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would have come quite up to the delicate perceptions of the biblomaniac.

For a variety of particulars bearing on the book-trade in general, we refer to the articles, BIBLIOGRAPHY, BOOK, BOOKBINDING, CENSORSHIP, CIRCULATING LIBRARY, COPYRIGHT, NEWSPAPERS, PAPER, PERIODICALS, PRESS, PRINTING, STATIONER, STEREOTYPING, WOOD-ENGRAVING. W. C. BOOLA'K, or BOULA'C, a town of Egypt, on the right bank of the Nile, two or three miles north of Cairo, of which it forms the port. Destroyed by the French in 1799, it was rebuilt by Mehemet Ali, who established cotton, silk, and weaving factories; a government printing-house, from which a newspaper in Arabic is issued weekly; and a school of engineering. It is connected by railways with Alexandria and Suez. Pop. 20,000.

BOOLUNDSHU'HUR, a British district in the lieut.-governorship of the North-west Provinces of India. With an area of 1910 sq. miles, it contained, in 1872, 936,593 inhabitants. It lies in N. lat., between 28° 3'-28° 43′, and in E. long, between 77° 28'-78° 32', being bounded to the N. and W. respectively by the districts of Meerut and Delhi, Its chief town of the same name, otherwise called Unchuganj, is on the route between Bareilly and Delhi, being 40 miles to the south-east of the latter. Its population amounts to 12,049; and its distance from Calcutta is 780 miles, its elevation above the level of the sea being almost precisely the same number of feet.

considerable trade. It has numerous and extensive brick and tile works, breweries, tanneries, ropewalks, sail-cloth manufactures, salt-works, &c. Pop. 7464.

BOO'MÉRANG, a missile instrument for war, sport, or the chase, in use by the aborigines of Australia. It is of hard wood, of a bent form; the shape is parabolic, as represented in the adjoining



It is about two and a half inches broad, a third of an inch thick, and two feet long, the extremities being rounded. One side is flat, the other rounded; and it is brought to a bluntish edge. The method of using this remarkable weapon consists in throwing it in a particular manner. It is taken by one end, with the bulged side downwards, and the convex edge forward, and thrown directly onward, as if to hit some one thirty yards in advance. Instead of going directly forward, as might be expected, and there falling to the ground, it slowly ascends in the air, whirling round and round, and describing a curved line of progress till it reaches a considerable height, when it begins to retrograde, and finally it sweeps over the head of the BOOM, in a ship, is a general name for the long projector, and falls behind him. This surprising poles which jut out from certain supports or uprights, motion is produced by the bulged side of the missile. to stretch or extend the bottoms of sails. Some The air impinging thereon, lifts the instrument in taper regularly from the middle towards both ends; the air, exactly as by hitting the oblique bars in a while others have the thickest part at about one- windmill, it forces it to go round. The ingenuity of third of the length from one end. According to their the contrivance, which is worthy of the highest particular modes and places of application, they scientific calculation, is very extraordinary as comreceive the names of jib-B., flying jib-B., studding- ing from almost the lowest race of mankind. The sail B., lower studding-sail B., main B., square- B. is one of the ancient instruments of war of the sail B., driver-B., spanker-B., ring-tail B., main-natives of Australia. They are said to be very topmast B., fore-topmast B., fire-B., &c. In the old dexterous in hitting birds with it, the animals being 110-gun ships of Nelson's days, these booms varied of course behind them, and perhaps not aware that from 57 to 32 feet in length, and from 15 to 6 inches they are objects of attack. This curiosity, as it in thickness. The war-steamers of the present day must be called, was first made known by being require a somewhat different equipment of booms. brought before the Royal Irish Academy by The immense spread of canvas in some of the clipper Professor M'Cullagh in May 1837. merchant-ships now built requires the use of booms of very considerable length. A seaman speaks of booming when he applies a B. to a sail; he employs B.-irons, shaped like the figure 8, to connect booms and other spars together end to end.

