50, "The piece, you think, is incorrect? why take it, 45 "I'm all fubmiffion, what you'd have it, make it.” Three things another's modest wishes bound, My Friendship, and a Prologue, and ten pound. Pitholeon fends to me: "You know his Grace, "I want a Patron; afk him for a Place." Pitholeon libell'd me- "but here's a letter દરે "Informs you, Sir, 'twas when he knew no better. "Dare you refuse him? Curl invites to dine, "He'll write a Journal, or he'll turn Divine." Blefs me! a packet." "Tis a ftranger fues, "A Virgin Tragedy, an Orphan Muse.” If I diflike it, "Furies, death and rage!" If I approve, "Commend it to the Stage." There (thank my ftars) my whole commiffion ends, The Play'rs and I are, luckily, no friends. VARIATIONS. VER. 53. in the MS. If you refufe, he goes, as fates incline, To plague Sir Robert, or to turn Divine. VER. 60. in the former Edd. Cibber and I are luckily no friends. NOTES. 55 60 VER. 49. Pitholeon] The name taken from a foolish Poet of Rhodes, who pretended much to Greek. Schol, in Horat. 1. i, Dr. Bentley pretends, that this Pitho leon libelled Cæfar alfo. See notes on Hor. Sat. 1o. 1. i. P. Fir'd that the house reject him, "'Sdeath I'll print it, "And fhame the fools-Your int'reft, Sir, with Lintot." Lintot, dull rogue! will think your price too much: Atlast he whispers, "Do; and we go fnacks." Sir, let me fee your works and you no more. His very Minister who fpy'd them first, 65 70 (Some fay his Queen) was forc'd to speak, or burst. And is not mine, my friend, a forer cafe, When ev'ry coxcomb perks them in my face? A. Good friend forbear! you deal in dang'rous things. I'd never name Queens, Minifters, or Kings; 76 Keep close to Ears, and those let affes prick, 'Tis nothing-P. Nothing? if they bite and kick? Out with it, DUNCIAD! let the fecret pass, That fecret to each fool, that he's an Afs: NOTES. 80 VER. 72. Queen] The ftory is told, by fome, of his Barber, but by Chaucer of his Queen. See Wife of Bath's Tale in Dryden's Fables. VER. 80. That fecret to each foal, that he's an Ass:] i. e. that his ears (his marks of folly) are visible. The truth once told (and wherefore fhould we lie ?) The Queen of Midas flept, and fo may I. You think this cruel? take it for a rule, Let peals of laughter, Codrus! round thee break, 85 Who shames a Scribler? break one cobweb thro', His butchers Henley, his free-masons Moor? Still to one Bishop Philips feem a wit? NOTES. VER. 88. Alluding to Horace, Si fractus illabatur orbis, Impavidum ferient ruina. 90 95 100 P. VER. 96. arch'd eye-brow,] The eye-brow is raifed in the expreffion of infolent contempt. VER. 98. free-mafons Moor ?] He was of this fociety, and frequently headed their proceffions. Still Sappho-A. Hold! for God-fake-you'll offend, But foes like thefe-P. One Flatt'rer's worse than all. Of all mad creatures, if the learn'd are right, 105 It is the flaver kills, and not the bite. 110 A fool quite angry is quite innocent: VER. 111. in the MS. For fong, for filence fome expect a bribe; 120 And when I die, be sure you let me know Why did I write? what fin to me unknown 125 No duty broke, no father disobey❜d. 130 The Muse but ferv'd to ease fome friend, not Wife, To help me thro' this long disease, my Life, To fecond, AR BUTHNOT! thy Art and Care, But why then publish? Granville the polite, And knowing Walsh, would tell me I could write Well-natur'd Garth inflam'd with early praise, And Congreve lov'd, and Swift endur'd my lays ; 135 e; But, Friend, this shape, which You and Curl admire, * Curl fet up his head for a fign. His Father was crooked, His mother was much afflicted with head-achs, |