted tree, nor with the fnake confpir'd, Nor finn'd thy fin, yet from that fin derive
Corruption to bring forth more violent deeds.
His eyes he open'd, and beheld a field, Part arable and tilth, whereon were sheaves New reap'd; the other part sheep walks and folds; I' th' midst an altar as the land-mark stood, Ruftic, of graffy fod; thither anon
A fweaty reaper from his tillage brought
Firft fruits, the green ear, and the yellow fheaf, 435 Uncull'd, as came to hand; a fhepherd next, More meek, came with the firstling of his flock Choiceft and beft; then facrificing, laid
The inwards and their fat, with incenfe frow'd On the cleft wood, and all due rites perform'd. His off'ring foon propitious fire from Heav'n Confum'd with nimble glance, and grateful steam; The other's not, for his was not fincere: Whereat he inly rag'd, and as they talk'd, Smote him into the midriff with a stone That beat out life: he fell, and deadly pale Groan'd out his foul with gufhing blood effus'd! Much at that fight was Adam in his heart Difmay'd, and thus in hafte to th' Angel cry'd. O teacher, fome great mischief hath befall'n To that meek man, who well had facrific'd; Is piety thus and pure devotion paid?
T'whom Michael thus, he also mov’d, reply’d. These two are brethren, Adam, and to come Out of thy loins; th' unjust the just hath slain, For envy that his brother's off'ring found From Heav'n acceptance: but the bloody act Will be aveng'd; and th' other's faith approv'd, Lofe no reward, though here thou fee him die, Rolling in duft and gore. To which our fire. Alas, both for the deed and for the cause ! But have I now feen Death? Is this the way I must return to native duft? O fight Of terror, foul and ugly to behold, Horrid to think, how horrible to feel! 'sit
To whom Michacl. Death thou haft feen In his first fhape on man; but many fhapes Of death, and many are the ways that lead
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