Besides the booms on board ship, the same name is also given to a strong iron chain employed in barring the passage of the mouth of a harbour or river, or to cut off the retreat of an enemy if he has actually entered. Such a B. should be protected by a battery or batteries. The chains are moored, and are floated by logs. There should be two such chains, one to afford resistance if the enemy has penetrated the other; they need not extend all across the passage, seeing that shallow spots are self-defended. A modern war-steamer would cut through a chain-B., unless made of very thick and strong iron. Sometimes hempen cable booms are used to resist small-craft. The Russians effectually boomed the harbour of Sebastopol in September 1854, thereby preventing the entrance of English and French ships; this was done partly by sinking some of their own ships, and partly by the laying of booms.

BOOM, a town of Belgium, in the province of Antwerp, about 10 miles south of the city of that name. Its situation at the junction of the Brussels Canal with the river Rupel makes it a place of

BOONE, DANIEL, a famous backwoodsman and trapper, was born in Virginia, United States. At an early period of his life, he emigrated to North Carolina; but his love of the wilderness not being sufficiently gratified there, he planned an expedition into Kentucky, then almost unknown. On the 7th of June 1769, along with five companions, he reached the Red River, north of the Kentucky. B., however, was captured by the Indians, but escaped, and accidentally falling in with his brother, who had during the whole winter. In May 1770, B.'s brother pursued his track, they lived together in a cabin went home, and B. himself was left alone in the perilous forest. In July, his brother returned, and after exploring a considerable portion of country, they returned in 1771 to Carolina, determined to emigrate with their families to Kentucky; but the engaged as the agent of a Carolina company, in attempt proved unsuccessful. Shortly after, B. was purchasing the lands on the south side of the Kentucky river, where, in 1775, he built a fort on the site now occupied by the town of Boonesborough. In 1777, the place was twice attacked by a swarm of Indians, who, however, failed to capture it. On the 8th of August 1778, a third attempt was made by 450 savages, officered by Canadian Frenchmen. In spite of repeated assaults, the little garrison of fifty men set at defiance its


enemies, who were at length obliged to retire, and never afterwards ventured to besiege the place. After many skirmishes and encounters with the Indians, B. removed in 1798 to Upper Louisiana, where the Spanish authorities gave him a grant of 2000 acres of land. He settled with his children and followers at Charette, on the Missouri River, beyond the inhabited limits of the country, where he followed his favourite occupation of hunting and trapping bears till his death, which occurred in 1822. B. was one of the most adventurous of all those 'pioneers of civilisation' to whose courage, endurance, and skill America owes so much.


BOO'RO, an island of the Malay Archipelago, about 60 miles to the west-north-west of Amboyna, extending between S. lat. 3 and 4, and between E. long. 126° and 127°. With an estimated area of 2000 square miles, it is said to contain 18,000 inhabitants. Though it is mountainous, having Mount Dome and Tomahoo, respectively 10,400 feet high and 6528; yet it is, on the whole, very fertile, its productions being rice, sago, fruits, dye-woods, and cajeput oil. At the east end of the island, the Dutch have a station named Fort Defence; but the best anchorage is on the north side in Cajeli Bay.

