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with her two brothers and with her own father. She then married, in 1498, Alfonso, Duke of Biscaglia, a natural son of Alfonso II. of Naples; but he was assassinated by her brother Cæsar in 1501. In September of the same year, she married Alfonso of Este, who afterwards inherited the Duchy of Ferrara. She died in 1520. Like her brother Cæsar, she shrank from no crime; but she also was a patroness of art and learning, and upon this account homage was paid to her by Pietro Bembo and other poets of that time.

BO'RGO, a name given to a number of towns and villages in Italy and the Southern Tyrol, and indicating the growth of the town or village around a castle or castellated rock, the original Borgo. See BOROUGH. Thus, B. di val Sugāna is a place of 3500 inhabitants, with a castellated hill, in the Tyrol; B. Lavezzano is an Italian town in the province of Novara, with about 3000 inhabitants; B. San Donino, in the province of Parma, with 10,000 in habitants; B. San Sepolchro, in the province of Arezzo, with 8000 inhabitants, &c.




BORING, as a process in carpentry and in the working of metals, is performed in a variety of ways. For boring holes in wood the carpenter makes use of awls, which simply displace a portion of the wood, and of gimlets, augers, and bits of various kinds, these last being applied by means of the crank-shaped instrument called a brace. All these are too familiar to need description. The boring of holes in metal plates for making attachments, is effected by means of drills driven by machinery. The annexed figure shews the essential parts of such a boring machine. The drill is inserted in the end of a vertical spindle, P, which revolves in a fixed frame, and is driven by the bevel-wheels, G. The metal to be bored is placed on a table or other Boring Machine. support below the drill; and the up and down motion, or end-pressure and off-action, of the drill is effected by the hand-gear, O, N, turning the screw M; which being coupled to the top of the spindle at L, presses it down or raises it, according to the way it is turned. The spindle slides vertically in the collar forming the axis of the bevel wheel, but is carried round with it by means of the pin I, which projects into a groove seen at J.


The Boring of Cannon and of Cylinders for steam-engines is most conveniently described under CANNON-FOUNDING; see also LATHE.

BORING, applied to the earth and to rocks, has two chief uses. 1. For Draining.-In some districts, owing to the existence, near the surface, of a bed of clay impervious to water, the surface-water is retained in hollows, of greater or less extent. The expense of deep draining has been so great as to induce proprietors to neglect such land, but this expense has lately been avoided by leading drains to the lowest portion of the hollow, and then opening a bore through the clay to the pervious strata of sand or gravel beneath. This is done by a simple instrument, an auger of 24 or 3 inches in diameter, wrought by means of a cross-bar by one or two men.

2. For Artesian wells, and for the discovery of the mineral contents of the earth.-As the borings for these purposes are performed in the same manner, it is unnecessary to give them separate notices. The object in boring for Artesian wells is to open a passage for the escape of water from water-logged strata. See ARTESIAN WELLS. In the search for minerals, B. is had recourse to as a cheap method of discovering the mineral wealth of a district, and whether the quantity and quality of the contained minerals are such as to make the working remunerative. It should, however, never be undertaken without a previous geological survey of the locality; the neglect of this has caused an immense loss of time and money in futile searches for into Silurian and Old Red Sandstone strata, in search minerals, as in the innumerable cases of bores driven for coal. B. is also of use even after the presence of coal has been ascertained, to determine the most advantageous position for sinking the shaft by which the coal is to be drawn up. The general method of operating is as follows: The boring instru ment consists of an iron shank, having a cross-bar at the top and a hollow screw at the bottom; to this all the successive B. instruments are fastened. A simple chisel is first attached to the screw, and one or two men press upon the cross-bar, and at the same time force it round like an auger; while another workman, by means of a lever erected overhead, with a chain descending from it to the cross-bar, gives an up and down motion to the instru ment. When the chisel becomes clogged, from the accumulation of material which it has loosened, it is exchanged for a cylindrical auger, provided with a valve, which scoops out the separated material; and thus by alternate chopping and scooping the work is carried on. The nature of the strata is determined with considerable facility and certainty by examining the fragments brought up by the auger. As the work advances, successive lengths of rod are screwed on at the upper end. Three poles are erected over the well, for the purpose of elevating the rods, to permit the change of the tools.

