Like Cato, give his little Senate laws, While Wits and Templars ev'ry sentence raise, 210 216 220 No more than thou, great GEORGE! a birth-day fong. NOTES. VER.214. ATTICUs] It was a great falfhood, which fome of the Libels reported, that this Character was written after the Gentleman's death; which fee refuted in the Teftimonies prefixed to the Dunciad. But the occafion of writing it was fuch as he would not make public out of regard to his memory: and all that could further be done was to omit the name, in the Edition of his Works. P. VER. 216. claps, in capitals?] The bills of QuackDoctors and Quack Bookfellers being ufually pafted together on the fame posts. VER. 218. On wings of winds came flying all abroad?] Hopkins, in the civth Pfalm. P. Nor like a puppy, daggled thro' the town, To fetch and carry fing-fong up and down; 225 Nor at Rehearsals fweat, and mouth'd, and cry'd, With handkerchief and orange at my fide; 230 But fick of fops, and poetry, and prate, L To Bufo left the whole Castalian state. 235 240 He paid fome bards with port, and fome with praife, To fome a dry rehearsal was affign'd, And others (harder ftill) he paid in kind. After VARIATIONS. 234. in the MS. To Bards reciting he vouchfaf'd a nod, And fnuff'd their incenfe like a gracious god. NOTES. VER. 236.-a true Pindar food without a bead] Ridicules the affectation of Antiquaries, who frequently exhi bit the headless Trunks and Terms of Statues, for Plato, Homer, Pindar, &c. Vide Fulv. Urfin. &c. Dryden alone (what wonder?) came not nigh, He help'd to bury whom he help'd to starve. 245 May fome choice patron blefs each gray goofe quill! May ev'ry Bavius have his Bufo ftill! 250 So when a Statesman wants a day's defence, Or Envy holds a whole week's war with Sense, 255 Neglected die, and tell it on his tomb: Of all thy blameless life the fole return 259 My Verfe, and QUEENSB'RY weeping o'er thy urn! Oh let me live my own, and die so too! (To live and die is all I have to do :) Maintain a Poet's dignity and ease, And fee what friends, and read what books I please: Above a Patron, tho' I condefcend Sometimes to call a Minifter my friend. NOTES. 265 VER. 248. help'd to bury] Mr. Dryden, after having liv'd in exigencies, had a magnificent Funeral bestow'd up. on him by the contribution of feveral perfons of Quality. P. VER. 265-tho' I condefcend &c.] He thought it, and he juftly thought it, a condefcenfion in an honeft Man to accept the friendship of any one, how high foever, whose I was not born for Courts or great affairs ; Nor know, if Dennis be alive or dead. Why am I afk'd what next shall see the light? Heav'ns! was 1 born for nothing but to write? Has Life no joys for me? or (to be grave) 270 274 Have I no friend to ferve, no foul to fave? "I found him close with Swift-Indeed? no doubt " (Cries prating Balbus) something will come out. 'Tis all in vain, deny it as I will. "No, fuch a Genius never can lie ftill; VARIATIONS, After 270. in the MS. Friendships from youth I fought, and feek them ftill: a By not making the World bis School he means, he did not form his fyftem of morality, on the principles or practice of men in business. NOTES. conduct in life was governed only on principles of policy: for of what minifters he fpeaks, may be feen by the character he gives, in the next line, of the Courts they belong to. VER. 271. Why am I ask'd &c.] This is intended as a reproof of those impertinent complaints, which were perpetually made to him by those who called themselves his friends, for not entertaining the Town as often as it wanted amufement.-A French writer fays well on this occafion---Dès qu'on eft auteur, il femble qu'on foit aux gages d'un tas de fainéans, pour leur fournir de quoi amufer leur oifiveté. And then for mine obligingly mistakes The first Lampoon Sir Will. or Bubo makes. VARIATIONS. After 282. in the MS. P. What if I fing Auguftus, great and good? 280 285 290 P. Be nice no more, but, with a mouth profound, |