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beaten together as small as might be, and the bones and flesh so bruised that the blood and marrow spouted forth in great abundance, whereby they were made unserviceable for ever.' 'Still,' it is added, he would not confess;' and, indeed, it is remarkable in how many cases we are told that the torture, agonising as it was, failed in its purpose, even where the sufferer shrieked for pain in terrible manner, so as to have moved a heart of stone.' A writer of 1591, after speaking of the pilniewinks,' 'pilliwinks,' thumb-screws, or thumbikins (q. v.) as a grievous torture,' and of compression of the skull by a twisted cord as BOONESBOROUGH, one of at least thirty a most cruel torment also,' describes the B. as the localities in the United States, which take their most severe and cruel pain in the world.' Yet there name from the first pioneer of the great valley of are instances in which it was not thought enough. the Mississippi. It stands on the Kentucky, about When the boots were first used in Scotland is 18 miles to the south-east of Lexington. Though not known. In a case where a deed of conveynow an insignificant village, yet it deserves a pro-ance of land was challenged as a forgery, in 1579, minent place in the history of the mighty west. It two witnesses, a clergyman and a notary, both was founded in 1775 by Daniel Boone (q. v), as his of Forfarshire, were ordered to be put in the first fort; and within three or four years thereafter, boots, gins, or any other torments, to urge them it was the seat of the first legislature beyond the to declare the truth.' In a letter, still preserved Alleghanies. in the State Paper Office at London, Sir Francis Walsingham writes to the English ambassador at that Father William Holt, an English Jesuit then Edinburgh, in 1583, that Queen Elizabeth desires in Scotland, may be put to the boots.' The B. was subject of allusion on the English stage in 1604; in Marston's Malcontent, printed in that year, one of the characters is made to say: 'All gout the rack did in England, or your Scotch boots.' your empirics could never do the like cure upon the A young gentlewoman of Aberdeenshire was tortured by the B. in 1630. Soon afterwards, it is said to have fallen into desuetude for about thirty years. It was revived after the insurrection of the westland Covenanters in 1666, and continued to be used throughout the reigns of King Charles II., and King James II., and during the first years of King William III. 'The genius of our nation,' writes Sir J. Lauder of Fountainhall in 1681, 'looks upon the torture of the boots as a barbarous remedy, and yet of late it hath been frequently used among us.' The Claim of Right brought forward by the Scottish Convention in 1689, denounced the use of torture, without evidence, and in ordinary crimes, as contrary to law.' Notwithstanding this declaration, the B. was used at least once again. In 1690, Neville Payne, an English gentleman who was supposed to have entered Scotland on a treasonable mission, was put to the torture under a warrant superscribed by King William, and still shewn in the Register House at Edinburgh. The B. was applied to one leg, the thumb-screws to both hands, but without any effect, although, in the words of one of the privy-councillors, the torture, which lasted for two hours, was inflicted with all the severity that was consistent with humanity, even unto that pitch that we could not preserve life and have gone further.' This is believed to be the last time that the B. was used. But it was not until Scotland had ceased to be an independent kingdom, that the British parliament enacted

BOOROJI'RD, or BOOROOGIRD, a town in the province of Irak-Ajemi, Persia, situated in a fertile valley about 190 miles north-west of Ispahan. Lat. 33° 43′ N., long. 48° 45′ E. It has a castle and several mosques. Pop. about 12,000, who are chiefly engaged in agricultural pursuits.


BOOT, BOOTS, or BOO'TIKIN, an instrument of judicial torture, formerly used in Scotland to force confessions from persons accused of crimes, or answers from unwilling or suspected witnesses. Bishop Burnet in the History of his Own Time, and Sir Walter Scott in his Old Mortality, speak of the B. as made of iron; but the Rev. Thomas Morer in his Short Account of Scotland, written from personal observation of the country at a time when the B. was still in use, describes it as 'made of four pieces of narrow boards nailed together, of a competent length for the leg, not unlike those short cases we use to guard young trees from the rabbits. One or both legs of the person to be tortured having been placed in this case, wedges were inserted between the limb and the sides of the case, and these wedges were driven down by the executioner with a mall or hammer, questions being at intervals put to the sufferer, until either he gave the desired information, or fainted away, or shewed such endurance as satisfied the judges that no answer could be extorted from him. The wedges were commonly placed against the calf of the leg, but Bishop Burnet says he had heard that they were sometimes placed against the shinbone. In one case that of a lad in Orkney, in 1596-it is recorded that they were struck home as many as fifty-seven times. In another-that of John Fian, schoolmaster at Prestonpans, burned for sorcery in 1591-it is said that the victim 'did abide so many blows, that his legs were crushed and

by the statute 7 Anne c. 21-that in future 'no person accused of any crime in Scotland shall be subject or liable to any torture.' Torture is believed not to have been used in England after 1640. It was abolished in France in 1789, and in Russia in 1801.