The cost of B. varies with the material through which the operation is carried on. In strata of moderate hardness, the cost is about 10s. a fathom for the first 10 fathoms, and an additional 68. for each 5 fathoms beyond.

A simple method of B. has been long in use among the Chinese, by which the great loss of time, arising from the screwing and unscrewing the rods, at each elevation of the chisel or auger, is saved. The chisel and scooping instrument are fastened to a rope, which is alternately elevated and allowed to descend by the simple force of gravity; the instrument thus forces its way through the ground. In the softer rocks of the newer formations this method has been successfully employed in boring for Artesian wells.

A still greater saving in time and money has been obtained by a process invented by M. Fauvelle, and described by him before the British Association in 1846. His apparatus consists of a hollow boringrod, formed of wrought-iron tubes screwed end to end, armed at the lower end with a hollow perforating tool. The upper end of the hollow rod is connected with a force-pump by a flexible tube. By means of the force-pump a current of water is sent down the rod into the bore hole as it is sunk, and the water coming up again brings with it all the drilled particles, so that, except for the renewal of the perforating tool, the rods do not require to be elevated. M. Fauvelle found, by experience, that when he was passing through gravel, or required to bring up considerable masses of broken-off rock, it was better to inject the water by the bore-hole and


let it rise through the hollow tube. In this way he has succeeded in raising stones 24 inches long by 14 inch thick.

BORLASE, REV. WILLIAM, an English antiquarian, was born at Pendeen, Cornwall, February 2, 1696. Ordained a priest in the English Church in 1720, he was, in 1732, presented to the vicarage of his native parish of St Just. Devoting himself to a study of the natural history and antiquities of Cornwall, he in 1753 published, at the Oxford press, a volume, entitled Observations on the Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall. This was followed, in 1758, by the Natural History of Cornwall, printed at the same press. B. paraphrased the book of Job, and wrote several pieces of a religious nature, was active in the supervision of his parish, and took an especial interest in the improvement of its highways. But that which makes his name most interesting now, is the fact that he was one of Pope's correspondents, and furnished to the poet most of the curious fossils of which the Twickenham grotto was composed. He died August 31, 1772.


or OIL OF CAMPHOR, is a thin liquid, lighter than water, with a fragrant odour (somewhat resem bling turpentine), obtained by distilling native oil of Borneo camphor, or oil of Valerian. The B. is employed in perfumery.

Kini Balu, south-east of the mountain of the same name, 100 miles in circumference, beautified with islands, and having many Dyak villages on its bank. The climate, in the low grounds, is humid, hot, and unhealthy for Europeans; but in the higher parts towards the north, the temperature is generally moderate, the thermometer at noon varying from 81° to 91° F. During the rainy season, from November to May, heavy storms of wind and loud thunder are experienced on the west coast. Vegetation is extremely luxuriant. The forests produce ironwood, teak, gutta-percha, ebony, sandal-wood, ratans, dye-woods, benzoin, wax, dragon's blood, sago, various resins, vegetable oils, and gums. The camphor is the best in Asia, of which 4500 pounds are exported annually. The Mohor tree, well adapted for making native boats, attains a height of 80 feet, and the Kaladang, suited for large masts, to 200. Nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, betel, ginger, rice, millet, sweet potatoes, yams, cotton, sugarcane, indigo, tobacco, coffee, melons, citrons, pineapples, bananas, coco-nuts, &c., are largely grown. The mountains and forests contain many monkeys, bears, swine, wild oxen, and various kinds of deer among which is the orang-outang. Tapirs, tigers, abound. The elephant is only found on the north coast, and the rhinoceros on the north-west. The few domesticated animals are buffaloes, sheep, goats, dogs, and cats. A few horses are seen in Banjermassin. The birds are remarkable for their plumage. The principal are eagles, vultures, Argus-pheasants, peacocks, flamingoes, pigeons, parrots, and the swallows (Collocalia esculenta) which construct the edible nests prized by the Chinese for making soup. The rivers, lakes, and lagoons swarm with crocodiles, and many kinds of snakes, frogs, lizards, and leeches. Fish is plentiful, and the coasts are rich in tortoises, pearl-mussels, oysters, and bêche-de-mer, or trepang. Brilliant butterflies and moths are in great variety, and silkworms are found. Among the mineral products are coal, gold, antimony, iron, tin, platina, nickel, diamonds, precious stones, rock-crystals, porcelainclay, petroleum, and sulphur. The diamond mines are chiefly in Landak and Pontianak (q. v.); Sambas produces the greatest quantity of gold; the kingdom of Brunaï, Kuteï, and Banjermassin, the largest amount of coal.

