The Bee: A Collection of Poems, Chiefly Designed for the Young |
From inside the book
Page 20
... truth ; The earth affords no lovelier sight Than a religious youth . HEAVENLY WISDOM . How happy is the child that hears Instruction's warning voice ; And who celestial Wisdom makes His early , only choice ! For she has treasures ...
... truth ; The earth affords no lovelier sight Than a religious youth . HEAVENLY WISDOM . How happy is the child that hears Instruction's warning voice ; And who celestial Wisdom makes His early , only choice ! For she has treasures ...
Page 45
... truth , Guide th ' enquiries of my youth . Wisdom , and experience sage , Then shall soothe the cares of age ; These with time shall never die ; These will lead to joys on high ; These the path of life display , Shining with celestial ...
... truth , Guide th ' enquiries of my youth . Wisdom , and experience sage , Then shall soothe the cares of age ; These with time shall never die ; These will lead to joys on high ; These the path of life display , Shining with celestial ...
Page 46
... Truth ; Adorn thy soul with grace ; prize wisdom more Than all the pearls upon the Indian shore . Think not to live still free from grief and sorrow , The man that laughs to - day , may weep to - morrow ; Nor dream of joys unmixed here ...
... Truth ; Adorn thy soul with grace ; prize wisdom more Than all the pearls upon the Indian shore . Think not to live still free from grief and sorrow , The man that laughs to - day , may weep to - morrow ; Nor dream of joys unmixed here ...
Page 51
... seen , I pass'd - and they were gone . Read , ye that run ! the solemn truth With which I charge my page , A worm is in the bud of youth , And in the root of age . No present health can health ensure For yet an hour D4 51.
... seen , I pass'd - and they were gone . Read , ye that run ! the solemn truth With which I charge my page , A worm is in the bud of youth , And in the root of age . No present health can health ensure For yet an hour D4 51.
Page 52
... truths , though known , too much forgot I may not teach in vain . HOME IN VIEW . As when the weary trav'ller gains The height of some o'erlooking hill , His heart revives if , cross the plains He eyes his home , tho ' distant still ...
... truths , though known , too much forgot I may not teach in vain . HOME IN VIEW . As when the weary trav'ller gains The height of some o'erlooking hill , His heart revives if , cross the plains He eyes his home , tho ' distant still ...
Common terms and phrases
betimes bless'd blessings blest bloom bread breast breath bright burst of joy child Christ creature darkness dear death delight divine dwell e'er earth eternal ev'ry everlasting fair faith fear flow'rs forgive Gittite give glory GOLDEN MEAN grace grief happy hast hear heart heaven heavenly holy hope humble immortal Jesus kind land lawless range light live Lord will provide mind morning mortal Mother mourn ne'er Negro Boy never night o'er pain path peace perfect law pleasant spring pleasure poor porringer pow'r pray prayer pride reign reign o'er rest rich rise Saviour shine sight sing sinners sins skies sleep smiling soul spirit spread star star of Bethlehem sweet Teach tears thee thine thou art thought throne thusy thy love Thy mercy thy praise truth Twas Twill vex'd voice vows to thee wakes the dead wings wisdom word youth
Popular passages
Page 83 - Though in the paths of death I tread. With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord ! art with me still; Thy friendly crook shall give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade.
Page 94 - If I am right, Thy grace impart Still in the right to stay ; If I am wrong, oh, teach my heart To find that better way!
Page 55 - There is a spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest...
Page 153 - From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise ; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord ; Eternal truth attends thy word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more.
Page 154 - Mercies, O my God, My rising Soul surveys; Transported with the View, I'm lost In Wonder, Love, and Praise. W! O how shall Words with equal Warmth The Gratitude declare That glows within my Ravish'd Heart ! But thou canst read it there. Thy Providence my Life sustain'd And all my Wants redrest, When in the silent Womb I lay, And hung upon the Breast.
Page 115 - And darkness and doubt are now flying away, No longer I roam in conjecture forlorn : So breaks on the traveller, faint and astray, The bright and the balmy effulgence of morn. See truth, love, and mercy, in triumph descending, And nature all glowing in Eden's first bloom ! On the cold cheek of death smiles and roses are blending, And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb ! EARLY PIETY.
Page 174 - The hand that gave it, still supplies The gracious light and heat ; His truths upon the nations rise, They rise, but never set. 4 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day.
Page 41 - Tis the voice of the sluggard ; I heard him complain, " You have waked me too soon, I must slumber again." As the door on its hinges, so he on his bed, Turns his sides, and his shoulders, and his heavy head. "A little more sleep, and a little more slumber...
Page 67 - THERE is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign ; Infinite 'day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain.
Page 144 - For though in dreadful whirls we hung High on the broken wave, I knew thou wert not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save.