BOÖTÉS, in ancient mythology, the son of Ceres and of Iasion, who, being plundered of all his possessions by his brother Pluto, invented the plough, to which he yoked two oxen, and cultivated the soil to procure subsistence for himself. As a reward for


this discovery, he was translated to heaven by his mother with the plough and yoke of oxen, under the name of B., i. e., the Ox-driver, which is still borne by one of the constellations. According to others, B. was the son of Lycaon and Callisto, whom his father slew, and set before Jupiter for a repast, to try his omniscience. Jupiter restored him to life, and placed him amongst the stars.

BOOTH. Throughout all Europe, in early times, trade was carried on chiefly by fairs, as indeed is still the case in some parts of it, and in many parts of Asia. The tents, huts, or other temporary or movable structures in which the traders exposed their goods for sale, had in this country the name of booths-a word of uncertain origin, traced by some to the Gaelic both or bothag, a bothy or hut; by others, with more probability, to the Greek apotheke, the Latin apotheca, the Italian boteca and potheca, and the French boutique-all signifying an office, place of business, shop, store-house, or tavern. From this, its primary sense, in which it is still in use, B. gradually came to mean a fixed shop or warehouse. As towns sprang up, the yearly fair was more or less supplanted by the weekly market. The slight B. which was set up in the same spot every week, had an irresistible tendency to become substantial and permanent; and the records of the 12th and some following centuries are full of unavailing complaints against the encroachments which were in this way made upon the market-places and streets. Thus, Joceline of Brakelond chronicles the ineffectual efforts of his great and wealthy abbey, in 1192, to dislodge the burgesses of Bury St Edmunds from the shops, sheds, and stalls which they had erected on the market-place without leave of the monks. So in the Winton Domesday Book, compiled in 1148, notice is taken of 'houses' in Winchester which had been 'stalls.' So, also, Stow relates that the houses

Merchants' Booths:

From an illuminated MS. representing Venice in the 14th century.

in Old Fish Street, in London, were at the first but movable boards set out on market-days to shew their fish there to be sold; but procuring licence to set up sheds, they grew to shops, and by little and little, to tall houses." So, again, the same chronicler tells us that in Cheapside, from the great conduit west, were many fair and large houses, which houses in former times were but sheds or shops, with solars (that is, lofts or upper chambers) over them.' So in Edinburgh the range called at first 'the Boothraw,' and afterwards the Luckenbooths,' arose in the very centre of the High Street. So, likewise, in Edinburgh and elsewhere, the trader who for years had spread his stall under the shelter of the same

buttress of the church or town-hall, began to rest
a fixed wooden B. against it, gradually transforming
the timber beams into lath and plaster, or even into
brick or stone, until at length the basement of the
stately cathedral, or hôtel de ville, was incrusted all
over with unseemly little booths (or krames, as they
were called in Scotland), like limpets on a rock. The
B. which thus arose had often but one apartment,
which opened on the street by a narrow door, and
a broad unglazed window, closed at night by a
wooden shutter, dividing in the middle, and hinged
at top and bottom, so that the upper half formed a
sort of awning, while the lower half served as a
table for the display of the trader's wares. It was at
this window that business was conducted, the trader
standing within, the buyer without. Occasionally
a flight of steps led down to a cellar under the B.,
which served as a store-room. In other cases, a
chamber behind was the warehouse of the merchant's
B., or the workshop of the craftsman's B., or the
sleeping-place of either. As civilisation advanced,
a 'solar or chamber was raised above the B. for
the dwelling-house of the trader, occasionally with
a store-room in the roof, to which goods were
There is mention of a gold-
hoisted by a crane.
smith's B., with a 'solar' above it, at Perth, about
1220. Traces of the middle-age B. still remain in
this country. There are many perfect examples in
France, some of them believed to be of the 12th

BOOTHS, UNLICENSED, are, by the law of Eng. land, public nuisances, and may, upon indictment, be suppressed, and the keepers of them fined. But by the 6 and 7 Vict. c. 68, s. 23, theatrical representations in booths or shows at fairs, feasts, or customary meetings of the like kind, when allowed by the justice of the peace of the district, or other local authorities, are lawful. See THEATRES, Laws