BO'RNEO (called by the natives Pulo Kalamantin or Klemantin, which is the name of an indigenous fruit), next to Australia and Papua, the largest island in the world, is situated in the Indian Archipelago, in 7° N.-4° 20′ S. lat., and 106° 40′-116° 46' E. long. It is bounded on the E. by the Sea of Celebes and the Macassar Strait, S. by the Sea of Java, W. and N. by the Gulf of Siam and the China Sea. Its length is about 800 miles, with a breadth of 700, and an area of about 300,000 square miles. The population is under 2,000,000. The largest part, ruled by the Dutch, had, in 1870, 519 Europeans and 1,156,115 natives; the independent kingdom of Borneo or Brunaï, in the north, between Sambas and Maludu, 225,000; Sarawak, 50,000; and the unexplored regions of the interior are sparsely peopled. The coasts of B., which are often low and marshy, and rendered dangerous to navigation by numerous islets and rocks, present no The population consists of three classes: the deep indentations, though they are pierced by num-Dyaks, who are the aboriginal inhabitants, and erous small bays and creeks. Two chains of moun- almost all heathen; the Mohammedans or Malays, tains run through the island in a nearly parallel Buginese, Javans, and Arabs; and the Chinese. direction from south-west to north-east; the one The Dyaks live chiefly in the interior, and employ rising in Sarawak (q. v.), gradually increases in themselves with land culture, collecting guttaelevation until it attains, in its termination in Mount percha, resin, gums, ratans, gold dust, and wax. Kini Balu, on the north-east coast, a height of They are divided into numerous tribes. The Malays 13,698 feet; a cross chain, branching off in about dwell on the coasts, are traders, and bold sailors. lat. 2° N., extends in a south-east direction through They are more civilised than the Dyaks, cultivate Banjermassin (q. v.). The other range, which is the grounds around their houses, lay out gardens, much lower, intersects the equator in long. 113° E. keep cattle, and live partly by fishing. The Chinese, Between are well-watered plains. B. has fine rivers, chiefly from Canton, have penetrated far into the especially on the north and west coasts. About interior. They engage in trade and mining, are their upper courses, however, little is known. The unwearied in their efforts to make money, and then principal are: on the north, the Brunaï or Borneo, return to their native country. They number the Redjang, Baram, Bintulu, Sirabas, Batang-about 75,000, and have always endeavoured to live Lupar, and Sarawak; on the east, the Kutei or as an independent republic, under chiefs chosen Mahakkan, Bulungan and Kuran, or Beru. The by themselves, and according to Chinese laws. In Barito, or river of Banjermassin, Kahaijan, Kapuas- 1857, the Chinese living in Sarawak (q. v.) rebelled Murung, Mendawei, Sampit, and other smaller streams, flow through the south-east part; while the Pontianak, or Kapuas-Bohang, Sambas, Simpang, Succadana, and Pawan, are the most important on the west. All the rivers of B. have banks at their mouths, which render them unfit for large ships; the Brunaï, however, is navigable 15 miles for vessels of considerable tonnage. There are numerous lakes, abounding in fish, the largest being

against Sir James Brooke (q. v.), and were nearly exterminated. In the last years, the Dutch were also compelled to put them down by force of arms, and have imposed a poll-tax.

