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If then plain bread and milk will do the feat,
The pleasure lies in you, and not the meat.

* Preach as I please, I doubt our curious men
Will chufe a pheasant still before a hen;
Yet hens of Guinea full as good I hold,
Except you eat the feathers green and gold.

1 Of carps and mullets why prefer the great,
(Tho' cut in pieces 'ere my Lord can eat)
Yet for fmall Turbots fuch efteem profess?

Because God made these large, the other less.


Oldfield with more than Harpy throat endu❜d,




Cries "Send me, Gods! a whole Hog barbecu'd!"


fortune of fifteen hundred pounds a year in the fimple luxury of good eating.

VER. 26. a whole Hog barbecu'd!] The Poet has here given a beauty equivalent to that in the Original,

Porrectum magno magnum fpectare catino,

which, by the flowness of the Syllables, where four fpondees follow one another, well expreffes the enormous bulk of the fish which the Glutton pray'd for.

Ibid. Hog barbecu'd, etc.] A West Indian term of glut tony, a hog roafted whole, ftuffed with spice, and basted with Madera wine. P.

■ Praefentes Auftri, coquite horum opfonia: quam


Putet aper rhombufque recens, mala copia quando
Aegrum follicitat ftomachum; cum rapula plenus
Atque acidas mavult inulas. ° necdum omnis abacta
Pauperies epulis regum: nam vilibus ovis
Nigrifque eft oleis hodie locus. Haud ita pridem
Galloni praeconis erat acipensere mensa

Infamis. quid? tum rhombos minus aequora alebant?
P Tutus erat rhombus, tutoque ciconia nido,
Donec vos auctor docuit praetorius. ergo
Si quis nunc mergos fuaves edixerit affos,
Parebit pravi docilis Romana juventus.

* Sordidus a tenui victus diftabit, Ofello Judice: nam fruftra vitium vitaveris iftud,

Si te alio pravus de torferis.


s Avidienus,

* Cui Canis ex vero ductum cognomen adhaeret,


VER. 27. Ob blaft it, South-winds!] This has not the force, nor gives us the pleasant aliufion in the original, coquite.

VER. 42. Bedford-head;] A famous Eating-house. P. VER. 43. Or ev'n to crack live Crawfi] There is force and humour in dixerit and parebit, which the imitation does not reach.

Oh blaft it," South-winds! till a stench exhale
Rank as the ripeness of a rabbit's tail.
By what Criterion do ye eat, d'ye think,
If this is priz'd for sweetness, that for stink?
When the tir'd glutton labours thro' a treat,
He finds no relish in the sweetest meat,
He calls for fomething bitter, fomething four,
And the rich feaft concludes extremely poor:



Cheap eggs, and herbs, and olives still we fee; 35 Thus much is left of old Simplicity!

The Robin-red-breaft till of late had reft,

And children facred held a Martin's nest,

Till Becca-ficos fold fo dev'lish dear

To one that was, or would have been a Peer.
Let me extol a Cat, on oyfters fed,
I'll have a party at the Bedford-head;
Or ev❜n to crack live Crawfish recommend,
I'd never doubt at Court to make a friend.

'Tis yet in vain, I own, to keep a pother

About one vice, and fall into the other:
Between Excefs and Famine lies a mean;
Plain, but not fordid; tho' not splendid, clean.
s Avidien, or his Wife (no matter which,
For him you'll call a dog, and her a bitch)





VER. 50. For him you'll call a dog, and her a bitch] One cannot but admire the lively turn here given to the Original.

Quinquennes oleas eft, et sylvestria corna;

▾ Ac, nisi mutatum, parcit defundere vinum; et
Cujus odorem olei nequeas perferre (licebit
Ille repotia, natales, aliofque dierum


Feftos albatus celebret) cornu ipfe bilibri Caulibus inftillat, * veteris non parcus aceti.


Quali igitur victu fapiens utetur, et horum Utrum imitabitur? hac urget lupus, hac canis, aiunt. > Mundus erit, qua non offendat fordibus, atque In neutram partem cultus mifer. Hic neque fervis Albuti fenis exemplo, dum munia didit,


Saevus erit; nec fic ut fimplex Naevius, untam

Convivis praebebit aquam: vitium hoc quoque ma



Accipe nunc, victus tenuis quae quantaque fecum


Afferat. In primis valeas bene; nam variae res

Ut noceant homini, credas, memor illius efcae,


Quae fimplex olim tibi federit. at fimul affis

Mifcueris elixa, fimul conchylia turdis ;

Dulcia fe in bilem vertent, ftomachoque tumultum

Lenta feret pituita. f Vides, ut pallidus omnis

Sell their presented partridges, and fruits,
And humbly live on rabbits and on roots:


. One half pint bottle ferves them both to dine, And is at once their vinegar and wine.


But on fome lucky day (as when they found

A loft Bank-bill, or heard their Son was drown'd)
At fuch a feast, *old vinegar to fpare,



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Is what two fouls fo gen rous cannot-bear: Oyl, tho' it stink, they drop by drop impart, But fowse the cabbage with a bounteous heart. y He knows to live, who keeps the middle ftate, And neither leans on this fide, nor on that ; Nor ftops, for one bad cork, his butler's pay, Swears, like Albutius, a good cook away; itslev Nor lets like Nævius ev'ry errompafs, mallibrand. The mufty wine, foul cloth, or greafy glass, leli • Now hear what bleffings Temperance can bring: (Thus faid our Friend, and what he said I fing)


Firft Health: The ftomach (cramm'd from ev'ry


A tomb of boil'd and roaft, and flesh and fish,

Where bile, and wind, and phlegm, and acid jar,
And all the man is one inteftine war)

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Remembers oft the School-boy's fimple fare,

The temp'rate fleeps, and fpirits light as air.



How pale, each Worshipful and Rev'rend guest

Rife from a Clergy, or a City feaft1! ·



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