BOOTH, BARTON, a celebrated actor of the 18th c., was born in 1681, his father being nearly related to Henry Booth, Earl of Warrington. Having received a good education at Westminster, he was sent at the age of 17 to Cambridge University, from which he ran away to join a company of strolling-players, who were shortly after dispersed by the law. B. next performed at Bartholomew Fair with such success that Betterton would have engaged him for Drury Lane had he not been afraid of offending his family by doing so. After a successful engagement in Dublin, he returned to London, and was now engaged at Drury Lane, where he appeared in 1701, and made a great sensation.' He became quite the rage among the nobility, who vied with each other in placing their carriages at his disposal; and he frequently stayed overnight at Windsor, where the court was then held. His greatest character was the ghost in Hamlet, in which he is said never to have had an equal; and his Othello, according to Cibber, was also a very masterly performance. He died May 10, 1733. BOOTHAU'K, a fortified pass of Afghanistan, 12 miles to the east of Cabul. between cliffs 500 feet high, and is in some places It runs for 5 miles only 50 yards wide.

BOOTHIA FELIX, a peninsula forming the most northerly part of the American continent. Towards the south, it is terminated by an isthmus, while, to the north, it is bounded by Bellot Strait (q. v.). It was discovered by Sir John Ross during the most famous of his voyages, and named after his friend Sir Felix Booth, being supposed at the time to reach as far north as Barrow Strait.

BOOTHIA GULF separates Boothia Felix on the west from Cockburn Island on the east, and


is, in fact, a continuation of Prince Regent's Inlet of members of the House of Commons, among whom towards the south.

BOOTON, an island of the Malay Archipelago, separated by a strait of the same name from the south-east end of Celebes. It is in lat. 5° S., and long. 123° E. In size, character, and productions, it generally resembles Booro (q. v.). It is frequented by the Dutch, who used at one time to send an officer to destroy the clove-trees, as interfering with their monopoly in cloves.

BOOTS, which are only a lengthened variety of shoes, are among the most ancient articles of attire. Shoes, extended a certain height up the leg, laced, ornamented, and of fanciful colours, were in use by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, as is seen by existing relics and drawings. Leaving an account of these and other varieties of shoes, as well as an account of the trade and manufacture of shoes and boots generally, to the article SHOE-TRADE, we here confine attention to a few historical particulars respecting what are properly called B., meaning by the term leather coverings for the legs and feet. Different kinds of half-boots were worn by the Anglo-Saxons and Anglo-Normans; and in the reign of Edward IV., if not earlier, the boot-proper, with tops and spurs, was established as an article of knightly dress. (See Book of the Feet, by J. Sparkes Hall, London.) In the reign of Charles I., a species of boot, exceedingly wide at the top, made of Spanish leather, came into use; and with Charles II. the highly decorated


French boot was introduced as an article of gay courtly attire. Meanwhile, the jack-boot, as it is called (see JACK), had become indispensable in the costume of cavalry soldiers and horsemen generally; and by William III. and his followers it was regularly naturalised in England. Strongly made, the jack-boot extended in length above the knee, was capacious at top, had a very high heel, and round the ankle it had a flat leather band bearing a powerful spur. In the adjoining cut is offered a representation of this highly characteristic boot, which we readily associate with the civil and foreign wars that distracted the 17th century. This huge species of boot remained in use in British cavalry regiments until comparatively recent times, and was dismissed as being too cumbrous in the case of men being dismounted. It is, nevertheless, in a somewhat polished and improved form, still worn by the Horse-guards, with whose stalwart appearance, doing duty in their tall B. at Whitehall, most people are familiar.

As an improved jack, the Horse-guards boot bears a remarkably close resemblance to the boot of the French postilion, well known to the older class of continental tourists. French postilion B., however, it is proper to understand, are made of that capacity that will suit any ordinary foot and leg. Kept economically as part of the equipment of a postinghouse, they are ready for all legs, with or without stockings, as the case may be; and looking at the strength of their materials, they may very fairly be supposed to accommodate all the post-boys of an establishment during half a century.