The women of B., except the Dyak, weave cotton fabrics, make earthenware, baskets, and mats of beautiful designs and colours. In the district of Banjermassin are factories of weapons. The principal exports are gold, gold-dust, diamonds, coal, ratans,



gutta-percha, edible nests, cotton, wax, timber, dye-summits it appears that they are all in the same woods, mats, resins, sandal-wood, camphor, &c.; the plane. The name is perhaps derived from the freimports-earthenware, iron, steel, and copper work,quent application of the implement to borders or piece goods, yarns, woollen and silk fabrics, medicines, provisions, wines, spirits, rice, sugar, tea, tobacco, opium, trepang, gambir, vegetable oils, gunpowder, &c. The Dutch imports amount to about £190,000 annually, and the exports to £130,000. By far the largest part of the island is ruled directly or indirectly by the Dutch, who have divided it into the residency of the western division of B., and that of the southern and eastern, the former having Pontianak (q. v.) as the seat of government; the latter, Banjermassin. The smaller portion towards the north and north-east contains Sarawak and the territories of the sultan of B. proper. Besides a number of small dependencies, the western division contains the important kingdoms of Landak, Mampawa, and Sambas, with the mining district of Montrado, in the north. The chief towns are Sambas (10,000), Pontianak (9000), Banjermassin (30,000), Borneo or Brunaï (30,000),

and Sarawak (25,000).

The Portuguese effected a settlement in 1690 at Banjermassin; from whence they were, however, soon expelled. The Dutch succeeded in concluding a treaty of commerce with the princes of Banjermassin; and in 1643 erected a fort and factory, a second in 1778 at Pontianak, and others since. The British made unsuccessful attempts in 1702 and 1774 to effect a settlement in B.; but have, within the last twenty years, acquired a preponderating influence on the north-western coast. This has been in a great measure owing to the enterprise of Sir James Brooke (q. v.) and his vigorous government as rajah of Sarawak, and in part also to the occupation of Labuan (q. v.) as a colony and naval station. The British government has, however, recently refused, upon Sir James Brooke's retirement from Sarawak, to annex it to the British empire. The piracy carried on by the inhabitants of B. has often demanded severe chastisement, and piratical flotillas have been destroyed by the British. BO'RNHOLM, an island in the Baltic Sea, belonging to Denmark, and situated about 90 miles east from Seeland, and half-way between the island of Rügen and the Swedish coast, lat. 54° 59'-55° 18' N., long. 14° 42'-15° 10′ E. Area, including three small islands in its vicinity, about 230 square miles, with a population above 29,000. It is rocky, and traversed from north to south by a high mountainridge, the slope of which is in great part a waste heath, but elsewhere it is not unfertile, and agriculture and cattle husbandry are successfully prosecuted. High cliffs, sand-banks, and breakers, make the coast dangerous. The most notable product of the island is porcelain clay, with which the porcelain manufacture of Copenhagen is carried on. The capital of the island is Rönne, or Rottum, on the western coast, a place of 4500 inhabitants.

BO'RNING-PIECE (Fr. borner, to bound), a common and very simple implement, used by gardeners in laying out grounds, to make the surface either level or of perfectly regular slope. It consists of two slips of board, one about 18 inches long, and the other about 4 feet, the shorter fastened by the middle to one end of the longer, and at right angles to it. One B. being placed at one end of a line drawn in the piece of ground which is being laid out, with the edge of the shorter slip of board along the line, and the longer slip erect, others of the same size are similarly placed at the other end and in other parts of the line; and the requisite uniformity of surface is obtained by filling up with earth, or removing it, until on looking along their


