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SCUDIER Shakespeare's England. By WILLIAM WINTER. 24mo, gilt top, $1.00; paper, 50 cents. 12mo, gilt top, $1.25. For sale by all Booksellers. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, 4 PARK STREET, BOSTON; II EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK. Buffalo and Chicago PALACE SUPERB BUFFET DINING SLEEPERS, CARS, THROUGH SLEEPING CARS Between CHICAGO, NEW YORK and BOSTON, BAGGAGE CHECKED TO DESTINATION. Tickets to all Points East or West at Lowest Rates. AT CHICAGO the Depot of the Nickel Plate Road is located at Twelfth St. Viaduct, cor. Twelfth and Clark Sts., convenient by street car or elevated R. R. to any part of the city. AT CLEVELAND all trains stop at Euclid Ave. and Pearl St, and at Main Passenger Station Broadway near Cross St. AT BUFFALO trains run into Union Depot of the Erie Railway. 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The story of so noble a woman as Elizabeth Alden, daughter of John and Priscilla, is raison d'être enough for a novel, but the writer has here done more than confine herself to the personal annals, and has given us an animated picture of the Pilgrim times on a larger canvas,— a work which is uncommonly good in its local coloring and literary taste and skill.- Hartford Courant. A Nameless Nobleman. A Novel. 16mo, 1.25; paper, 50 cents. The story displays an uncommon skill in draw ing character, an assured knowledge of the period in which and the people among whom the scenes are laid, and an apparent artlessness A fresher, sweeter, more delightful book we have not read for many a day. Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters. A Story of the Old Colony. 16mo, $1.25. It reproduces the life in and about Plymouth after the Pilgrim Fathers had passed away, and up to the time of the Revolution, with an accuracy and picturesqueness fairly fascinating to the lover of historical novels. Many of the incidents in the story are founded on facts, notably Mother Crewe's curse and its results; and, indeed, every page in the narrative shows that the author has faithfully studied the past with the intention of giving a faithful representation of the customs and manners of the people whom she introduces to her readers. - Boston Gazette. Old Colony Novels. Including the above four books. The set, 4 vols., $5.00. And other Stories of Colonial Life. $1.25. Old historic names, with incidents and historical facts, make the sketches as valuable as they are interesting. Chicago Inter-Ocean. The Desmond Hundred. A Novel. 16mo, $1.00; paper, 50 cents. The name of this story refers to the hundred acres, in the centre of which the heroine lived. "The author understands down East' life and character; and she has for New England people and ways a loving appreciation, a sympathy, that enables her to make her Yankee characters very real to the reader. Indeed, the chief merit of The Desmond Hundred' is its realistic presentment and development of character." - Philadelphia Times. Nantucket Scraps. Being the Experiences of an Off-Islander in Season and out of Season. 16mo, $1.50. CONTENTS: The Going to Nantucket; The Being There; Graveyards; Dionis; The Lisbon Bell; Mrs. McCleve's Museum, the Windmill, and Newtown Burying-Ground; Sconset; The Coffins; The Summer Boarder; The Life-Saving Station; Sconset from the Inside; Whales and Camels, etc. For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price by the Publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 4 Park Street, Boston; 11 East 17th Street, New York. The Atlantic Monthly Advertiser. 31 Receipts for June. Asparagus Soup.-Boil one quart of asparagus (cut in inch lengths) in one quart of water until tender; ub through a colander and return to the water in which it was boiled. Heat one pint milk, stir into it one ablespoonful butter rubbed with one of flour, and cook a few moments. Season, and pour into asparagus. Let get boiling hot, pour into tureen over toasted bread cut into dice. Serve at once. Cottage Pudding with Strawberry Sauce.-One cup of milk, one-half cup of sugar, one egg, two ablespoonfuls of melted butter, one teaspoonful of Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder sifted with one int flour. Bake half an hour, and serve with Strawberry Sauce.-One large tablespoonful butter beaten to a cream. Add gradually one and one-half ups powdered sugar, and the beaten white of one egg. Beat till very light, and just before serving add one pint mashed strawberries. You know what you are eating when you use Teveland's Baking Powder Its true composition is "Pure" and "Sure." Lemon Jelly Cake.-One cup of sugar, one scant half cup of butter, two-thirds of a cup of cold water, one egg, two cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls of Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder. Bake in layers and fill with jelly. Jelly-The grated rind and juice of one lemon; add one cup of sugar and one egg; beat thoroughly and boil in double boiler, till cooked. Spread when cold and frost with confectioner's sugar. White Perfection Cake.-One cup butter rubbed with three cups sugar to a cream, one cup sweet milk, one cup corn-starch dissolved in the milk, three cups flour, two teaspoonfuls Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder, whites of twelve eggs. Ice with whites of two eggs, juice and grated rind of three oranges, thickened with confectioner's sugar. Strawberry Jelly.-One quart strawberries, one large cup sugar, juice of one lemon, two-thirds package gelatine soaked in one cup cold water, one pint boiling water. Mash berries, and strain through coarse muslin. Mix sugar and lemon juice with soaked gelatine, pour over the boiling water, stir until clear, then strain through flannel bag. Add the strawberry juice, strain again, without squeezing the bag. Wet a mold, with a cylinder in center, pour in the jelly and set on ice to form. When served, fill center with sweetened whipped cream. Our Cook Book Contains 400 Receipts Covering the whole subject from soup to dessert. address Free Send stamp and Cleveland Baking Powder Co., 81 Fulton St., New York. |