The jack-boot is almost entitled to be called the parent of the top and some other varieties. B. with tops of a yellow colour were so commonly worn by gentlemen in the 18th c., as to become a peculiarity in the national costume of the English. When Philip, Duke of Orleans, and other revolutionists of note, affected to imitate the sentiments and manners of the English, they ostentatiously wore top-boots. In the early years of the present century, a number

duction of the Hessian boot as an article


may be specified the late Sir Francis Burdett, tirely disappeared. By jockeys and riders generally, habitually wore top-boots; nor have they yet enthey are likely to remain in permanent use. perhaps contributed to break up the general use of top-boots, was the introof walking-dress. Worn over tight pantaloons, the Hessian boot was a handsome piece of attire, giving, undoubtedly, an elegant appearance to the nether costume. A representation of a Hessian boot, with its tassel, is annexed. B. of this shape, as is seen by engravings, were worn by English general officers in the early part of the French war, and somewhat later. At length they were superseded by the well-known Wellington boot, which, as its name imports, was introduced by the great Duke, as a simplification, under the loose military trouser. This species of boot has, in its turn, been almost entirely abandoned in England, in consequence of the universal use of short ankle B.; but it is still generally used by some classes of persons in the United States, though in an odd fashion, with the trousers stuffed loosely in at the top.

Hessian Boot.

BOOTY is the victors' share in property captured from the vanquished. It is generally a military term, the word prize being more frequently used in the navy. The regulations concerning B. in the British army were collected and consolidated in 1831, and have only been slightly altered since. All military B. is apportioned as the sovereign from do not claim their share within six years, receive time to time may direct. Deserters, and those who none. The officers appoint two B. or prize agents, by letters of attorney; the field-officers naming one, and the subordinate officers another. The officer commanding the successful expedition sends to the military authorities a list of the persons entitled to booty. The agents collect the property, convert it into money at the best advantage, and hand over the proceeds to the authorities, receiving a small percentage for their trouble. A scale of distribution is then made out, and the money is paid after in a capture, the Admiralty calculates the army a certain interval. When an army and a fleet join share, and sends the amount to the military authoPrize and B. originally belonged to the sovereign, and are only distributed to the captors as an act of grace; for, if the sovereign pleases, the property can be given back again to the enemy. See further, under PRIZE.


BOPP, FRANZ, Ordinary Professor of Oriental Languages at Berlin, was born at Mainz, on the 14th September 1791. Devoting himself exclusively to the study of oriental literature, he spent some years in Paris, where he was encouraged in his labours by Chezy, Silvestre de Sacy, and August Wilhelm Schlegel, and afterwards visited London, to prosecute his favourite studies more thoroughly, being partly supported by a small pension from the king of Bavaria. His first publication was on the Sanscrit verb; he afterwards produced a Sanscrit grammar, a Glossarium Sanscritum, and editions of several fragments of the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata, in the original text, with a translation. He helped much to facilitate the study of Sanscrit in Europe. But his most important labours centred in the analysis of the grammatical forms of the different languages of the Indo-Germanic family, by which he may be said to have founded a new science of Comparative


by building, in the side of the volcanic mountain
where the steam and B. A. vapours are issuing from
fissures, and divert the course of a mountain stream,
so that at pleasure the caldrons, or lagoons, may be
supplied with water.
As the volcanic vapours-