BO'RNU, a powerful state of Central Africa, extending between lat. 10° and 15° N., and long. 12° and 18° E., and bounded on the E. by Lake Tsad, S. by Mandara, W. by Hausa, and N. by Kanem and the Sahara. The greater part of the country is perfectly level, and much of it is liable to be overflowed in the rainy season, which lasts from October to April, when fevers and other diseases consequently prevail. The heat from March to June is excessive, ranging from 104° to 107° F. The two principal rivers are the Shary and The soil is fertile, and although the cultivation is the Yeou or Yo, both of which fall into Lake Tsad. very imperfect, produces plentiful crops of maize, millet, barley, rice, various kinds of pulse, cotton, horses, buffaloes, oxen, sheep, &c. Wild beasts, as and indigo. The inhabitants possess elephants, lions, panthers, &c., are very numerous, having their chief haunts in the forests which occur only in the vicinity of the rivers, and which abound also in bees are extremely plentiful. The country produces birds of many kinds, snakes, crocodiles, &c. Wild no iron, that which is used being brought from Mandara. Much care is bestowed upon the manufacture of coats-of-mail, both for horses and their riders. The only other manufacture carried to any considerable extent is that of cotton cloth, which is dyed with beautiful blue stripes by means of indigo, The population, and much exported to Fezzan. which is estimated at from eight to nine millions, are mostly of Negro race, and called Kanowry. The ruling race, called Shouas, are of Arab descent, and bigoted Mohammedans; but many traces of Fetishism remain among the masses. they have of civilisation is derived from the Arabs. The slave-trade is eagerly prosecuted, and gives occasion to many warlike expeditions. B. appears to have existed as a state for many centuries, but in the beginning of the present century it was conquered by the Fellatahs, whose yoke, however, was soon shaken off, under the leadership of a fanatic faki, named Mohammed el Amin, whose services were called in by the sultan. The Bornuese afterwards transferred their allegiance from the sultan to Mohammed, whose descendant now rules in Bornu.


BORO BUDDOR (the Great Buddha), the ruin of a splendid Buddhist temple in Java, residency Kadu, regency Magelang, and district Minoreh, near the junction of the Ello and Progo, is the most elaborate monument of the Buddhist style of architecture anywhere existing. Buddhism (q. v.) was early introduced into Java, and Javanese chronicles place the building of B. B. in the beginning of the 7th century. The figure (copied from Fergusson's Handbook of Architecture) repreof the other half of the building. It is a pyramid sents a section through one half, and an elevation of a square form, each side at the base measuring 600 feet, and consists of seven walls, which are built like the steps of a stair up a hill. Between the walls are narrow terraces running round the building. The walls are richly ornamented with statuary. Outside are niches, each of which is occupied by a statue of Buddha, larger than life, seated in the usual attitude, with his legs crossed under the body. The number of these figures is about 400. Between each of these are bas-reliefs, representing the god in the same attitude, besides architectural ornaments and carvings of all sorts. Below the niches, on the lower story, is an immense bas-relief running round the whole building, repre

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circular ones, the outer ornamented with 32, the next with 24, and the upper with 16 small domes, each containing a seated statue of Buddha, which can be seen through the open work of their roofs. The whole is surmounted by what must be considered as the Pagoda (q. v.) itself, which is now empty, its centre being occupied only by a sunken chamber 10 feet deep, meant originally, no doubt, to contain the relic for which this splendid temple was erected.' Mr Fergusson considers that the five lower terraces are copied from and represent a Buddhist vihara or monastery; and that the niches containing the cross-legged figures were, in the originals, cells, each occupied by a shaven priest. The structure is thus a compound of a Tope (q. v.) with a copy, in durable architecture, of the frail cells of a vihara.

the oxygen of the air. Recently, however, Wöhler and Deville have obtained B. by heating in a crucible at a high temperature a mixture of pure dry boracic acid and the metal aluminium, when the latter takes the oxygen forming alumina (Al,O,), and leaves the B. as minute crystals interspersed through the earth alumina. These crystals possess great interest from their similarity in properties to pure crystallised carbon, or the diamond, and they are now known among scientific chemists as B. diamonds. They are remarkably transparent, are tinged yellow or red (though the colours may be accidental), and rival the ordinary diamond in their lustre and refractive power. B. diamonds not only scratch glass, but also the corundum and the sapphire; and a real diamond, with which a few B. diamonds were crushed, had its edges worn away. It is apparent, therefore, that the B. crystals possess in a high degree the characters of the ordinary diamond; and though they have as yet only been obtained in minute specks, yet it is not too much to expect that the size will be increased, and the artificial B. diamond come into market as an article of ornament, to rival the natural carbon diamond in its mysterious power of flashing back the rays of light. Indeed, so like are these two kinds of diamonds, that they can scarcely be distinguished by outward characters or signs; and it has been gravely suggested that some of the diamonds which now adorn the brow, the neck, or the arm, may be natural B. diamonds. They are very indestructible, requiring a high temperature to destroy them; and, like the true diamond, heat ultimately forms them

