Plate XVI Vol. IV. facing p-5 F.Hayman del. C.Grignion foulp Shut, shut the Door, good John fatigud I said Tye up the Knocker, say I'm sick, I'm dead. Op: to Arbuthnot. EPISTLE TO Dr. ARBUTH NOT. An Apology for himself and his Writings. Being the Prologue to the Satire. P. HUT, fhut the door, good John! fatigu'd SHU Traid, Tye up the knocker, fay I'm fick, I'm dead. Fire in each eye, and papers in each hand, 5 What walls can guard me, or what shades can hide? They pierce my thickets, thro' my Grot they glide, By land, by water, they renew the charge, They stop the chariot, and they board the barge. 10 No place is facred, not the Church is free, Ev'n Sunday fhines no Sabbath-day to me: NOTES. VER. 1. Shut, fout the door, good John !1 John Searle, his old and faithful fervant: whom he has remembered, under that chara&er, in his Will. Then from the Mint walks forth the Man of rhyme, Happy! to catch me, juft at Dinner-time. Is there a Parfon, much be-mus'd in beer, A Clerk, foredoom'd his father's foul to cross, Is there, who, lock'd from ink and paper, fcrawls And curfes Wit, and Poetry, and Pope. Friend to my Life! (which did not you prolong, The world had wanted many an idle fong) VARIATIONS. After 20. in the MS. Is there a bard in durance? turn them free, NOTES. 15 20 25 VER. 13. Mint] A place to which infolvent debtors retired, to enjoy an illegal protection they were there fuffered to afford one another, from the perfecution of their creditors. VER. 23. Arthur,] Arthur Moore, Efq: What Drop or Noftrum can this plague remove? If foes, they write, if friends, they read me dead. I fit with fad civility, I read With honeft anguish, and an aching head; 39 This faving counfel, "Keep your piece nine years." Nine years! cries he, who high in Drury-lane, Lull'd by foft Zephyrs thro' the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and request of friends: VARIATIONS. VER. 29. in the 1st Ed. Dear Doctor, tell me, is not this a curse? Say, is their anger, or their friendship worse? NOTES. VER. 33. Seix'd and ty'd down to judge, Alluding to the scene in the Plain-Dealer, where Oldfox gags, and ties down the Widow, to hear his well-pen'd fianzas. VER. 38. honeft anguish,] i. e. undiffembled. Ibid. an aching head;] Alluding to the disorder he was then fo conftantly afflicted with. VER. 43. Rhymes ere be wakes,] A pleasant allufion to those words of Milton, Dictates to me flumb'ring, or infpires |