Grammar. His great work in this department is a Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Old Slavonian, Gothic, and German (Vergleichende Grammatik, &c., Berl. 1833, &c.; a second edition, entirely recast, was published in 1857). An English translation by Lieutenant called suffioni-gurgle through the water contained Eastwick, and conducted through the press by in the lagoons, the B. A. is arrested by the water, Mr Wilson, Boden professor of Sanscrit in Oxford which becomes impregnated with it. The liquid University, was published in 3 vols. 1845-1850. is passed from one lagoon to another, then on In recognition of his splendid services to philology, to settling vats and flat-bottomed evaporating he was, in 1842, made a knight of the newly erected pans, till it becomes so concentrated that on coolFrench Ordre du Mérite, and in 1857, foreign ing, impure crystals of B. A. separate. In this associate of the French Institute. He died in 1867. condition it is sent to England and other countries. BO'PPARD, or BO'PPART (ancient Baudo- The appearance of the surface of the ground, from briga), a walled town of Rhenish Prussia, situated which thousands of jets of steam are constantly on the left bank of the Rhine, about 9 miles south issuing, is very striking; and the name given to of Coblenz. B. is a busy manufacturing place, one of the principal mountains, Monte Cerboli (Mons with dirty, narrow streets, and its houses are chiefly Cerberi), denotes the feeling of awe with which of wood. Its appearance, however, is picturesque, the peasantry regarded the district as the entrance and it has several buildings, architecturally remark- to the lower regions. Native B. A. is employed as a source of borax (q. v.), and contains about three-fourths of its weight of true B. A., accompanied by one-fourth of water and impurities. in a pure condition, B. A. may be prepared by dissolving 40 parts of borax (NaO,2BO,) in 100 of water, and acting thereon by 25 parts of hydrochloric acid (HCI), which removes the soda, forming chloride of sodium (NaCl) and water (HO), and on cooling the mixture, the B. A. (BO,) crystallises out. On re-solution in water and re-crystallisation, it is obtained in pure white feathery crystals. B. A. is used in the arts as a flux, as an ingredient in the glaze employed in pottery; and the wicks of stearine and composite candles are treated with it, so that when the candle is burning, the end of the wick when it gets long, may fuse and fall to the side, where it can be burned away. The exportation of B. A. from the Tuscan lagoons exceeds 3,000,000 lbs. annually.

able. The church of the Carmelites contains some

fine specimens of 16th c. sculpture. During the middle ages, B. was an imperial city, and many councils were held in it. Remains of the Roman fortress built by Drusus still exist in the centre of the town. Pop. about 4500.

BORA, KATHARINA VON, or CATHARINE DE BORA, the wife of Luther, was born, it is supposed, at Löben, near Schweinitz, in Saxony, on 29th January 1499. At a very early age, she entered the Cistercian convent of Nimptschen, near Grimma. Becoming acquainted with Luther's doctrines, she found her self very unhappy in her monastic life; and finally, along with eight other nuns, whose relatives, like her own, refused to listen to them, she applied for assistance to Luther. Luther obtained the services of Leonhard Koppe, a citizen of Torgau, and by him and a few associates the nine nuns were liberated from the convent in April 1523. They were brought to Wittenberg, where Luther had suitably provided for their reception. Catharine became an inmate in the house of the burgomaster Reichenbach. Luther, through his friend, Nicholas von Amsdorf, minister in Wittenberg, offered her the hand of Doctor Kaspar Glaz, who became pastor in Orlamünde. She declined this proposal, but declared herself ready to marry Von Amsdorf, or Luther himself, who had already laid aside his monastic dress. Her marriage with Luther took place on 13th June 1525, and was made the occasion of much unjust reproach by his enemies, which has not ceased to be repeated to this day. In his will, he left her all that he had, so long as she should remain a widow, because, as he says, she had always been an affectionate and true wife to him. After Luther's death, the Elector of Saxony and Christian III. of Denmark contributed from time to time to her support. She died at Torgau on 20th December 1552.

BORACIC ACID is found native (1) in the steam or vapour which rises from certain volcanic rocks in Tuscany, and (2) as a saline incrustation in the crater of a mountain in the island Volcano, which is situated 12 miles north of Sicily. This crater is about 700 feet deep, the sides lined with a crust of B. A. about half an inch thick, and is sufficient to yield an annual supply of 2000 tons. B. A. also occurs in combination in Borax (q. v.), Datholite (q. v.), Boracite, and other minerals, and to a very minute extent in trap rocks generally. The Tuscan supply of B. A. may be regarded as the most important, and its collection takes place over an area of about 30 miles. The plan pursued is to form a series of caldrons-100 to 1000 feet in diameter, and 7 to 20 feet deep-partly by excavation, and partly

BO'RAGE (Borāgo), a genus of plants of the


Borage (B. officinalis) :

a, flowering branch; b, the cone of stamens, &c.

natural order Boragineæ (q. v.), having a wheelshaped corolla, the mouth of which is closed with five teeth, and forked filaments, of which the inner arm bears the anther, the anthers connivent around

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