BORODINO, a village of Russia, in the government of Moskwa, and about 70 miles west from the city of that name. It is situated on the Kalouga, an affluent of the Moskwa, and gave name to the great battle fought between the French army under Napoleon, and the Russian under Kutusow, Barclay de Tolly, and Bagration, 7th September 1812. The battle of B. was one of the most obstinately disputed in history, and the loss on both sides was almost equally great. Out of 240,000 men engaged, between 70,000 and 80,000 were killed and wounded. The Russians retreated on the following day, but it was in the most perfect order, and without the enemy venturing to attack them. The Russians, therefore, have always held this battle as a victory, and in 1839 raised a fine mausoleum on the battle-field. To the French, how-into a coke. ever, certainly belongs the honour, as they not only remained on the field of battle, but in seven days after, they had pushed on to Moscow. The French name it the battle of the Moskwa, from the river of that name, and it gave Marshal Ney his title of Prince of Moskwa.

BO'RON is a non-metallic element present in Boracic Acid (q. v.) and Borax (q. v.). It was discovered in 1808 by Gay Lussac and Thenard in France, and Davy in England. The process followed in procuring B. till lately, was to mix pure and dry boracic acid (BO3) with thin slices of the metal potassium (K), and heat them in a tube, when three atoms of the potassium abstracted the oxygen, forming potash (KO), and set free the boron (B). On cooling and washing the mixture with cold water, the potash dissolved out, and left the B. as a dark greenish-brown powder, which, when heated, burned with a green flame, and was re-formed into boracic acid, by combining with

BOROUGH (Ang. Sax. byrig, burg, burh; It. borgo; Fr. bourg; Scot. burgh). The original meaning of this word, by which we now designate a corporate township, seems to have been a hill, risingground, or heap of earth; and it was probably from the elevated positions on which places of defence were erected, that it afterwards came to signify a fortification or castle, and latterly the aggregate of houses, churches, and other structures, which, in unsettled times, usually gathered under the walls of a castle; together with their inhabitants, and the arrangements which were made for their government. The questions whether we owe our municipal corporations to Roman, or to Saxon and other Teutonic influences, or to both; and if to both, then to what extent they have severally contributed to their formation, have been keenly discussed by constitutional historians. In so far as etymology goes, its authority is pretty equally divided, the term municipal, from the Latin municipalis, and city,



from civitas, favouring the Roman view; whilst B. from the root above indicated, and town, from the Saxon tun or dun, a fortified hill, support the Teutonic. But the discussion forms a branch of a very wide subject, which has divided recent writers into two opposite schools, and of which we can here only indicate the existence. On the Roman side, Sir Francis Palgrave is the most uncompromising, and Mr Allen, as it seems to us, the more judicious champion. The Teutonic side is espoused by most of the Anglo-Saxon scholars of England, and in general by German writers. But from whatever source derived, that the boroughs of England existed, not as aggregates of houses merely, but as corporate bodies, in the Saxon time, is now generally admitted. The B. system of Scotland is also of great antiquity; 'A Hanse, or confederation of boroughs for mutual defence and the protection of trade, existed in Scotland, and was known by this name in the reign of David I., about a century before the formation of the Hanseatic League of the continental cities; and the famous burgh laws date from about the same period. This code of Scotch burghal regulation,' in Mr Innes's opinion, though collected in the reign of David, and sanctioned by him, was the result of the experience of the towns of England and Scotland;' and he goes on to shew the very close resemblance between these laws and the burghal usages of Newcastle, and even of Winchester, which seems to suggest their common Saxon origin. Mr Innes speaks favourably of the B. life of our ancestors; and he considers the burgh domestic architecture, of which monuments

remain sufficient to shew that the burgess of the Reformation period lived in greater decency and comfort than the laird, though without the numerous following, which no doubt gave dignity

if it diminished food. I am not sure that this class

has gone on progressively, either in outward signs of comfort, or in education and accomplishment, equal to their neighbours. The reason, I suppose, is obvious. The Scotch burgher, when successful, does not set himself to better his condition and his

family within the sphere of his success, but leaves it, and seeks what he deems a higher." In confirmation of this view, Mr Innes elsewhere mentions that many of the old citizen-merchants of Edinburgh had studied at the university, and appear in the list of graduates.'

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Borough, in England, is properly a city or other town that sends burgesses to parliament a privilege, the nature and extent of which will be explained under PARLIAMENT (q. v.); and in this sense it is also called a parliamentary borough. But in the interpretation clause of the Municipal Reform Act, 5 and 6 Will. c. 76, s. 142, the word borough is declared, for the purposes of the act, to mean a city, borough, port, cinque port, or town corporate, and whether sending representatives to parliament or


BOROUGHBRIDGE, a town in West Riding, Yorkshire, on the right bank of the Ure, here navigable for small-craft, 17 miles north-west of York. It arose simultaneously with the decline of Aldborough, 14 mile to the east, soon after the Conquest, when the great north road was diverted from Aldborough to this place. Its chief trade is in agricultural produce and hardware. Pop. (1871) 2508. Edward II., in 1321, defeated the Earl of Lancaster here. Near B. are three immense Druid stones, called the Devil's Arrows,' 16 to 22 feet high.

BOROUGH ENGLISH is a custom that prevails in some ancient boroughs in England, according to which the youngest son inherits the property within borough in preference to his elder brothers. The

reason assigned for it is, that the youngest son, on account of his tender age, is not so capable as his elder brothers to maintain himself. A posthumous son is entitled to this privilege, and dispossesses his elder brother. The right of representation also exists with reference to it, for should the youngest son die in his father's lifetime leaving a daughter, she will inherit the property. This custom obtains in the manor of Lambeth, Surrey, in the manors of Hackney, St John of Jerusalem in Islington, Heston, and Edmonton in Middlesex, and in other counties. See CUSTOM, GAVELKIND, INHERITANCE.

BOROUGH FUND. This is a fund which is

expressly defined by the Municipal Corporations Act, 5 and 6 Will. IV. c. 76, by which it is declared that the rents and profits of all hereditaments, and the interest, dividends, and annual proceeds of all moneys, dues, chattels, and valuable securities belonging or payable to any body corporate named in conjunction with a borough in the schedules, or to any member or officer thereof, in his corporate offence against this act (the application of which has capacity, and every fine or penalty for every not been already provided for), shall be paid to the treasurer of such borough; and all the moneys which he shall so receive shall be carried by him to the account of a fund to be called 'The Borough Fund;' and such fund, subject to certain payments and deductions, shall be applied towards the payment of the salary of the mayor, and of the recorder, police magistrate, town-clerk, treasurer, and other officers. Corporations may now, under certain checks, maintain parliamentary and legal proceedings at the expense of the borough fund, 35 and 36 authorised by statute are not to be competed with Vict. c. 91. But existing gas and water companies in this way.

The Court of Chancery exercises jurisdiction over the property of corporations in boroughs, which, since the Municipal Corporations Act, are considered to hold their property in trust for charitable uses; and the trusts are applicable as well to the personal as to the real estate. See Grant on Corporations, 1850; and see FUND.

BOROUGH JUSTICES were first created in the time of Charles I. Under the Municipal Corporations Act, 5 and 6 Will. IV. c. 76, these justices consist of the mayor during his year of office, and for one year after it determines; the recorder ex officio; and such persons as the crown may appoint by commission. Their duties cannot be delegated; and before acting, they must make the same declaration, and take the same oaths as the recorder does on entering his office. See JUSTICES.

BOROUGH LAWS, in Scottish legal history, relative to boroughs or burghs, which have long was the name given to a collection of ancient laws ceased to have any force, but serve to throw light on the ancient manners and customs of the country. The authenticity of these B. L. is beyond question; they are universally allowed to have been enacted in the reign of King David in the 12th century. See REGIAM MAJESTATEM.

BOROUGH RATE is a rate raised and levied

within borough by order of the council of the same; and it has been decided by the Court of Exchequer that such rate is valid, though not made in public. By the 92d section of the Municipal Corporations Act, 5 and 6 Will. IV. c. 76, where there is a deficiency of the borough fund (q. v.), the borough council is authorised and required from time to time to order a B. R. in the nature of a county rate (q. v.) to be made within their borough, for which purpose the council shall have all the

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